Be Bendis

>Be Bendis
>be the "best" writer Marvel has
>have an in depth look at the future of the marvel universe, possibly knows what's supposed to happen years in advance
>jumps ship weeks after the big legacy relaunch

Also: what he's interested in writing

Nude Tom Brevoort swimming in tons of unsold America, Squirrel Girl and Hell Cat issues.

>Go, Bendis! Go out and zap to the extreme!
>To the extreme?

I will! Thank you Brevoort!

>back to basics superman

Please no. I like the Superfamily.

I was thinking he meant something like the new Spectacular Spider-Man, but good. So no big world ending plots, just red underwear Superman going on comfy adventures with 60's era art that can come out on a weekly basis

What? Haven't been on Sup Forums in a while so what happened?

Bendis is going over to the DC table, he signed an exclusive with them

I have very conflicted feelings about this.

Believe in DC and all will be well

Any news on who the new Spider-Man writer is gonna be?

It just happened today, which is why we have so many threads about Bendis.


>quotation marks in "best"
>DC is interested

Why did DC did this? Sup Forums Sup Forumsnvinced me the guy is shit and DC is the gold standard. But DC wants shit?

>be fan of DC books
>hope Marvel will someday not be a living-in-denial, SJW-pandering, festering pile of sewer rat shit
>see Bendis jump ship
>see DC NOT throw Bendis an anchor

And DC was doing so well.

Shouldn't he be a Yellow Lantern?

>Back to basics Superman
Please let that be an Ultimates style Elseworld only...

You have a fucking sticky you faggots.

I actually like Bendis. Good street teir stuff, also a fan of secret invasion, New Avengers, and his uncanny x-men

Shut up cartoonfag, you're an embarrassment to this comic book board

>Why did DC did this? Sup Forums Sup Forumsnvinced me the guy is shit and DC is the gold standard. But DC wants shit?
Early Bendis, like early Waid etc., put out material that was fine. A change of scenery honestly could be what gives him a spark back. DC's editors also seem to be generally pretty good when it comes to keeping their talent focused and keeping their books clean - basically actually doing their job.

DC: OMD when?

The writing on the wall of course.
He's a white man at Marvel, there's not place for him.

Maybe he'll stop being fat too.

Plas is going to be on the Terrifics
Supes, Lois & Jon are probably the best thing goign for DC
Idk what Johns has planed for the LOSH but i doubt he made any promise yet.

I could see a return of The Adventures of Superman tho

What do you mean? He literally lost weight the second he declared for DC

>Ending of DC's major event 2020

>*Portal opens and a black teenager appears*
>Flash: Hey everybody who's that?
>Black teen: My name is Myles Moralez, and I'm not sure how I got here.
>Batman: Welcome to the team, Robin!

Then Myles proceeds to be bestest Robin ever! Even better than Dick, then he takes Damian's place in all the books he's in,he becomes Jon's new BFF, and Damian just gets forgotten.

>back to basics superman
fuck i hope this doesn't get rid of the super family

>Batman: Welcome to the team, Robin!
>not: Batman's Ghost: Please take my mantle I have just been killed by Joker!

If he does then I will become an io9 writer, get hired by Marvel, then kill all that he made and loved in that universe.

But why, user!?!?

Do it, I double dog dare ya!

>Noir Plastic Man
>Back to Basics Superman
>Basically meaning a super serious Plas and the death of the superfamily

Does DC have a fitness program everyone must oblige to?
Good for him.

>inb4 Ms. Marvel tells Jon that he's gay

Fuck meant to say Ms Martian

By back to basics Superman I assume he just means Superman saving the day. He can do that with a family.

He answered this question in Feb 2016. Which is before Rebirth and before the Superfamily, we still had New-52 Superbro.

So by back to basics I take him as meaning pretty much what Tomasi and Gleason have given us.

Plastic Man is the only one I think he could pull off.

Honestly I'd be OK with the weekly supes, AS LONG AS IT DOESN'T TOUCH THE SUPERMAN FAMILY. it could be a nice little ongoing, especially if set into a '60 universe with Batman 66 and WW 77

You guys are all morons. He answered this way before Rebirth.

Yes, because ALL noir stories are oh-so-serious. No way he could be talking about a humorous spin on the concept, no way, even though Bendis is a firm believer in the Church of Quips.

But Bendis isn't good with that type of humor though

Keep him away from superman or give him something like the adventures of Superman ongoing they relaunched awhile back, on a side not Strange visitor is one of the greatest superman stories ever told

as long as he sticks to street level stories Its fine.
But yeah OP is right, how shitty the situation is on Marvel to get him to jump ship?

I remember reading somewhere that he was a big fan of O'Neils' Question and would like to write that. The Plastic Man idea sounds pretty cool.

He could do an out of normal continuity series. Dc has been doing a number of those lately in addition to the earth one stuff.

my sides

See, that's an amazing idea. Especially with the current status quo, Clark can focus on smaller misadventures with his son and it can be a fun book. It's just that I don't trust Bendis with that idea at all.

I like his Plastic Man idea, as long as he keeps Plas’ humor. And let’s see how long a LoS series would last.
Fuck him if DC let’s him touch Supes and his family, tho.

I wouldn't be surprised. Bendis's man crushes at Marvel: Luke, Spider-Woman and Daredevil were all edited by O'Neil back when he worked at Marvel

I don't get why DC would even want Bendis. Don't they see he's largely responsible for Marvel's current situation?

He saw classic Marvel characters being not shat on.

He saw Feige and Gunn telling him to go fuck himself everyone he tried to speak to them.

He saw his precious Riri being demoted and replaced with Tony Stark.

He saw an Avengers team that resembled the classic team everyone loved.

He saw Wanda being a popular character again as a result of Infinity War.

Bendis was horrified. He could not comprehend this dystopian nightmare...and so he fled, like the pansy he is, over the hills and far away.

Because now DC is holding all the cards

>back to basics superman
OMD Superman confirmed

>Believe in DC and all will be well

[Vietnam flashbacks of New 52]

>Don't they see he's largely responsible for Marvel's current situation?

Maybe he got shit canned, and started begging DC friends to save him? Civil War II was the start of downward spiraling floppy sales.

>Don't they see he's largely responsible for Marvel's current situation?

You are forgetting Spencer/Waid/Aaron/Slott or editorial dummies like Alonso/Brevoort. Bendis is just one part of the problem.

so he can shit them

>Be Bendis
>grow up reading DC comics
>"Superman is my favorite!"
>all his friends are marvelfags
>learns how to "write" comic books
>grows up and gets a job at Marvel
>Uses the skills he learned from reading DC to make one really good Spider-man comic
>"I'm in"
>slowly take control of the company for 17 years
>purposely decrease the quality of the content in Marvel
>use diversity as a means to make comics even worse
>Marries and black woman and has two kids just to make it look more convincing
>Go out with a bang, having killed spider-man, hulk, iron man, and cyclops, while at the same time replacing them with their all new diverse counterparts that Marvel can't take away without looking bad in the eyes of the media
>moves to based DC
he's finally home :)

what if... what if Bendis actually gets rebirthed?

I honestly think its editorial and corperate mandates fucking over Marvel at the moment, 3 out of the 4 writers you listed are proven, competant, and can be good at what they're trying to do. but they can't do that when their dumbass boss is fucking with their shit constantly.

Spencer did Superior Foes, and The Fix at image
Aarons Thor God of thunder run was epic as fuck and totally decent, and Southern Bastards seemed to be received fairly well...
Waid... well he's just been around forever and knows wtf hes doing most of the time, even if he does have some stupidass agenda going on like he has lately

somethings fucky in the mouse house of ideas.

It's possible

There's another relaunch next year and he knows its going to fail and they won't be able to pretend anymore

Citation needed

He became a stick with a loose skin suit.

Where do I start if I wanna read this superfamily stuff?

New 52 had a lot of good books though

>civil war II
>slott cucks him from killing spidey
>his black oc still deemed one of the spider-men instead of THE one
>the even itself ends up being shit and is bashed by everyone who's ever heard of comics
>next event ignores everything that happened in CWII
>other shitty black replacement is hugely unpopular and is appointed to be replaced by the titular hero
>gets assigned to write his supposedly "forte" but draws zero attention
>boat keeps sinking
>gets buttmad and fucks off to DC

Source: his ass

Admittedly, it's not far fetch. Everyone who's not a shill can see the bad PR and general apathetic comic readers.

Well, he can’t black or gay DC characters without becoming more of a stereotype of himself. However, I dont think he can help himself. I see DC putting him on a leash since they seem to exceecise more editorial control than Marvel in recent years, but I hopefully his SJW ego will create conflict and he’ll end up writing Rainbow Brite for IDW.

Lois and Clark from the DcYou days.

More bad than good.
Even now all the damage form that mistake has yet to heal. Most has been fixed, but not all.

Someone called Bendis a liberal douche but I can't think of him pushing left-leaning politics into anything, just diversity/legacy characters and quirky dialogue/shitty jokes.

Legacy is just a place holder. What you think they wont relaunch back to 1s now that there big number push tanked? C'mon guys its fucking Marvel


Because it's just the same old shit. The only difference is Bendis finally fucked off.

Keep believing this, plebeian

I think he just signed away his privileges

He believes he'll be a superstar able to do whatever the fuck he wants with DC IPs like he did under Quesadilla-Alonso's reign and will fall flat on his ass when all his editors overrule him. His sales aren't hot like he used to and his name has actually started to get people to drop books

I don't think he'll last 5 years without begging marvel to let him back in.

>all that Legion baiting in rebirth leads to a bendis book
I don't like this universe, I want to switch.

Nefore he is allowed to write for DC he have to lift everyday and gain chad muscles.
His contract clearly says that he has to be /fit/ to be a part of DC.

>Bendis raping Plastic Man

Blue Lantern? This is a Joke..

This is the biggest tragedy of 2017 so far, I'm seriously considering dropping DC because of this. Bendis' flaming garbage ways are just to much. I've lost all hope.

I pray with your dubs for that to happen sooner.
May the shriveled cunt known as Bendis fail in every future endeavor .

Please don't put Didio next to Bendis.

He'd be jerking off too much to move and you know it.

>He's a white man