Hey DC fans

Hey DC fans.

Which DC characters would you like me to ruin?


I wonder how Grant would react to Bendis writing The Writer.

At least he finally left Marvel we all thought it would never happen. Hopefully this improves marvel somewhat



If this means we get Priest on something better, then i'm fine with it.

Is Bendis really that bad of a writer that you guys are shitting yourself at the thought of him getting his hands on your favorite character?

I will literally die if he gets within ten feet of JSA or LOSH

Wonder Woman
John Stewart
Black Lighting
Martian Manhunter
Green Arrow
Black Canary
The Green Lantern couple

I'm enjoying his Deathstroke run though.

It's like the comicbook version of Arrested Development.

I swear to god, if they give him The Question.....

He's already taking over JL

Birds of Prey. Supergirl. No one will care if you make them all tranny black lesbians

I guess we'll call the new event DC: Afterbirth.

user, if Brian can pull his head out of his ass and write like he did when he was on Daredevil...it might be okay.

Dick, Damian, Hal, Barry, Martian Manhunter and other characters with gay fanbases

He will petition to replace Superman with a PoC because having a white guy called "superman" is problematic with today's social issues

Perhaps he should be replaced with a woman of color who is very smart and has an afro

Riri, Bendis drop you already.

Now watch as he reveals that Dick Grayson has been secretly gay all along and was crushing on Wally West

you deserve this!

It'd never happen. Dick Grayson is the batfags 2nd favorite character. We would burn his home down and kidnap his children.

now we just need slott to get run off too

Just please, don't touch Jessica.

I'd like Superman to be an overweight (Oops, I meant "weight inflicted") black grandmother with sass.

Do you Bendis will survive DC’s path to /fit/?

Geoff will keep him in line

A short preview of Bendis writing the flash:

>"There is excess power coming from..."
>"The Speed For-"
>"The Speed Force."
>"Yes. The Speed Force."
>"This is bad."
>"Yes. Bad."
>"Really bad."

>"He has travel...to the multiverse"
>"The multiverse?"
>"The multiverse"
>"Like, in another universe?
>"Yes, another universe."
>"So, he has travel to another universe?"
>"Another universe"
>"You can travel to another universe?"
>"The multiverse, uh."

>"My Name is Barry Allen, and I'm the fastest man alive."
>"The fastest man alive?"
>"Yes, the fastest man alive."
>"Do you mean living, or..."
>"I said alive."
>"Okay, that's... cool.

>Just please, don't touch Jessica.
Poor thing. Jessicas' are his favorite.

That is what he said


3 months tops and Geoff is his bitch. Nothing can stop the Bendis.

You know, he likes black characters so much, and he likes tech/relateable characters so much, why not give him a Cyborg book? Maybe he can make the character appealing. God knows no one else has managed to.

>lure Rucka back
>don't give him the Question
it would be the biggest slap in the face

Rucka doesn't deserve the Question back after the fuckfest that was Rebirth Wonder Woman.

Grant wrote himself into his Animal Man run as a character called The Writer. John Ostrander than used The Writer in his Suicide Squad run, making The Writer, and by extension Morrison himself, a member of the Suicide Squad. Grant Morrison aka The Writer is, or at least was, an actual canon character in the DC Universe.

Yes, he is that bad. His OC Donut Steels are fucking idiotic.

>he likes black characters so much, and he likes tech/relateable characters so much
Is he making a return?

>implying DC didn't pay Bendis to make Marvel comics shit

I'm saying that's what Grant's reaction would be

>God knows no one else has managed to.
But Johns is such a huge fan of Cyborg! Can't you tell by how much he uses Cyborg? Let's not talk about how little he fucking does with the character, just how much he uses him.

who are the jewish female characters who could replace Shadowcat?

>DC ships Alonso over from Vertigo
>Quality tanks when Alonso is promoted


Harley Quinn?. She's Jewish

literally can't be worse than Venditti

Refresh my memory, was it Bendis that's actually written some decent Superman comics? Or am I thinking of some other big Marvel writer?

Just keep him away from Young Animals and I could care less

Why not just give him Icon and Rocket? The leads are already black which he loves so what's there to ruin?

Wonder woman

I don't think Hudlin and Cowan would let a whiteboi onto their two main books


He actualy wrotte a lot of great comics, and a lot of shitty comics.


You were born.

Wait, he's leaving Marvel? What, did he finish eliminating every single straight white male superhero they had?


Oh, I guess he did.

Well I guess when one host is dead the parasite moves on to another.

Eh, if he can't find one he'll just have Martian Manhunter read someone's mind and tell them they've been Jewish the whole time. Then in that person's solo book they'll be the Jewiest Jew that ever Jewed to make up for lost time.

Does he even lift?

He was once great in the past but now he is nothing but cancer. Sort of like how Land could actually draw in the past but now is nothing but a porn tracer.

What DC characters do we know he likes? Like based on what he posts on his tumblr or whatever.

For the love of fucking god give this man editor and say no to any story that fuck up character. Rebirth been great and he can easily fuck it up

I care, I'm looking forward to the day Orlando's off the book.

Bendis will probably be glad that DC's fluid continuity means that if fans complain that he's contradicting established canon he can just claim that the last crisis changes things.

Prepare yourselves, Wally is going to get through more hell than ever before

Keep in mind that Bendis is quite a prolific writer in terms of how much he can put out per month.
Expect him to be on at least 4 books.

He is a great writter but a fucking terrible manager.

Geoff Johns will keep in charge, everything will be ok.

Have him write the next year of Injustice.

He can ignore continuity and make every character go full retard. He'll be perfect.

>implying Marvel didn't send him over to DC to sabotage their sales

Why, god?

Johns doesn't do shit at DC though. He's after that movie money.

New Gods
Animal Man
Swamp Thing
Black Lightning
Blue Beetle & Booster Gold


Slott? Bendis has never written Superman.
Mark Miller has also done some great Superman comics.

Bendis has never written Superman, I don't know what you're on about.
He does want to write Superman though.


How Bendis will make Dick gay? Any thoughts?

And he'll call his run Aquas

He'll realize that after scoring with so many women, he's grown bored with pussy and has decided to let Midnighter fuck his butt.

Zatanna will turn Dick gay by using magic.

Will Starfire and Babs turn to lesbians?

To be honest, I'd love to see Jasonfags crying.
Specially if he pulled an Iceman with him.

it'll be Tim.

Can Bendis fix this guy?

The questions for the upcoming Bendis's destructive force, are:
Which iconic male DC character will be replaced by a black teenager girl?
Which heterosexual male character will turn gay?
Which female DC character will become Bendis's waifu?

>Which iconic male DC character will be replaced by a black teenager girl?
Hal Jordan, and he'll still be a pedo
>Which heterosexual male character will turn gay?
Doctor Light
>Which female DC character will become Bendis's waifu?
Mary Marvel

Nah, he just fasts and uses all of his will power not to eat a extra hamburger.

He's going to spearhead Duke as the main character for DC.

yeah, he'll make him a black girl with electrical powersd that nobody heard of before.

Only Milestone gets to touch Milestone characters. DC does not own Static Shock, they just have a deal to publish him.

he single handedly made me give up modern comics.

He writes some of the worst decompression I've ever seen. Entire pages that convey nothing. For someone that used to be an artist themselves you'd think they had a better handle on a visual medium and not just fill panels with word balloons as two characters sit/stand and talk to each other.

I just don't like his dialogues.

Not built for action-centric comics like the majority of current DC titles.

>Doctor Light
>yfw Identity Crisis II Doctor Light rapes Elongated Man

Hes ok when someone is limiting him to his stuff. His street level early stuff was good. The problem is he gives negative fucks about the backstory and previous characterization of most characters. Will simply step in and make everyone act wildly out of your expectations. Stories that fly in the face of their own logic.

He also like to do that puzzle box bullshit lost style where his slow as stories go on for months every reveal just bringing more questions until the end is some bullshit dud he made up at last second.

Also there is his shitty OC bullshit.

and Simone will write Secret Six II where he gets brainwashed by Riddler

>He also like to do that puzzle box bullshit lost style where his slow as stories go on for months every reveal just bringing more questions until the end is some bullshit dud he made up at last second.
I remember a Daredevil arc right after the timeskip that relied on Urich, renowned investigative journalist, not knowing what the woman that Matt married looked like for the "twist" to work

No that will be dog fuckers job remember him an Bendis are buddies

Well...Rebirth had a great run...I guess this signals the decline of DC once more.

>he hasn't read New Avengers
>he hasn't read AvX
>he hasn't read Age of Ultron
>he hasn't read Uncanny X-Men
>he hasn't read Guardians of the Galaxy
>he hasn't read Black Vortex
>he hasn't read Ultimate End
>he hasn't read Civil War 2
>he hasn't read invincible Ironman

I envy the fuck out of you...

Does anyone have that edited comic page where it's bendis tier dialogue that makes fun of bendis tier dialogue?

He's going to be the new Bob Haney, right?

Everything that's inconsistent or downright retarded will be explained via "Earth-B" or something similar.