There are people out there so assblasted over TTG that they’ll put time and effort into making something like this

>There are people out there so assblasted over TTG that they’ll put time and effort into making something like this

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just makes the old Titans look like a bunch of jerks

I wonder if there are people ready to commission thousands of dollars worth of torture porn of the TTG cast, like that one guy who's given $3000+ to Polyle for Astrid torture porn.

Weeb Starfire's looking kinda fat.


I wanna see humon Raven dominate chibi Raven with her superior size

Nothing compared to what Sup Forumsutists do because of western media.

Does someone have the JLA pic? You know the one

>not liking something means you're assblasted
How dare that artist draw something. Don't they know it's wrong to hate bad cartoons

chibi Raven is stronger than 2003 Raven tho. She has toon force


Someone add the OG Comics Titans looking down on the cartoon lol

No way...

Now draw the comic Titans being best friends with the TTG versions.

he is even more autistic than I thought

and I already thought he was one of the worst people on the net

This is not his drawing if you couldn't tell.

2003 Raven has more fetish force by looking more appealing to my dick so she wins

Which is impressive considering how huge a bunch of jerks the go titans are.

Astrid from how to train your dragon.
Some of it involving getting fucked by pigs.

t. assblasted weeb

Someone should make a version with Stardust, Popeye, Shaggy, etc.

>There are people out there so assblasted over __________ that they’ll put time and effort into making something like this
Welcome to Sup Forums.


GO raven is stronger because she is just plain more powerful. Toonforce doesn't come into it.

I wanna see this.

Man who the fuck would lose to Kirito.

Where's Gintoki?

Okay... why would this group go after the Justice League? Did they get tricked? Did someone frame Superman? All of them wouldn't fight them unless they have a reason to.


Now that's what I call buttmad.

Now that’s what I call bootyangered

This reminds me of Multiversity.

Ok. But Why?

Oh shit! Tell the Titans to get away from those super deform

Manhunter or the flash. Jobbing is what they do best.

Remember when AnimatedJames made this? Why and how isn't he in hot water yet? It could easily be taken as a death threat.

Well when the TTG movie comes out, we will see.

>treats the comics with the respect they deserve

TT Starfire looks fat

She is fat compared to GO Starfire


No Gon or Killua. Artist has objectively shit taste

they esentially do.

3k USD for the pig torture porn?

well obviously, he draws on a pre-k level

The comics are shit and deserve no respect.


I'm pretty sure the Astrid torture porn is a sex thing. People will pay an unreasonable amount of money for sex things. That probably isn't the case for this sort of thing.

Dude, OPM is there. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that picture because that's exactly what would happen if you had Caped Baldy after you.


And then, you were so assblasted about a piece of inconsequential fanart that you made this thread.

It all checks out.

>Goku not front and center

That puny weakling?

is there a piece with the comic titans looking down on the anime titans?

What possible use could Misaka be in a fight against the justice league?

>making more money than SU

kek, modern merican animation, gentlemen

well, that's too much for Marvel / DC

Than how is that a chad positive?

there is a least 3 of them that are overpower as fuck and one with meme powers.


Plastic Man can fight Saitama and leave Goku to Superman. The rest are shit

reminds me of that turtles movie. with the 2001 turtles constantly shitting on the 80s turtles


And there are AssBlasted TTG writers that go out of there way to make episodes specifically to take shots at Teen Titans OG/comic fans.

the cartoon is better and recognized as such [/spoiler/]

Saitama can comprime Plastic Man into a tiny little plastic ball and throw him into the space quickier than he can react.

>comics fans
They never did that you 2003fag

>having any chance against the last son of Krypton

I'm sorry but original Teen Titans was overrated cringy psudo-anime bullshit. I'm sick of hearing ass-blasted fanboys' lamentations. I'm not sorry.

Over time, yes.

It could easily be a sex thing, but it still remains that Polyle is $3k+ richer from one guy who really seems to hate Astrid.

>Comics fans?
Did you seriously just write that? Fuckin casual retard.

And yes they did you casual chode choker.

>pre-timeskip Luffy
So weak, any JL would rekt him in seconds

>being this stupid
2003fags are cancer

Get into a tub with a jellyfish you special ed retard.

This is kinda cool but literally why is Saitama even there. So out of character.

He'd beat Batman pretty quickly, but with the general gap between him and the other league members Luffy couldn't even beat them after the time skip.

Please leave the witty banter to the adults

More to the point, all these anime heroes would respect the western heroes. This is just really sad projection

Here's a towel, use to wipe the cum off your lips and ass.

I dont really get the hate, the original TT was extremely goofy, i know it had story and serious moments but it did do goofy shit, very identical to TTG.
Can anyone explain to me why people are so pissed? Is it because its "chibi"? Is it because there is no story? Thats it right? But..its not even the same series.
I dont get it.

Original TT wasn't "goofy", it was FUNNY. Like, genuinely, laugh-out-loud funny. And then it flipped on a dime to become crap-in-your-pants serious, at least if you're in the target demographic.

So all of that, plus not having an actual story.

>it was FUNNY
It wasn't

Chad isn't supposed to be positive, he's supposed to be ridiculous and over the top alpha

For example virgin is afraid to make eye contact, Chad locks eyes with everyone he meets until they're forced to look away
>his fans don't like TTG
>That means TV is on it's way out


>another e-celeb that banks in on the TTGhate
When will these cancerous autismos get real jobs? If the 200th episode was indeed foreshadowing and TTG is getting cancelled they'll all miss out on exactly 80,000 views (I've been counting)

>What's ruining Teen Titans
>Literally nothing on Rebirth or any other comic
How the fuck do you become a secondary for animation? It's like one of the easiest mediums to explore and expand on.

Man, this is the most entry lvl as fuck anime picture I've ever seen
I mean, good fuck. A fucking two year old could name all of these

So is Sup Forums pretending to like TTG since it's popular to hate it now?

Nice LARP there buds

>ITT: contrarian LARPers

TTG is bad is just a meme. The show is actually good

>the majority are on TTG's side
At this point you're the true contrarians.

Well you won't get hits and (you)'s if you say that the show's hit and miss and that a bad episode and a good episode is like night and day.

>samefaging this bad

>Sup Forums is the only site in the world
>forgetting that Sup Forums hated TTG once


I don't understand what you mean, friend!

It's only samefriending if you reply to you'reself kiddo. Here it's two separate thoughts

No one does. You either hate it and make videos on how much you hate it or just say you like it, there's no middle ground.

>there's no middle ground

Why does this happen?

I can't tell if this post is serious or not.

Only real threats for the League are Goku and the bleach guy. And the latter mostly for fighting with hax

>All that shitty text gumming up the bottom left corner.

Why ruin your work like that?

Because watermarks.

To be honest I could totally see goku and saitama both wanting to join the justice league seeing it as way of finding strong opponents
It could be kind of interesting seeing the capes, characters who are fighting for truth, justice etc and some form of tragic backstory interact them who are mainly in it for the fight itself