Why is the article in mexican speak?

Why is the article in mexican speak?

> adults bitching about a short in a movie for kids

I think the film hasn't been released in US yet, so the only place where it's been out it's Mexico where people already caused the short to be pulled out of complainants, I'm not sure if this means it'll be pulled on the US release or not though.

>21 minutes long
That's a full length TV episode

it won't
>source: my brain

I don't think you realize how big that is. Frozen is one of the most popular IP's on the planet, so for people to actively complain about it and want it removed has a lot of interesting implications.

Either that or mexicans really do hate white people, idk.

are we working under the assumption that American soccer moms are somehow less prone to complain about having to sit trough a 21 minute Christmas episode?

from what I've heard the short was making kids impatient and anxious because it ran for too long and made them believe they where walking into the wrong film which in turn made the parents annoyed,

Still, it doesn't change the fact that it's retarded to complain about a short based on a property kids love because you, as an adult, don't care for it. Just go arrive late if you're so buttblasted.

Couldn't blame them. Fucking pigeon-shits.

It seems dumb as hell to put a 20 minute short before a kids movie, of course kids will wonder why the movie they came for isn't playing. Doesn't mean they dislike Frozen per se.

frozen is the only thing saving this shitshow racist movie and they know it

>not wanting to watch overrated garbage is racist

it's basically moden Lion King - that movie that took everyone by surprise,Frozen franchise will be mined for decades.

>racist movie
Tumblr plz

Mexican here, I can explain a bit: Yes, the Frozen short got quite a bit of backlash. Now, I can say the short itself isn't terrible at all. The complaints were mostly from impatient millenials expressing themselves through fucking memes.

However, the short was NOT pulled because of some dumbasses complaining. From what I've heard, the theathers here in Mexico only actually had the license to how the short for the first week. (Oct 27-Nov 2)

This is a completely reasonable complaint

No one would care if it was 7 minutes long like theatrical cartoon shorts are supposed to be. No one wants to go to the theater to watch a tv episode before a movie.

The US won't see this trash unless there's something extra, no one wants to see a bunch of ugly brown characters being poor in what is basically a copy pasted plot from the book of life, the Frozen short is that extra

but user! Christmas and Winnter is coming, how else audience will know that they need to buy another Olaf plushe ?

>21 minutes long
Who in the world thought this was a good idea

Like most parents with little kids, they're just sick of Frozen.

>he didn't like Pikachu's Vacation


The Pokemon shorts were still part of the franchise they came to see. If a kid didn't like Frozen and wants to see Coco, they have to sit through 21 minutes of it.

ah fuck you OP, my abuelita died last year.

you don't understand, the theaters prefer short movies because they can jam them more times in a single day. 21 minutes extra is a lot of time for a cash cow like a children Pixar movie. It takes time for other movies and that means less money for them.
I am just guessing BTW.

But that's wrong. The shorter the movie, the more times the theatre can show it in a day. I wouldn't be surprised if the amount of time all the shorts took up in one day kept them from showing the movie one or two more times


According to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, a short film is any motion picture with a running time shorter than 40 minutes.

Legitimately interesting not even being facetious here.

Keep in mind that scheduling in people's lives can be an issue. Plenty of parents have days scheduled out with their kids, so they look up the movie's runtime to know when it's over so they can move onto the next thing. They see that the movie is 1 hr. 30 min. and plan around that. The Frozen "short" basically staples another half hour to their theater time that they couldn't account for that throws off their day.

Not to mention that the audience is a bunch of kids. The kids went to the theatre expecting to see Coco, not Disney princesses. Now the parent has to reassure the king d for the next twenty minutes that they are going to see Coco, and not Frozen. And these can be really young children, so good of luck with that.

>pay money for product
>don’t meticulously research it beforehand because this is supposed to be a leisure activity that you think you know how to navigate by now
>unexpectedly receive excessive amount of completely different product and have to sit and wait through what amounts to a 20 minute toy commercial to get initial product you signed up for

No, this seems like a legit thing for paying customers to express their dislike towards, whether they’re adults or not. It’s not weird to walk into a theater with a poster promising you a movie about a brown kid and some skeletons celebrating day of the dead in mexico and be a little put off by getting 20 minutes of two white women singing about christmas in magical norway (AFTER all the regular trailers and advertisments.) Especially if after that first ten or fifteen minutes when the ‘short’ seems to be getting a little stretched and doesn’t have an end in sight, you start wondering just how long it’s gonna be and it really does start to simulate the feeling of having walked into the wrong theater.

I personally wouldn’t mind as somebody that would know to expect it, doesn’t have anything against Frozen, and wouldn’t be bringing a confused little kid that needs to have it explained to them while the short is still playing- but I can totally see why some random gramma might be upset.

The vast, vast majority of movie goers don't look up what shorts are playing before the feature and their run times. 20 minutes is more than long enough for people to head back out to the lobby and berate the poor fuck in the ticket booth about the wrong film being played.

I think originally the Frozen short was going to be a made-for-tv feature or something, but they decided they might sell more tickets to Coco if they stuck it in the theater instead.

What year did they come up with that definition?

>Still no rule 34 of the mexican shota
explain this

Mexicans do not care about white lesbians ins the snow, they want to se their Catrinas in dia de Muertos

Same way burgers don't care about mexicans and only want the snow lesbians

Yeah below a certain age kids kinda don’t have a concept of time beyond the present moment and can be wildly impatient. That and it must be very frustrating when the short amounts to about three times as long as usually expected, so imagine telling a kid three minutes into it that it’ll probably be over in ‘just a few minutes. two or three minutes maybe’ and then they very patiently wait 5 or 10 minutes more but eventually need to call out that bullshit because it’s still fucking going.

He's ugly as fuck bih, get some standards first. Besides, you're not looking hard enough.

I think you underestimate how many white people are in mexico.

When everyone has white recessive genes, it doesnt take much to see them come out in one way or another.

>book of life

stop, even mexicans agree,coco was great,not visually,but touching as fuck,just like in the pixar movies you love.

Kids already can't keep still for a full movie.

Maybe yours.

Them just attaching it for no reason seriously pisses me off. If I wanted to see something of Frozen that was longer than 6 minutes I would do so, and they should have just made it a mini sequel inbetween films.

So, mexicans hate frozen?

Fuck beaners.

fuck you shitlord


not all, but I do

Only spics gonna watch this shit, we want Incredibles 2 goddamnit

This. He’s an ugly shota.

There are no ugly shotas, all shotas are love except the fat ones.

and the ones with a bowl cut


was it strange to find him oddly attractive?

Chinga tu madre americANO

It's an OLAF short, is like watching a 20 minutes ong about Jar Jar Binks or Scrappy Doo.

>Either that or mexicans really do hate white
people, idk.

No, we hate other brown people, in fact I've heard a lot of people comoplaining that Miguel's family was "too black"

they didn't pay to watch a 20 minute frozen "short" and 21 minutes? man that's just too long

Nah, I did too. But the attraction ended as soon as the movie was over.

mexicans are so irrelevant whenever some trashy movie about their "culture" comes out they like it out of need for attention. coco was trash, pendejo

buttmad sudaca detected

I like it, but not because of that I would want to sit through over 20 minutes of Frozen before the movie that I want to watch

The holiday FROZEN short was originally intended to be a 20min tv special with 10mins of commercials which would air FOR FREE around Christmas. That's why it's way longer than the last FROZEN short film "FROZEN FEVER".

Disney noticed that they majorly overestimated how many fucks Americans would give about a CGI Mexican "Dia de los Muertos" film.
>they Panic
Disney FROZEN holiday tv special is no longer free to watch on network tv, but instead you now have to now pay to see it in theaters in hopes of #SAVINGCOCO.

Mexicans can be white

It's in the previews timeframe right? There's no reason it should be pulled, though I agree a 21 minute fucking short is retarded to put there, they should just air it as a TV special or put it on bluray

Disney has gotten way too bold for their own good.
>Completely gutted Pixar
>Trying to buy out parts of FOX
>Putting a 21 minute short in front of a movie
>Trying to bully theaters with the ultimatum of "you either show our movies for insane periods of time or you can't have it"

20 minute long shorts can be fun

This whole thing is very odd seeing that people actually walked out of the live action Cinderella film once the Frozen Fever short which played before it was over. I knew a bunch of people who only went to see the live action Cinderella film in order to watch Frozen Fever.

Was Pikachu's vacation 20 minutes?

Also at least that was still pokemon.

I am Mexican and I didn't get to Watch that short because that's how Mexican people are, the chimp out easily.

> Here you go friend I give you a short film along with the Coco Movie for the same price.
> [Autistic Screeching] NOOOOOOOOOO!!! Give me What you say you'll give me
> They always put up with +20 min that consist of 3 trailers and a lot of government ads

>However, the short was NOT pulled because of some dumbasses complaining. From what I've heard, the theathers here in Mexico only actually had the license to how the short for the first week. (Oct 27-Nov 2)

Extremely underrated post.

I wonder what kind of autism will breed in these threads once it comes out in the US.

>sit through 30 minutes of commercials then another 20 minutes for a short
>have to wait almost ONE HOUR before the movie actually starts.

it was a christmas episode that focused on Olaf and had too many songs that aren't even good. Also most people saw it in spanish so the dubbing is pretty annoying at least for myself.

I'm glad they took it down.

I'm Mexican and I don't agree, I didn't like coco I thought It was bad written and average animation, Mexican people like it because we're very nationalistic and proud of our culture and touch some nerves with how we are big families, of course I shred a tear becuase I thought about my grandma and how I haven't see her in a while. But still movie its bad

I think the 20 minutes of advertisements before movies are a way bigger problem.

>kids getting bored in theaters
Amazing the joyless fucks here

this too.

its too much waiting time. especially if you wait to get in the theater.

en el cinepolis al que voy, se molestan en cambiar la resolucion de la pantalla para presentar unos comerciales que realmente no se ven tan diferentes, y luego la vuelven a poner como estaba, es molesto tener que sentarse en silencio viendo como la barrita sube y baja lentamente

The worst of it is that preshows are nothing but ads, so when the movie finally 'starts', you just get more ads. Either give the film's correct airing time, or fuck off.

they wanna make sure you go get your popcorn.

Heh, I went out of the cinema thinking how beautiful it would be to have a family as big as the one in the movie. Then I remembered that there is only one person in my family worth something and she is still alive
This family thing is cute and all, but very exaggerated in media
I liked is a bit once I turned off my cynical attitude, but it was very pandering with all the talk about family, ancestors and explaining the traditions.
The animation was good at closeups and whenever a petal was involved, but The Book of Life has a much better style and more waifuable skelingtons
Cinemex uses screens that are like 20cm shorter than the projection for the commercials; see how much they fucking care

Once you're in the fucking theatre, you probably aren't going to go get fucking popcorn because you don't want to lose your seat.

exactly. or miss the beggining of the movie.
I was confused when I saw logan and wondered if I had missed an important part when he started fighting those cholos.

He is cute in the little boy selling gum on some dusty street corner way, I can imagine him nervously looking around after you tell him to fuck off and pulling his shirt up with his teeth and pulling down his pants mumbling in broken English he can show a good time for a couple pesos.

someone draw that now

Poor people ask for dollars
They are poor because they are lazy, not stupid
>His cinema does not have numbered seats


>not having a theater that has reserved seating

what if Sup Forums doesn't like it either when it comes to America?

Well then complaint about the commercials first not about a short, 20 minutes more or 1 1/2 for the price of one its a great deal, put up with socialist ads is not

I figured they’d show the same amount of previews and then the short to maximize shilling instead if cutting all the previews in favor of a short.

Are previews really typically 20 minutes long? I mean that feels believable, but also kind of wrong that that much theater time should be dedicated to them.

People already complain about trailers getting longer and longer. Theaters don't do shit.

This always bugged me about movie theaters. If you have to go to the bathroom or want more food, you're fucked

they're more like 10 minutes but certainly feel like an eternity.

The worst is when its election time, the political parties put their ads at the beginning of the movies.

They are also very loud so even if you want to check out and ignore them they certainly make you listen.

Not watching it with a friend

I remember being confused at the presence of gen 2 pokemon when I first saw this and a little pissed that they were making more than the original 151. Though I kinda liked Marill.

I'm gonna break it for you and say that he polishes shoes in the plaza, his family has a shoe workshop and isn't really poor.


>go to see Pokemon movie
>get Pokemon
All is well.

>go to see Coco, a Day of the Dead movie
>get Frozen Christmas special
People are understandably confused and perhaps a little annoyed.

I do have to admit that when Disney announced it would pair the Frozen christmas short with Coco I did not foresee this outcome.