John Turner has put you in charge of Adult Swim. You can pick one franchise to promote (not Rick and Morty)...

John Turner has put you in charge of Adult Swim. You can pick one franchise to promote (not Rick and Morty), and once to cancel.

Which one do you promote/cancel? Does Adult Swim even have any good shows left?

Promote Mike Tyson Mysteries
Cancel Mr Pickles

Promote Venture Bros. and cancel Rick and Morty.
Done. Easy.

Why would you cancel Rick and Morty? It's by far the most intelligent show on TV, no matter how hard Sup Forums tries to joke about it.

>wanting to watch a show whose defining characteristic is "intelligent"
Sounds pretty awful. And I like it as a "turn your brain off and watch while high" show

Where the hell are the new episodes of Venture Brothers? Promote that. Get rid of Jellies, and cancel anything Tim and Eric.

Fuck you.

For grins, do a Google for a Commodore 64 game called Amadeus Revenge.

What makes Venture Bros. any better than the average "lol so wacky" AS show?

The only correct answer is to promote new pilots as an adult oriented what a cartoon contest and let people pick, and cancel the jellies

Cancel Mr Pickles
Cancel Decker
Cancel Squidbillies
Make more Mike Tyson Mysteries and Venture Bros
Fire Dan Harmon and Jessica Gao from Rick & Morty
Give PFFR a new show
Give Alan Resnick a new show
Give Million Dollar Extreme a new show
Give Dino a new show


Watch the damn show and it should be obvious.

I like Squidbillies... sometimes.


>Cancel Squidbillies
>Make more awkward live action shit


>Cancel Squidbillies
>Give PFFR a new show
how can 1 user be so wrong yet so right?

Squidbillies is nowhere as good as it once was, the fact that it's still going while Aqua Teen remains dead is a travesty

Rick and Morty isn't actually intelligent, it's a show that pretends to be smart but is actually pretty stupid, in an effort to convince people who think they're smarter than they actually are to watch it. It's essentially a cartoon version of the Big Bang theory.

That being said, cancelling it would be a good way to destroy your network.

Promote Squidbillies

Cancel Rick and Morty

>Squidbillies is nowhere as good as it once was, the fact that it's still going while Aqua Teen remains dead is a travesty

Aqua Teen Hunger Force Forever was not actually any better than Squidbillies is now.

Reboot Tom goes to the Mayor

Cancel jellies

While it'd probably hurt the network I'd actually try to look for new cartoons to add to the block on top of the ones already airing, primarily those that would be more experimental, mature, and/or plot oriented. I really want to get Western audiences into accepting more serious forms of animation. But we all know how well that'd work.

More Toonami, starts at around 9 and ends at 1 or 2 in the morning.
Also expand another Toonami into Friday, hosted by Intruder TOM and Corrupted SARA showing older classic shows

Getting rid of Cleaveland Show or only showing one episode a night

More Infomercials, that Clearadryl one really fucked me up and wouldnt mind seeing more of those, at least if only for October

But sadly the rest of the block needs to remain the same because Family Guy is the only reason why we are still here

Call studio Trigger and offer them the midnight time slot for an original series.

Hype the fuck outta it with snarky, ambiguous, "too cool for you" bumpers.

Then the week before the premiere, during the regular midnight block, air the first half the new show at 12.15, then at 12.30 air the regular schedule block.

Then next week, at the midnight premiere, don't air it. THEN at 1am, air the show.

Then the following week, air the premiere that would have been last week, this week, and then at 1am, air the second episode.

And then, the week after that, air the second episode at the midnight slot, and then go back to the regular 1am show.

Then the week following, air a live-action reenactment of the third episode, and the second half of the first episode at 1am, and the first half of the first episode at 1.15.

And then next week, air the entire block as normally.

This is a sneak "how do you improve adult swim" thread so I'll bite.
>Keep r&m, no matter how bad it is, it's popular and brings in money for the network
>Promote the shit out of Venture Bros, make it a staple of the nightly line up
>Keep MtM, Neon Joe, Apollo Gauntlet, The Jellies and Squidbillies
>Cancel robot chicken and everything else
>Continue Moral Orel for its final two seasons
>Greenlight Metalocalypse finale mini series
>Greenlight death fighter
>Bring back 12 oz mouse, PHF and ATHF occassionally for goofs
>Add a fuckton more variety into the line up
>bring back comfy bumps
>bring back the full adult swim shop, more dvd releases+other merchandise

Easy, just promote the fuck out of Venture Bros.

Get rid of all the live-action shorts and bullshit that Adult Swim tries to promote wayyyyy to much and are never actually that funny.

Fire Tim and Eric and never show any of their material ever again


Now that is obvious.

Do people really not GET Tim and Eric?


They are very one note with jokes.

More serious and plot-driven while still remaining funny

>Give Alan Resnick a new show
so much this

>PFFR a new show
Fucking this.
Also a horror series from Alen Resnick would be tight as fuck.

>Wanting to cancel the show that currently brings in the most money

promote Off the Air
Cancel Cleveland show reruns.

If I recall the reason they don't do merch for the show is because part of the deal was all merch sales went directly to the creators which killed off any motivation [as] had to promote it beyond the basic show and airing itself.

This but with album sales is also why they resented and ultimately killed Metalocalyspe.

It's also why in comparison Rick and Morty is being treated like the town bicycle in terms of sponsorship, advertisements and merch. It's the ONE TIME they decided not to give merch rights away to a creator/third party and have been mooching of that tit hard.