Bendis to DC

So I guess that means Ironman and Spider-Man's and Jessica Jones get new writers. No more bendis speak in Marvel. Less canon abuse in Marvel too.

Meanwhile he becomes the new Bob Haney of Dc.

Other urls found in this thread:

>forgetting Defenders

I hope miles will fade into oscurità now.

>Bob Haney
I don't know who that is

I hope all his favorites and OC's get pushed away.

Bendis will do fantastic on DC. DC knows that he can be shit when given complete control, and will keep him on a leash. Get read for another Ultimate Spider-Man tier book, boys.

>Get read for another Ultimate Spider-Man tier book, boys.

Long time dc writer who ignored or didn't care about canon so much. Bobs stories was suggested to be on Earth B instead of Earth 1.


>What I expect from basically every DC thread in the near future

Ultimate bendis Batman.

So I barely read marvel and I only know this faggot because he's infamous on this board. What exactly does he do that's so bad? I know he creates shitty miles or whatever. What else does he do? Does he do stupid ass SJW shit?

Are you ready for all the Bendis defenders to come out of the woodwork now, Sup Forums? He's DC, and they have an almost cult-like worship of their mediocre writers. You'll never be able to say a cross word about Bendis again.



Nightwing or Supergirl are the only books I see him being decent on. Keep him far away from Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, and ALL team books. Please do not let him be the one to write an upcoming Captain Marvel book also.

Based bendis.

He already fucked Marvel beyond salvation. Will he do the same to DC? Where will we go after that?

Is Miles dead?

At least that means his shit is contained in an Elseworld.

Cyborg could work, mostly because no one gives a shit about him.

Put him in an AU like the Ultimates continuity. That way he can't fuck up continuity in the main books. Hell, it would also be a good shield against shitty forced movie synergy.

No one cares about defenders

Honestly I think Bendis could write a pretty decent JLI inspired book, or a Booster/Blue Beetle team book.

That's with a strong editor in mind, but, I think Bendis can do a fun goofy book like that.

Does this mean Spiderman can be married again or was that Quesada?

That was Quesada. Bendis actually supported the marriage, probably only because he wanted a reason for Peter to quit.

Is that Ethan from CAD?

give him Flash, it literately cannot get any worse

Good news is, Bendis will be kept in check and will have nowhere near the same pull as he did Marvel. Not to mention this means possible Marvel shakeups. Bad news, it's still fucking Bendis, and depending what he's given means what books people might drop. Bet you he wants to write a Steel book or Black Lightning.

What if the awful stories and changes he was making over the last year was test to see how far Marvel editorial's back could bend before it breaks?
Maybe he tried to help them, but they were too willing to let him do whatever he wanted!

or he just sucks, which is more likely

I just hope it means he has to produce in an environment without the favoritism he enjoyed at Marvel. Maybe Bendis will have to earn his keep for a change

So who's it going to be?

You know she's going to join the Justice League

Wally West, THE OLD Wally

I hope he does something along the lines of his Daredevil run for DC or maybe he can write a Gotham Central type book

Tim, and it would almost fit due to all that homoerotic subtext that Johns loves

what if every bad decision made by bendis was actually due to marvel editorial?

And he would be combined with the new one to make a mulatto.

It would be funny if he just kept pitching stuff to see what he could get away with, and then realized that no one was ever going to stop him

We all know who he's going for. Bisexual Jason Rodriguez Todd here we go.

I would laugh so hard if Wally got Jean'd.

This would happen if he wrote TT/Young justice.

I meant the "bobby you're gay" page. Marvel editorial is all about virtue signaling.

or maybe I'm trying to project a reason to give him a chance

>You know she's going to join the Justice League

I'm surprised that she hasn't joined already.

As much as I hate the O5, Bendis repeating that storytline with the Young Justice kids might be beneficial given how badly they were fucked by the New52



One of the best things coming from this: retards won't be able to use "He's DC's Bendis" as a non-specific insult anymore. They'll actually have to use words and clarify why they hate so-and-so DC writer.

They can still just say "x is a meme," and feel that their debate has been satisfied

I'm fine with this move if he doesn't touch Bats, Nightwing or Flash.

It's not like DC was actually good anyway, they were just better than Marvel.

>One of the best things coming from this: retards won't be able to use "He's DC's Bendis" as a non-specific insult anymore. They'll actually have to use words and clarify why they hate so-and-so DC writer.

but now we can say that Bendis is DC's Bendis

Bendis is not a mediocre writer, stop overselling his talent.

He's a terrible writer.

I don't think he has any idea who any of them are though, I'm sure he came over for a bigger book.

I'm calling Cyborg.

I'm guessing Tom King is ready to move on from comics and eyeing the movie industry?

Bendis to DC?

Which white characters will he turn black?

Miles has a modest number of fans, so he'll still be around for a while. Hell, without Bendis, he might actually end up being something worth reading.

This. As someone who loves DC’s heroes there are so many thing I’m still mad at them about.

He thinks he writes how people talk in day to day life. In reality he writes how someone socially inept talks.


I can't imagine Johns would bring Bendis to DC just for him to write second-string characters. He's either going to be headlining one of the new imprints or on a big book like Justice League (of America).

I do think Cyborg might be one of the books that he'd take over, though. But he'll definitely be on something else, too.


look at the sky its a plane!
a plane?
its a bird!
a bird?
its superman!
look like this is a job for superman!
job for superman?

The first step to Marvel pulling itself out of the trash. I wonder how DC will handle him and his bullshit though.

Either a Wally or a bat family member. As long as it’s either of these two options I’m fine since I don’t give a shit about either series.

>Priest on Justice League
>Bendis on JLA
fucking monkey paw

>marvel send him to sabotaged DC

I think what Marvel always should have done with Bendis is put him on books that take place in alternate universes and never have anything to do with main continuity.
Hopefully DC does that

He will never have that kind of power to fuck over DC.

its gonna be Tim, and all his homolust for Conner in slashfics will become canon.

DC gave enough power to King to fuck shit up. Bendick will do the same.

The scary thing is it is an exclusive contract. DC must have offered him something big for to jump ships like that. Or in a few years something will come out that he was actually fired from Marvel.

It’s gonna be Damian and Jonathan to please the pedo fujos. Screencap this.

>Marvel writer attacks DC
>DC, instead of striking back, asks him to join them
>writer becomes a DChad who finally writes good stories
How can DC be so based?

Superboy Kon El

>Bendis on a Blue/Gold book

Fuck you for puttin this idea into the universe.

So if this a good or ba thing?

I’m just glad he won’t be an MCU leech any more, always playing favoritism to whatever characters are hot in the movies/TV



probably a good thing for Marvel, too soon to tell for DC

His style is obnoxious, he doesn't read previous runs when he is put on a team (he single handedly nearly ruined Guardians of the Galaxy by basically completely ignoring the previous run and made Starlord get engaged to Kitty Pride, his waifu)

He will write Zatanna
>Ouy era yag!

>ALL team books
I'm pretty sure he's gonna get the JL, since that book has been shit since forever anyway. Now, it could be shit that sells.

But he also was a bestseller. What is Marvel going to do now?

Priest is writing JL, though

Depends on what books he is given and how much editorial keeps him in line. When kept on a tight leash he can be a good writer if given to much power he is awful. But since it’s an exclusive contract he will probably have as much power he had at marvel or a shit ton of money.

Though I'm sad some of his changes stuck even with the current GotG, it at least has been pretty alright since he left it.

Cool. Now he can leech from much worse movies.

It’s both good and bad. He’s been a terrible, low effort hanger-on at Marvel for years, picking MCU stuff almost exclusively to leech off their success and popularity, making the books just like the movies/shows except terrible.

Maybe he’ll actually be compelled to give a fuck anout the quality of his writing at DC instead of writing 4 books at a time and phoning each of them in, which ruined his OC Ironheart.

Personally I’ve hated everything he’s done especially Ultimate Spider-Man and Moon Knight

>Bendis moves to DC
>Writing inspiration increases 100x, writing skills stop atrophying
> he starts working out with Geoff and Greg
> Grows a full head of hair

Will this be Bendis Rebirth?

It could work only if they give him his own book that won’t devolve into OC pandering

He wasn’t a bestseller for his writing, he was a bestseller because he leeched off the popularity of the MCU. Getting actually good writers for concurrent books with the MCU will actually finally bring a few more people into comics

He won’t desire to since they aren’t popular

>Brian Michael Bendis heads to DC
>in exclusive deal

Wasn't Priest just a fill in? And in any case, they'll create some bullshit JLwhatever to put him in.

He ignores every single bit of continuity. He does't care about what other people are doing, or the character's own history, and this extends to stuff that he has personally written.

>Getting actually good writers
I don't think so, Tim.

They'll probably just cancel Jessica Jones, honestly.

>books Bendis would be great on

anything Non Cannon
Chase, DEO agent from the late 90's
Manhunter, Kate Spencer
Steel, go back to the gang war roots
anything Milestone
Lois Lane
Justice League

Keep Bendis away from
Legion of Super Heroes
The Flash
Green Lantern
Legion Lost

I wonder if Bendis is taking all of Marvel's best artists with him, that would be more disastrous for them.