Did they ever...you know?

Did they ever...you know?

>Implying Pinky and the Brain were not in a loving homosexual relationship

I'm pretty sure Pinky would be crushed in the process.

That would explain his retardation.


No, I don't know
Would you mind explaining what you mean?

but i thought farfignewton was a girl

brain was in love with Billie who was basically a rule 63 pinky

Sometimes people just cannot come up with different designs. Like Chris Sanders.

I will draw it if necessary

user, it's always necessary.

It is necessary.

do it.

Whip it out scatman user

I suck at drawing them tho

Looks p Good to me user

Do it

Do go on. It's coming up well.

And if you have spare time, consider a sketch of if you'd like.

aw it doesn't suck at all

>It's a Pinky spends a few hours with his entire body except for his nose deep inside his horse gf's rear taco episode

Probably as far as I'll go, sorry.

I have absolutely no idea how a mouse doing the horizontal hokey pokey with a horse could ever work, so now you must draw this to put my mind at ease.

Oh wait, you did.
Good job user now I can rest in peace.

Nice. Thank you drawfriend

Not bad.

That's good enough. Nice job!

user....... if you do the second request, please post it somewhere. Anywhere.