You thought it was a snake? too bad it was me, Loki!

>You thought it was a snake? too bad it was me, Loki!
Did they drop the whole advance tech=magic thing?

Was it ever really a thing? I mean, Loki's been casting ilusions since Thor 1. Did they ever explain that?

Magic, or at least in the MCU, is just a term used to describe science no one wants to explain

Jesus that gunmachine scene is such fucking hollywood garbage.
And people wonder why amerifats like to go columbine

The magic actually being advanced technology doesn't make sense if you consider how OP Thor is compared to other asgardians. Unless Odin was giving Thor nanomachines to make him powerful and lightning generating powers, then why don't all asgardians have those powers?

Odinforce, son. Royal bloodline

That's a really shittty explanation

welcome to comics.

Odin is weak as dick though
Like if Loki could just send him to midgard then why didn't he do that a thousand years ago? Why did they need to kill off Odin? He could've just stayed on the bench. No one was going to go into Infinity War hoping to see more of Thor's supporting cast after Thor 1 and 2

God, I hope so.

Because for a time, Loki thought he could earn the throne the easy way by letting Thor continue to be a ignorant dick. And they killed off Odin because Hopkins is sick of playing him, and they needed to give Thor a power boost for the Thanos fight

Odin states that he was surprised and proud that Loki managed to trap him on Earth for so long. He’s very powerful but Loki just outsmarted him.

He died because nobody wanted to put up with Anthony Hopkins phoning it in anymore.

Loki never tried to do anything till the events of Thor 1. He didn't know he was a frost giant till the movie. Then he tries to kill his real dad to impress his adopted father. He likely could have sent odin to midgard then and been done with it. He still had his mom Loki wasn't about to pretend to be odin and fuck his mom.

Then avengers, and thor 2 happens.

I mean, it seems pretty clear to me why he never did it earlier.

Magic=advanced science is really a cheap and stupid trope and gimmick. Plus science is a method of discovering and explaining things, it's not a force by itself. So it would be "magic=advanced technology" but again, with no actual explanation, it might as well be magic and magic works better than just assuming technology is going to get to that point without the slightest explanation of anything real, material and concrete connected to it.

Like saying "the atoms do this or the molecules do that" or SOMETHING. Magic works better by just saying that magic acts on matter differently and is composed of a different kind of matter that's not automatically available to interact with like regular matter?

I just think it's cheap writing. "Gods=aliens with earth god names for some reason" is cheap too.

>Magic is just advanced technology
>Technology is logical
>Dr Strange doesn't believe in magic, tries to find a logical explanation for it
>Dude there is none it's magic lmao

Listen, Marvel has no fucking idea what they're doing anymore, alright?

Not since Age of Ultron.

Fucking THANK YOU.

He seemed really into the character when he was pretending to be Loki. Maybe he's just bored of playing regular Odin.

>He seemed really into the character when he was pretending to be Loki.

This. This so hard.

You're welcome. I don't think I did a good job explaining it enough though. Taking a backwards approach, I say they use the "magic=tech" approach out of laziness or embarrassment of magic. Which doesn't make any sense since they have Dr.Strange now and have no problem with magic I'm assuming (never saw the Dr.Strange movie yet).

So what's the problem with magic? You can even have advanced tech BASED on magic. Like magic being the fuel source for a machine that otherwise operates under normal laws of physics.

I like the Magic=Science thing when some effort is put into it.
Even the minimum amount like in The Sorcerer's Apprentice with Nick Cage.

Well, magic is drawing power from other dimensions, according to TNO.

If you have the ability to make time and space your bitch with something like the Bifrost, and travel to other worlds and realities as you wish, then where magic ends and technology begins gets kind of fuzzy.

You have magic, and you have technology, and you have technology that runs on magic, and you have magic improved by technology, and everything in between. At that point, explaining your cool shit as 'its magic' is probably exactly as truthful as explaining a lightbulb to a caveman with 'it's electricity'.

>"Gods=aliens with earth god names for some reason"
I don't think you understood this part, they were the gods "from" earth.

>Mewmew destroyed
>No Captain America bringing the hammer down on Thanos now

Anything is possible with infinity stones, Satan

But can Thanos see why kids love cinnimon toast crunch?


We all know Thor is getting another hammer

>Did they drop the whole advance tech=magic thing?
Yes, thank fuck. They're actually referring to themselves as gods in this one.

Is this the kind of topic you nerds discuss to pretend you're smart?

Why would he get a new one? Is he Thor, God of Hammers?

Are people SO CASUAL that they think that the science and magic are the same thing is NOT present in the original Thor comics?

For fuck's sake, Kirby threw at it his own beliefs of ancient astronauts

If the Asgardians and Dark Elves use magic, why didn't the Sorcerers of the London Sanctum try to stop the Dark Elf version of Kaecilius in The Dark World?

Thor had it handled.

Because hes fucking Thor and the casual audience both loves and associates the character with the hammer. Going Raiden bare handed against Thanos is lame

>Which doesn't make any sense since they have Dr.Strange now and have no problem with magic I'm assuming (never saw the Dr.Strange movie yet).
Sort of. In the Dr. Strange movie, they mostly skirt around the use of the word magic and instead say they're accessing energy from other dimensions/planes of existence.

Was it weird to anyone else that they made a joke about Thor being "God of hammers", but there was no joke about Hela being goddess of swords? Like every second she was on screen she materialized swords and the only time she did something with death was when she brought her army back to life, but even then it was the eternal flame's power and not her own.