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holy fuck Raimi

what is his problem?

I always thought it was weird that in the Raimi-verse professional wrestling was real

Who wins?


I would pay money to have a character based around explosions renamed to that
Holy fuck that’d just be the greatest

the holocaust didn’t actually happen you fuck

Holocaust was a nice word. Shame it can't be used anymore. Same with Swastikas.

*blocks your path*

Cmon, really? Why would you possibly believe that?
Im more upset thise formal nice early 20th centurarynmilitary outfits the nazis used cant be used anymore without comprissons to nazis. i still think because of their dedication to science and doing experiments humanitaran shitbags dont have the guts to do makes the nazis cooler then the axis and wed be living in 2000ad by now if theyd have won

It's called a shoot, you ding dong diddly bonehead.

We've already done shit like human chimeras. Cheese-grating Jewish kids wouldn't have been of much use and all the findings would have been politicised.

They regime would have probably degenerated after the initial revolutionary euphoria and withered away like the soviets.

Why can't you use the word holocaust anymore?

>wed be living in 2000ad by now if theyd have won

But we're living in 2017 ad right now.

>They regime would have probably degenerated after the initial revolutionary euphoria and withered away like the soviets.
Good point, its probably for the best they lost anyways
I meant the comics you literal dumbass

Then maybe you should've specified that instead of assuming that people think of a comic book instead of a year.

Because "holocaust" means "Holocaust" now.

Calling him The Human Holocaust would be like calling him "The Human Catastrophe" only with more alliteration and more literary cred. Would work great for a villain name, but now he'd have to be a Nazi.

>calling other people dumb while idolizing nazi germany

Because denying that the holocaust happened is illegal, but denying the existence of the word itself isn't.

You talk about building a really big bonfire and people think you're going to burn Jews. Makes the Holocaust Cloak in The Princess Bride a lot more confusing unless you know the original meaning of the word.

The ad said amateur wrestling, which is legit. Why a shoot wrestling company has a steel cage is beyond me.

>Because denying that the holocaust happened is illegal
Hahahahaha, the absolute state of the european caliphate

You're watching a fucking comic book movie and complaining about something not being real


You Yanks take that little "idiot-entitlement clause" you call freedom of speech way too much for granted. Try that flag burning shit here you'll get a $2000 fine and a broken nose.

>the holocaust didn't happen
>but I wish it did

Freedom of speech shouldnt be allowed for feminists and neo nazi faggots, but being able to burn the flag makes our country infinitly better then your dictatorial shithole, and i hate america

>haha it's just ironic guys we're only kidding

On the comics he literally canonically made it a shoot, brother.

>Ben looks directly at the camera

Maybe Bonesaw was out there trying to put on a 5-star Meltzer classic in that bingo hall but The Human Spider went into business for himself and shot on the guy. Like a reverse Mass Transit Incident.

Can SUPAIDA MAN defeat Iron Crosses new creation?

Sex Ferguson would've had a 6-star match that night by himself.

My favorite Scene was when he beat up that one Jew and impregnated a Sheboon at the same time.

This Movie was truly ahead of it's time.

Why not just legalize treason and anarchy, you self-righteous gadabouts. It's one thing to criticize your political figures, your institutions, and your parties, but defiling that which, by definition, belongs to and is constructed of all that you are and all that your neighbors are is an act of unabashed misanthropy and validating it is just normalizing it. You historically-ignorant revisionists like to think that it's a symbol of sublime freedom, but ask Greg Johnson what he thought of his fellow man. The "burning flag" might have become just another flag to wave for you culture-less heathens, but it is an act that could only have been devised by the criminally deranged and civilly malignant.

What was ironic about that scene Raimi made it very clear the point he was trying to make, if having the audience chance white power wasn't enough for you to understand that then the Uncle Ben scene from before should have been enough.

>"peter, i dont care how many times you nag for one, where not getting a mexican house maid. I can see through youre excuse that it would "help may around the house", you just want to fuck her. But what happens if she gets pregnant and papa pedro demands you marry her? You really want to be with a spic all your life? Beaners are nasty people. Their degenerate reliance on drugs and their refusal to work has made their country a shithole, and now those wetbacks are crawling over here like they own the place. Trump will build a wall, and your precious would be beaner GF will be gangraped and thrown into the pits of hell like her kind should once trump deports those taco crunching scum. Get out of my fucking face, your no nephew of mine"

Europe is a fucking refugee filled shithole, and every flag should be burned over there like the shit countrys they represent.

clearly the man in red but the kite paid off the ref.

>t. le 56% face

Hey, throwing shit at your neighbor or people far away is perfectly in-line with European tradition. Just saying you should probably cut down on the shit diet.


Easy there, euroshit. You don't want to get too hot headed. You might take all that frustration of yours out on your car's horn and be jailed for 5 years due to racist hate crime honking.

Jesus Raimi tone it down a bit.

Why the fuck would you want to live in 2000ad, the place is a shithole.

How many gooks did Uncle Ben cook?

I love that video
What the fuck are you talking about

As many as there are grains of rice in one of his delicious pre-packed meals.

New Jack could beat any of these capeshitetties.

New Jack is legitimately insane though

Yes, wrestling being real is not real.

Are you still there? Give more character details and I swear I'll make a comic about him.

How can one man be so BASED

who tf is this

Wait, so the Princess Bride wasn't poking fun at the thought of millions of jews burning alive?

And this mentality is why we remained on top and why your countries are trash.

Imagine being so subhuman that you care if someone completely unrelated burns a piece of cloth?

If Andre the Giant was jewish, I'd call it 50/50.

Can someone explain the Raimi meme?

>Legalise anarchy


I want a robot sex slave and i want to be able to mock fatties again with most of the public agreeing with me
People started joking about how "did your boyfriend make it" couldnt be said in modern times, so it got turned into people saying that rami put alot of pollitically incorrect jokes in his films. My favorite are the uncle ben rants

Come to think of it, his full name Andre the Giant Nose seemed pretty significant.

I agree with the sentiment that it's disrepectful, but it still shouldn't be illegal. State-enforced patriotism isn't real patriotism, and if you notice, people who actually do care about their country criticize flagburns and anthem-kneelers all the time without needing any laws to back them up.

>People who criticize protesters are the real patriots
This could not be more wrong

People who care about the country criticize what the protest is about, rather than criticizing kneeling during the anthem like a bunch of flag worshipping savages.

Why don't you go ask all the people who burn the flag how much they love America?

If they hated America they wouldn't do anything or they would just leave the country. The fact that they are protesting proves that they love the country they live in and want to change it for the better.

To a lot of people, the flag and anthem represent men and women who have died for this country. I've course they'll be upset when you disrespect those symbols.

This would be a better argument if veterans and soldiers across generations didn't stand up in unison and tell those faggots that being able to exercise their right to protest is the reason they enlisted in the first place. Seems pretty rude to presume to speak for people who can speak for themselves.


How many times does it need to be spelled out for you Drumpfers? They are protesting police brutality and racism. Take the star spangled dragon dildo out of your ass for five seconds and listen to something besides GOP propaganda.

Duh. The real issue is uppity niggers, but we're not allowed to just say that yet.

>in unison
You definitely have people on both sides of the issue. Like I said, you should have the right to do it, but that doesn't change the fact that when you burn my flag, you're showing contempt for everything it symbolizes.

I wonder if it's the same one guy making all these threads.

But anyway. Again. Not Sup Forums. Fuck off.

>Fucking christ kid, seriously?! At least name yourself after something that actually happened!
What did Raimi mean by this?

Its funny because the only reason kneeling became a thing was because a soldier advised it was a way to still be respectful.

Everyone knows what they're protesting, but I don't have to like or agree with it. It's not a targeted protest to kneel for the anthem, it's a very general act that antagonizes people who have nothing to do with police brutality. It's dumb.

>I am the future flash

Man this movie really predicted a lot.

>Peter... please... You have to carry on my legacy. There are millions of kikes out there that need gassing. It won't be easy, but I know you have it in you boy. It's in yer blood. Kill 'em all Peter, every last one.

>Disowns him
>Then has the audacity to ask him to carry on his legacy
None of his blood is even in Peter

Bonesaw > Dr. Octopus > Goblin I > Sandman > Goblin II > Venom > Gwen Stacy

Prove me wrong

It's all to make him stronger. You have to destroy the weak 'nice guy' virgin Peter Parker so he can be rebuilt into the strong 'proud white man' chad Spider-Man.

But Spider-Man is red

>Uncles and Nephews don't share blood

He was white at first but the years of mongrel blood took it's toll.

Well they might as well have each other's semen.

I'm dumb and forgot that Ben was actually related to Peter's parents and didn't marry into their family





There’s an X-men character called Holocaust with bio-nuclear blasts and life draining powers.

I fucking hate Sup Forums

That's Sup Forums. Sup Forums hates that meme/

>That's enough to get you offended.
Yeesh, we've really gotta get less moral fags in here.

thank god. i thought i liked a Sup Forums meme

I liked this one better

What did Raimi mean by this?

Alright that's enough.

you can tell because it honestly follows typical Sup Forums humor structure

Am I missing something? Why is that odd?

I dunno how to tell you this