Bojack Thread: I like the Sad Horse Show

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Why doesn't Bojack just take some fucking anti depressants? Go see a therapist man. Its not like its a financial thing.

Anti-depressants don’t magically fix you user.

They can help though. Bojack seems to be trying everything he can to fix his depression but talking to a doctor about it.

I've been on anti-depressants for six months and I haven't felt any difference in my mood.

Tell your doctor, adjust your dose, shift your medication.

There are like five steps after your first trial on antidepressants if you are still suffering major depression

>frying your brain with chemicals
Kek, good job amerifat.


It took me about two years of changing dosage and medications to finally find one that worked for me. And I don't really find that they change my mood. It just makes me emotionally numb to things that used to bother me a lot. I'm not happier, I just have an easier time coping.

I've never bothered watching any further than the first season, which was pretty good. I don't begrudge later seasons existing, but also feel absolutely no impetus to actually watch them, due to my objective awareness that they're just going to be, at best, more of the same, and I've already had my fill. Damn good theme song.

90% of mass shooters were on SSRIs.

not only is he depressed, he's also a sperg

>brain is a complex system of chemicals
>not using chemicals to adjust the brain

It's worth it just for season 4 but season 3 kind of sucked

No, they don't, the moment you realize you are only kind of happy just because of them, and not for your own merits, it's a long downhill with no brakes.


t. autist
Took em for ages and they were great. Only stopped because of side effects. One of the main reasons you aren't happy without them is purely brain chemistry - some people are just straight up born sad. These pills help balance those chemicals to a more normal equilibrium. What you're feeling isn't "artificial happiness," it's a balanced mental state that you're unused to from being sad all of the time.


Your brain is a big squishy mass of chemicals and electric charges. Any sadness you feel is a result of chemicals and charges.

I'm not claiming that antidepressants are perfect (fucking far from it) but they do work overall for plenty of people. Claiming any improvements you manage on them don't count is like claiming that any muscle you gain while eating protein doesn't count.

Decreased libido or weight gain?

Fun fact: an occasional side effect of antidepressants is suicide.

>the last time someone in BoJack’s family went to a head doctor they came back with a lobotomy

I wouldn’t be surprised if Bea raised BoJack to never trust the mental health field, ever.

In season 3 BoJack actually makes fun of somebody describing their “rock bottom” moment as identical to the place BoJack was in at the end of season 1. BoJack says their story is weak and launches into topping it spectacularly with his place at the end of season 2, and then says he still hasn’t reached his real level of rick bottom.

I’m not saying this to encourage you to watch the other seasons, I just think the show wants the audience to know sometimes that they try to take things further than where they’ve already been.

But they also don’t work for everyone. I was on them for a year and a half before I had just had enough. I didn’t feel any better, and they were an extra expense on my already tight budget. Daily excercise improved my mood far better than any of the myriad pills I had gone on.

sometimes big pharma gives the wrong chemicals. they used to prescribe paxil to teens. but then those teens might hold up their school at gunpoint or attack their mom.

or someone might start using a pill, then their body resists it and it doesn't help them, then if they come off of it too fast they become suicidal.

maybe you should consider that the big pharma chemicals can be more dangerous for certain people. some chemicals are safer. like THC

>implying big pharma
Psychedelics did more for my mental health in a few hours than almost a decade worth of pharmaceuticals and therapy.

Not gonna disagree that shit like psychopsilocybin can be super helpful, but I think big pharma would really invest in it, if the US and Canadian government would smarten the fuck up and legalize it.

Yeah, but how many times did they adjust the dose and/or the medication? It takes weeks to see the new regimen take effect sometimes. And if it is really unresponsive to all pharm interventions, there are other medical treatments too.

Not saying exercise isn't a good tool as well. And yeah, the financial aspect of it sucks.

>like claiming that any muscle you gain while eating protein doesn't count.

that really doesn't count though

>like THC

I'm anti legalization but THC and CBC probably has decent pharmaceutical properties.