Provide References and keep them to one image/post.
>Keep requests Sup Forums related and keep them concise.
>General OC discussion belongs in "Work on your art" and the Donut Steel threads.
>However, OC requests are allowed as long as they aren't /trash/ material or fanfiction. If it's not /coc/ you must provide a link to the comic or cartoon.
>Be patient and take it easy! Don't forget to check the booru to see if your request was filled.
>Drawfriends, don't hold back.
>Keep art critique short, otherwise take it to the Batman thread.
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Don't fight spam with spam
>No begging.
>Have fun!

>Collection of Deliveries:

>Drawfriends Gallery List:

>Drawing Books, tutorials, practice websites, and drawing programs:

Previous thread: 96590884

Other urls found in this thread:

Sorry, HERE'S the previous thread:

Requesting this with Holly Blue as Peter and Carnelian as Meg

Requesting Bee cosplaying as Haruka from Senran Kagura (top right)

Draw Dominator on a throne of skulls, por favor

requesting Sup Forumslette doing the same as Jon in this strip.

Requesting Wendy Corduroy interacting with a tiny elf Dipper.

Requesting your interpretation of the personality on any of these character fusions

Requesting a POV of Mr. Frond's hand(s) grabbing Ms. Jacobson's butt with her looking over her shoulder and down towards the viewer (in this particular case, Mr. Frond).

You decide Ms. Jacobson's expression

Requesting Angie wearing only bikini bottoms and covering her breasts with her hands.


Requesting Dipper from Gravity Falls going like this

Please and thanks!

Requesting Shadow Spawn From Beyond The Stars gf manifesting out of some shadows in the pose of the image on the right, but while blushing and smiling.

Requesting Shaggy in his Red Shirt & blue pants playing NES With Rebirth Starfire

Requesting Mr Mackey as the PBS Logo

Requesting this being a Thing

Requesting Wheeljack as Carl from Aqua Teen

Requesting Johnny Bravo and Mary the Zookeeper dancing together in pose on the right and in formal clothes too.

Requesting Lady Darkseid answering the door wearing Clark's suitcoat or white polo, and his trunks

Requesting Ned Flanders as James Moriarty

Requesting any Sup Forums boy as a trap

Requesting Billy Dilley proudly waving a green flag while standing atop a bruised, scarred, and defeated Korgoth as a menacing Mickey creeps up behind Billy, wielding a giant ax

Requesting Katara resting her chest on another Avatar girl's head. Like Toph, or Jin

dammit, the op pic on catalog look like she was jamming her arm into some major fucking cleavage

Requesting Yayita wearing the dress from the movie, lifting it like the right ref, only wearing smaller panties or a thong something like that.

Requesting Mrs. McClellan wearing the superheroine costume of your choice.

Requesting Jungle Princess in the headhunter outfit

Requesting Tiff Crust and Courtney Babcock with one thumb hooking in their shorts/panties pulling one side down so you can see they aren't wearing any panties. Bonus points for tan lines from where their panties should be.

Requesting Margueritte Grey either in sexy lingerie or a sexy corset.

Hey hey! Can I get a "Star Butterfly with Narwhal Magisword" Please? Using it, holding it, posing with it, I don't care. Please?
(Its shoots hearts btw)

Requesting Webby attempting to seduce Louie

Nobody likes Bee, trust me, try something else.

requesting a 16 year old Timmy Turner, and a 22 year old Vicky flirting with each other and trying to be cool about it, while both are thinking the same thing; "oh god He/She's gotten hot!!!"

Requesting Black Smurfs rioting in LA

Requesting Angel as an actual Angel.

Requesting Wilhamena wearing a skimpy sling bikini in the same pose as the girl on the right asking Enid what does she think of her new bikini with Enid looking really flustered saying what do you need a bikini for, you cant even go out in the sun!

Requesting Jane Foster Thor wearing metal bikini

I remember there were some really good Alfie/Nicki Minaj deliveries a while ago, so requesting Vera Toleman, like in any of the Cardi B images on the bottom.

Requesting Jester princess doing something cute with her dark magic that has horrifying implications.

Requesting the Lost Galaxy Power Rangers doing the Ginyu Force pose

Requesting Tina wearing a cute summer dress.

Requesting Your Interpretation Of This Comic.

is a Comic Based on the original Idea of Connor Gordon (the original creator of Lydia, for a contest called All Kids Can Character Search)

the history of the comic is Lydia. (with 7 years), he plunged into the shallow end of the pool, and suffered a spinal injury that paralyzed from the waist down.

Requesting this two girls like in the image on the left.

You again?

Requesting Hela dressed as Enchantress from Suicide Squad but keep the helmet on

Requesting Jasper as Shadow the Hedgehog.

Requesting the left image with Ahsoka

Requesting Swamp Thing as a Yoshi

Requesting whichever of the pic related girls you choose.

Requesting Devastator fighting DCAU Giganta in Tokyo

Requesting Wonder Woman getting a Phone call from George Takei

Requesting Faora-Ul dressed as Superwoman from Earth 3

Requesting Pic related but with Miss Martian as Dende the White Mage

Requesting Timmy & Vicky dressed up as these two on the bottom

Requesting the giant magnet from The Brave Little Toaster as a cute girl.

Motivational music:

Requesting a cute scene between Time-Traveling Kamala and 60s Peter Parker

Requesting Katana dressed as 2B from Nier

Requesting Toxine form Wakfu doing this pose with Voldo from Soul Calibur.

That's 70s Peter. He always wore that stupid fucking sleeveless jacket thing in the 70s.

Requesting Iron Man fighting Soul of Cinder from Dark Souls 3

>sleeveless jacket thing
... You mean a vest?

Yeah, that!

Requesting a drawing of the very muscular Shinbreaker from Wakfu.

What the fuck?


looking good

Requesting Raven having a great time at Demon Prom.

Requesting any thicc characters cosplaying as Keksandra

Requesting Princess Marco embarrassingly showing off the inside of his glove

(Also add gloves plz)

Requesting pic on the left, with rule 63 Raven and Beast Girl

Superman hugging Livewire's ass.

Ben being pinned to the wall by Looma's ass.

Requesting Ghost Nappa inside Firestorm's head.

Requesting Vicky dressed as Raynare from High School DxD.

Requesting Prison-Meg Griffin standing in a JJBA pose with Hot-Meg Griffin as her [Stand], similar to Jolyne Kujo and [Stone Free].

>splooge will never do commissions

why even live

Requesting Shelby wearing a "Monster Milk" shirt

Requesting Honey Lemon in leotard

Requesting pic related but with Sailor Jupiter on top of Thor

Not mine but the wip someone posted in the last one.

Requesting a chubby Femseid snacking away, oblivious to the winter weight she's putting on thanks to her discovery of stretch pants.

Bonus if it's Supes that notices but is too kind/frightened to say anything

An attempt was made.

Not OR, but that's nice

That's pretty cute, Jam.

>drawing fanart of the worst Noodle design

The fuck?

>having a nigger opinion

The fuck?

Seconding these.

Wouldn't reversing the Megs make more sense?

Requesting Ruby drawn like this

But Hot-Meg already has a stand name

Requesting Angelica Pickles in a skimpy sling bikini with a pose plz.

Requesting some kind of interaction between Saitama (OPM) and Rapunzel (tangled). I was thinking of Rapunzel draping her hair on Saitamas head playfully and laughing about it

They're my two favorite characters so it'd be greatly appreciated

Requesting Emma Frost having whipped Apple Pie & a mug of Coffee while watching Spider-Man's Stand-up Comedy

>liking jamie's post-party slut Noodle

The fuck?

Requesting Doctor DOOM in Lannister clothing,


thats pretty rad.

Counter-Requesting this with Tony Stark instead of DOOM.

Requesting the Aqua teens Welcoming Aquaman to the team.

As her power source lies in her breasts, I'd like to request Super Milf charging up to unleash the attack shown starting ta 1:25 while shouting " GUREEETO BURESTA" please.