RWBY/RT General #1272: Five Years Edition

Rules of RWBY/RT General:
>1. Love RWBY, hate RWBY, just don't try to tell us it's good
>2. Read the pastebin:
>3. Arguing about the thread isn't discussion
>4. Don't believe their lies.

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Lancaster, Iceberg, and Eclipse are the ships that will happen. You don't have to like them but they will happen.


>ice cream daughter
>doesn't give a fuck about where she is or what happened to her in canon

>unironically shipping

I hope that RJNR and SWBY will be the teams that happen and stay til the end.

Kill Yang or Cuddle Yang?

Who is the S?

Reminder that there will never be any canon lesbian ships in RWBY.


Cuddle with her mom

user. No. That would make SUN the leader.


Lancaster won't be canon but the other two might

>Lancaster will be canon

I can't see that happening.
Sun is gonna stick around probably but I really can't see WBY listening to him. Especially when Ruby isn't too far away.
I can barely see WBY listening to Ozpin.

Press "F"

>Especially when Ruby isn't too far away.
She's not meeting anyone from her old team for a few volumes and by then she'll have a stronger bond with her current team and stick with them instead.

>This edition

Aw, thanks OP. Love you. I'll provide with a girl of your choice.

> Ignoring all the signs that Oscar will get with Ruby then leave her to be butt buddies with Jaune.

Eclipse is all but canon at this point dude. Like, legit they have only left to do the whole kissing thing.
Iceberg would depend on if Neptune ever comes back but I really don't see that happening.
Lancaster would only have a shot at the final episode in the epilogue, if not right before the final battle where it's likely Jaune would die after it.

Fuck dude, Dragonslayer has more chance than Lancaster.

where is the source again?


RWBY is set to reunite by episode seven of this volume user.
JNR will probably adopt Oscar as the new P while Sun joins them as they head to Vacuo for the Summer Maiden while RWBY head to Atlas.

It won't be canon, user.

You are welcom user.
Also, check'd.
>God fucking why Amazon.
>Ruby Dakimakura

Thing is unless they plan to give them a spinoff there is no way they are gonna leave a Summer Maiden plotline that wide open or have it be handled offscreen

No, RJNR is set to stay together for a while and Yang most likely doesn't want to and won't see Blake for some time.

It wont be cannon annon. M&K wont risk the controversy from Lancaster

It will be. That's the direction the characters are heading. You can dislike it but can't deny it.

Pyrrha did literally nothing

It won't be. That's the direction the characters are heading. You can dislike it but can't deny it.

There's no contravercy from Lancaster. And even if there was RT wouldn't care.

You seem to be ignoring a farmboy shaped hole in your route annon

>Implying that the Summer Maiden plot wouldn't be JNPR's arc over the next couple of volumes while they find her and attempt to add her to the fold.
Honestly dude, I'll never not advocate a JNR spin-off of some kind.
However I guess JNR and Oscar are in this for the long haul as honestly RWBY+JNPR seems to be one super team or at least will become one.

Shitposting will get you nowhere user.

Brah have you ever seen reddit or Tumbler. Its downvoted in mass and Tumbler posts are spammed to death

Its utterly loathed there and those are the people RT listens too

haha time for shipposting

Shitposting won't make Lancaster canon, user.

I would fucking love that honestly. I would buy 2 copies of whatever came of it. But I just dont think it will happen. Both for costs reasons and fear of backlash

Yes she did and she'll burn for what she's done.

A Not-jew(tm) is still a jew
They had fanart for samson and what would Asolom even be. From a casual look he was just a bog standard manipulative privileged rebellious douche

never understood the character

I mean I want to argue but those digits are too powerful. I must try.

You know hat RNJR is gonna stay together until the end of this volume, by that point they will either join with team RWBY or head off to parts unknown before returning with new gear in four or five volumes time.
Yang will probably really want to see Blake user. She is her partner and they have some shit to sort out.

>RT listens to tumblr and reddit
If that was true everyone would already be lesbians and Jaune would be dead.

Tumblr is filled with lesbian ships but RT is never going to make those happen so your argument reads false.

Wouldn't most people be fine with a JNOR spinoff? It would solve all the screentime whining.

i want her to put her stub in my ass and punch grimm with me

The super team or the JNPR spin-off?

They can't handle one show. They can't handle two

But RT will make Lancaster happen.

>If that was true everyone would already be lesbians and all the guys who aren't Qrow would be dead.


Don’t forget Qrow would be gay as well.

They won't.

Nah. They wont be happy till they are all dead or just gone completely

Considering how much BB is teased and how quite they get whenever concerns from that section of the fanbase come up I imagine that Jaune will probably dead in 2 volumes and some RWBY ship will be cannon

He was the son of David who rebelled because frankly David was a shitty king. At the same time he was also a Tyrant who was kind of nuts. Yet all this started for wanting to avenge his sister.

JNPR spin off. It would be fun and I could finally stop watching RWBY

RJNR is more than likely staying together for a few more volumes and even after meeting her old Ruby would most likely stay with RJNR. Yang and Blake might meet in this volume but they won't sort thing out in this one.

There is no body
There is no body
There is no body
There is no body
There is no body

>how much BB is teased

They will.

Do I need to pull out Burning the Candle and the song that blew up the internet. Or how about all of Arryn and Barbs tweets

They won't, user. They specifically removed a hug as to not imply anything between Jaune and Ruby.

>They had fanart for samson and what would Asolom even be
Absalom was far from a rebellious cunt. His sister dearest was raped by their half-brother and Absalom hunted his arse down for two years before killing him brutally.
The people loved him and he did try to fix the judicial system that was horribly flawed at the time.

He then promptly went off the deep-end.

>the song that blew up the internet
Not canon
>how about all of Arryn and Barbs tweets
Not the writers

>Not canon
Oh so suddenly one song isnt? There was no way M&K didnt know about it

>Not the writers
They ARE however people who M&K will absolutely listen too and if they suggest it enough they will do it

They will. They just didn't want the relationship to seem forced so they pulled it back for now but they are still going to get together.

What would they play annons

Real talk that seems so fucking weird considering how freely they tossed out hugs before and after

They only removed it because the voice actor asked them to but they still wrote and animated it. RT want Lancaster and it will happen.


Annon its not happening. just give up before the disappointment kills you. I speak as a fellow Lancaster fag. There is no hope for our boat. If anything Oscar is probably hooking up with Ruby

Preferred format for the JNR spin-off?
Personally I was thinking comic. Relatively cheap to produce and not all that difficult to keep to a schedule.
Either that or give us JNR adventures in the off-season instead of Chibi; just JNR doing Huntsman things and saving towns.

In all honesty user, the only outlier for RWBY not joining back up would be Blake but even she would come around after the assault on Haven.
Genuinely, depending if if the assault of Haven happens this volume or next, RWBY will be fully reformed and ready to roll.


>Because a voice actor asked

Fucking who?

>They only removed it because the voice actor asked them to

Unless Lancaster is the slowest burning and the endiest-of end-game ships.
Chances are indeed, that Rose Garden will be the Ruby romance.

I'm ok with a comic. Though I would prefer novels as you can cram alot of easy worldbuilding and exposition. Plus it allows for first-person narratives

Honestly I think the most likely way this volume ends is JNR + Oscar separating from Team RWBY.

Which is a kind of a shame because fuck if Oscsar isn't the blandest little fuck so far. Like hell I would prefer Ruby single at this point

Aint him but shouldnt of this kind of statement have come from M&K themselves?

I really can't do first person narratives.
They kill it for me, I find them so difficult to do, they're like the epitome of self-inserting. It's odd.
Besides, comics allow you to do both "show, don't tell" and exposit things much more easily if you have somebody that understands how words work.

Would they really get of Ozpin this quickly though? and what would they do? Just put them on a bus for 5 volumes?

Nice trips but why? Especially why Oscar who is of such high importance

JNR spin off would actually be a pretty good idea. They could use all those characters the introduced in seasons 2 and 3 without turning the show into a clusterfuck.

Fair enough. I prefer them because you get to see people at their absolute cores. With all the lies they tell themselves and everything.

Besides, I think your really misusing self insert there

I don’t get lesbian ships in RWBY. There's zero evidence or support for them in the show and all the girls have explicitly stated they like guys.

>Aint him but shouldnt of this kind of statement have come from M&K themselves?
It was addressed by Jeff, who said the song was an apology for the soundtrack being late. M&K don't have much to do with the soundtrack and most of it is all Jeff.
Yeah, this should have come from M&K but with it coming from Arryn it leave no ambiguity as M&K would have been screamed at or people would go "like they'd tell us before it's in the show" kinda shit.

They and Arryn must realize to some degree of her influence in the growing BB fandom

Its shipping, if they look good together then it's shipped, no matter how garbage it is in concept

Fair enough. Still this whole thing still seems like a terrible oversight. Like what was jeff thinking? How in any world would this make things better?

Mainly because it'd be an easy way to focus the story back on RWBY for a volume or 2 without having to pander to tumblr completely.

Does Oscar count as a trap if he has an old guy inside him?

I don't really expect Jeff to realize just how cancerous the shipping fandom had gotten at the time, he knew a lot of people liked the ship and probably thought this would be a fun gift for them.

If an old man is inside of him then it's gay.
And illegal.


But he doesn't look like a girl.

Also pic related

Jeff isn't even a very internet savvy guy. His only social media presence is a Facebook account and he finds it weird that people spend hours pouring over and discussing his lyrics