This kills the DC TV shows

This kills the DC TV shows.

Might as well just start watching Agents of SHIELD now folks.

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>Agents of shield

No thanks I really would rather watch a show starring rapists than that.

>same week as the #Feminism episode of Flash

I wasn’t planning to watch either Supergirl or AoS again.

I plan to stick with Gotham.

>sexuall harrasment still carries any weight now
I know people that think they have been sexually harrassed because a guy hit on them at a bar.

No one cares anymore, it has lost all meaning.

thank god, watching Alex coming out as a mom was really painful

If this shit keeps up, it's going to have the exact opposite effect of not empowering women to speak up but actually make men not want to work with women co-workers out of paranoia.

Some men already had that paranoia, but it was a rather low percentage. This could change that.

Of course.


So new show and move on. Any better day could be a perv or even a pedo.

Even the camera workers or makeup artists.

hollywood is crashing and burning

I see you are also a man of culture.

Hollywood is full of rapists and evil Jews. And evil democrats.

whats this about earthquakes?

Why does their Superman have permanent five o'clock shadow?

> just start watching Agents of SHIELD now folks.

Watching non canon dog shit will not make anyone feel good. Shill harder next time. AoS is a dogshit parasite of a show.

But I have been watching agents of shield, it's alright.

What does it matter what is or isn't canon? Is whether or not two series exist in the same world that important to you above all else?

>i-it's gonna lose effect!
>no one cares!
>boy who cried wolf!
Says increasingly nervous men for the 5th time this week. The problem with these accusations, which makes it hard for them to get filed into the "overblown" column, are the following facts:

1. The majority of these (with the notable exception of spacy) are multiple accusations from different people, cited across multiple instances, all suggesting patterns of behavior

2. Rumors and hearsay surround the individual before hand (with the notable exception of Louis C.K.), suggesting patterns of behavior

3. The accused have all tacitly admitted or apologized for their actions (with the notable exception of Bill O'Reilly). This is the most important bit: THEY KEEP ADMITTING TO IT.

>Implying there's a show to kill

Nigga, there are tons of articles about women complaining they aren't being "mentored" by more senior businessmen due to the stigma. That they can't have a closed door meeting, or even network with coworkers at bars because they carry the risk of a sexual harassment claim. Women have shot themselves in the ass over this, and men are walking away instead of risking their careers.

>five things you should know about earthquakes

>This is the most important bit: THEY KEEP ADMITTING TO IT.
Kevin Spacey said he couldn't remember but apologized regardless because PR moves dictate that you ALWAYS apologize.

Louie admitted that it happened but "what happened" and considering that event to be on same terms of sexual harassment is so asinine that it's one of the first big steps in the label of sexual harasser becoming just as useless of a label as racist.

I think it's funny because you look at the guy and he was apparently a "feminist ally" aannnddddd you have the same fucking leftist/feminist tropes littering the show like making Jimmy the tall black guy love interest and having her sister be a lesbian...

Liberals can't keep it in their fucking pants. Assuming it's true, I don't even know the accusations are.

Yeah we don't have any objective definition of sexual harassment or sexual assault. It's just "something sexual happened" and half the time it boils down to "someone a girl didn't find sexually attractive talked to them one time"...

It's funny how women keep saying they "don't speak up because no one will believe them" but all they have to do is say "I was sexually harassed by Bob" on social media and Bob's career and life are now over. Seems like everybody believes the fuck out of her on her word alone.

It's getting huge now, that paranoia. I know several men who've said basically 'fuck it, I can't have women around because you never know what's going to end up taken as sexual harassment since it seems everything counts as it."

Women's never ending drive for attention and jealousy that other women are getting it drags them all down.

>Seems like everybody believes the fuck out of her on her word alone.

Except for the people who harass them and call them lying cunts and fuck with their personal lives.

>"what happened" and considering that event to be on same terms of sexual harassment

...he pulled out his dick, jacked off, and came all over himself in front of two women

How the fuck do you people function?

>This is the most important bit: THEY KEEP ADMITTING TO IT.

And when they said they didn't do it, like Roy Moore or Jermey Piven and others... No one believes them.

It's VAGINAS word over PENIS' word.

>It's getting huge now, that paranoia. I know several men who've said basically 'fuck it, I can't have women around because you never know what's going to end up taken as sexual harassment since it seems everything counts as it."

This has been the case with smart men for a decade, there's nothing new here. It's just getting attention now

Well most of the time they're lying cunts user. Something actually happened that she probably consented too and then later, WHEN EVERY OTHER WOMAN ON THE FUCKING PLANET WAS PLAYING VICTIM she chimes in too.

She goes to the Law Enforcement Agency known as Twitter and Facebook instead of her local PD to solve the problem too. Because you know, she doesn't want people asking too many questions.

You seem like a stable individual with absolutely no bias against women.

I'm not well versed, but, in the only times he did it, there was explicit, expressed consent and in the times where there wasn't he didn't.

>Roy Moore
State officials saying 14 year olds are fair game are still a thing regardless of whether he is guilty or not.

>Jeremy Piven
This guy is a major cuck, though. He fucking stands on the tip of his toes in all of his pictures.

>It's a growing trend to falsely accuse anyone of sexual harassment in burgerland nowadays
Literally meme country

He could be Saint Nicholas or Adolf Hitler.
The veracity of his statements is not changed by either and if you do not directly refute or even argue the point your statement is weightless.

>She goes to the Law Enforcement Agency known as Twitter and Facebook instead of her local PD to solve the problem too.
Tell me exactly what's wrong with this.

>The veracity of his statements is not changed by either
What veracity? It's the "all women are lying whores" argument that people have made since the dawn of time, there's no meaningful refutation to an argument that's based that far in your own emotional responses and prejudices.

>and if you do not directly refute or even argue the point your statement is weightless.

Sure thing, counsellor. I didn't realise I was on the high-school debate team instead o the funnybooks section of a Cambodian basket-weaving board.

>Brings girls who admire him up to his hotel room after a few drinks at the bar
>"Hey, can I masturbate in front of you?"
>Ha-ha-ha-ha... Ok?
>(Does it)
>"HE SEXUALLY HARASSED US we felt as though our careers would be over if we didn't say yes!

>Brings girls who admire him up to his hotel room after a few drinks at the bar
>"Hey, can I masturbate in front of you?"
>(Doesn't do it)

He asked and the women had to play the coward card for why they couldn't say no. They aren't fucking children, what's the point of all this empowering women bullshit if they're just going to blame their lack of confidence on an imaginary boogeyman?

If his statement is so wrong, you should be able to refute it easily.

A flimsy argument shouldn't be a complaint. It should be something you can easily point out where and what's wrong. Until then every post you make is pointless whining.

Well to be fair, falsely accusing of sexual harassment exists in my country too.
My dad who retired not too long ago said he never had an office meeting with a female employee, if he had to, he made at least two people accompany the female worker he needed to talk to(He was a senior managing director btw).
Because shit like that happened to a manager in the company he worked for 20 years

Women have the advantage of always being the victim no matter what now

Didn't he admit to masturbating in front of interns forcing them to watch? Or am I mixing it up with another one of these?

>Send an anonymous letter to Washington Post
>Claim to be an ex-Marvel secretary from the 1970s
>Purport unbased claims that Isaac Perlmutter was a sexual offender during the decade
>Be as detailed as possible to garner sympathy and, subsequently, nobody questions your story

>reddit spacing

>Dogs of Hell appear in AoS season one, later appear in DD season two
>Judas Bullet appears in LC, later appears in AoS season four
>In season one of AoS it is said that Daisy grew up in St. Agnes Orphanage, in DD season one we learn Matt Murdock also grew up there.
>Inhumans reference events from AoS and have the same glyphs as their language
>AoS season one introduces Blackout and the concept of Darkforce, Darkforce appears in AC season two, Darkforce is what gives Cloak his powers in Cloak and Dagger
>DD season two has a gang war, news ticker in AoS season three talks about it
>Daisy mentions knowing Micro in AoS season two, Micro will appear in TP season one
>Crusher Creel appears in AoS season two, Jack Murdock boxes Creel in DD season one
>The headline "Cybertek Settles" is seen in DD season two, Cybertek was introduced in AoS season one as the creators of Deathlok
>WHiH World News first appears in The Incredible Hulk, late appears in Iron Man 2, Daredevil season one, AoS seasons one through four, JJ season one, LC season one, IF season one, and Ant-Man and Civil War bonus features released online
>Agent Sitwell appears in Thor, later appears in AoS season one, returns in The Winter Soldier
>Lady Sif appears in Thor, later appears in AoS season one.
>Hydra weapons appear in Avengers, later appear in AoS season one, return in Age of Ultron
>Dr. List appears in post-credit scene for The Winter Soldier, later appears in AoS, returns Age of Ultron
And lastly, but most importantly, the thing that ties the TV shows to the films
>Metropolitan General Hospital first appears in DD season one, later appears in Doctor Strange
Stay mad head-canoners

Hey user, can I jackoff on your shoulder?

But about these earthquakes though....

I'm not him.
But had you asked me the answer would be, "no go be gay somewhere else."


There is literally one good capeshit show in existence.

It was the first season of Daredevil. Everything else is trash.

I'd like to read some of these articles. Post some.

He didn't do it on their shoulder or anywhere near them. The statements said they usually either stood to the side or sat in a chair while he did it on the bed.

And between you and me this guy doesn't seem like someone who'd be able to have that great range with his shot, if you know what i mean.

>with the notable exception of Bill O'Reill
Considering he paid one of them 32 million, yeah that's admitting it

>(with the notable exception of Louis C.K.)

Nah, bro. this shits been following him for years

then since I'm in a position of authority and influence because im a world famous comedian and you aren't, you're fired.

is nobody worried about the earthquakes?

Man, everybody's using this whole controversy like an excuse to pretend that Gawker was necessary.

Here's a little something-something to ponder: If Gawker was so important to the role of independent/alternative journalists in contemporary times, why did they give up after the Hulk Hogan lawsuit? They could have easily swallowed their pride and set up a new website under a new name. But they didn't. Instead, they whine and blamed Peter Thiel for funding Hogan's attorneys.

To this day, there is no "New Gawker" having arisen from the ashes of the dead Gawker, and that cements to me how they likely never cared at all about their actual role as journalists, but as muckrakers and gossipers.

Who was fired for saying no to him?

Let me remind you: Several people did say no to him.

>Might as well just start watching Agents of SHIELD
Why would I want to watch complete trash?

Berlanti is still there.

Agreed, fuck this stupid trend of 'Sexual harrasment', most of these have just solely been accusations with no concrete proof. Women will ironically make themselves unemployed at this rate because no one's gonna hire them in lieu of this shit.

>be a woman
>make bullshit rape accusations
>everyone believes you

False accusations are rare according to most studies, but do still happen. Say it is only 2% of people, that's still a hell of a lot of people. So I think people need to find a balance and seriously consider accusations but not just instantly crucify based on anything. No one seems willing to find a balance.

That's an implication in their head but that is not what actually happened. You can't use, "I didn't say no because I had concocted implied consequences in my head" as a reason for why your consent was not genuine. Otherwise that also implies that Louie can't do anything sexual with anyone unless they are on equal terms with him in his career, because otherwise it's implied power rape.

How any stupider is them assuming their careers would be over when that was never the case, it wasn't even presented as a threat by Louie, than the women saying, "We didn't explicitly say no because he's a man and therefore stronger than us and we assumed he would beat us up!"?

>Yet another male feminist ally turns out to be a rapist

It just keeps happening.

>>bullshit rape accusations
Look at the statistics user

Let me guess, he made a big scene about feminism and women empowerment in his crummy show? Yeah it's about as predictable as an anti-gay family values Republican getting caught sucking off some guy in an airport bathroom

According to the DoJ, 25% of all rape accusations are excluded based on DNA evidence alone.

when is dan "the candyman from the foot clan" schnider gonna get exposed?

The continuing problem I'm ALWAYS going to have with this is that there's a silent, large contingent of women who love a guy "taking control" in a way that others are going to define as sexual harassment.

The most beautiful woman I've ever been with said "what the fuck, I don't want you to kiss me, be a man" and wanted me to fuck her in the bathtub while wearing my friend's mom's bikini. Hell, Louis C.K. actually has a decent bit about a woman who told him she wanted men to just force her into it, because that's what she thought was sexy, and any guy who "asked" was out of the picture.

What women don't seem to get from the pure verbal consent argument (or "you can't consent to sex when drinking) is that there's a large contingent of them that doesn't agree with that, making sexual life for men confusing as fuck.

I'd rather be turned down for sex because I asked, than risk shit like this happening though.

>A guy who tries to posture about female empowerment turns out to prey on women
SJWs always project

Last job i had, had a crazy bitch in it, and I was put in charge of too. I left working there within 6 months, found a better job working with a majority of male staffers, far away from the three women we do have working in the company. I kid you not people, if I could work ina completely male environment, I would.

>evil democrats.
That is a redundancy. You could've just said Democrats.

>Didn't he admit to masturbating in front of interns forcing them to watch?
I think that was CK.

Consented every time.

>itt incel reddit fugees
You have to go back.

You don't have google?

Not a problem for Chads like myself

>all tabloid rags
Post an ACTUAL source, dipshit.
>just Google
Stupid fucking incel believing whatever he reads

I don't think you know what that word means. That word does not apply to news places that have a political bias or are forced to write sponsored articles advertising products.

Remember how last year a big joke was that Pence had the rule of not being in a room alone with any woman other than his wife. What a difference a year makes.

I can't wait for New Warriors to blow this show out of the water. This show is going to make the Arrowverse like the DCEU and make Squirrel Girl the new Harley Quinn.
>“tested through the roof and caught the attention of high-level Disney executives.”

This might do so well each most of the heroes given a separate tv show spinoff on the Marvel streaming service in the future.

Up and coming politician here. I’ve pretty much written off all women at this point because I don’t need this shit when I run for President in the far future.

I only mess around with women when I’m out the country now. American whores aren’t worth it anymore.

Gotham started bad but is pretty good now, agents of shield started well but is fucking awful right now.

Agents of shield is boring and literally created to explore better MCU universe

Is a series for worldbuilding nothing more, if that shit is not canon so this series is completelly pointless.

Fucking come on...

>People still believe lying whores who claim rape after pic related happened

Where are all those women Blumpf allegedly raped now?

Bit by bit Marvel will continue to chip away at the Trinity.

Captain America has pretty much already greatly harmed the possiblity of future Superman fans. They just need Black Panther and probably Moon Knight, Daredevil, Nighthawk, Darkhawk or someone similar to go after the Batman fanbase and then Captain Marvel and Scarlet Witch to kill off the Wonder Woman fanbase. Black Panther is already a variant of Batman now. Batman will have close to zero black fans in the future. The Batman fanbase would probably be the hardest to kill off and they might not be able to completely kill it. They might just be able to greatly weaken it and get another similar hero to be about as popular however.

In addition to the Trinity, Marvel has and continues to go for even the less popular heroes. Nova Corps and Captain Marvel to take out the future Green Lantern fans. Iron Man of course already prevents any future Cyborg fans. Vision has pretty much taken up any future Manhunter fans and Adam Warlock will probably continue stoping any future Manhunter fans. Warlock may with Doctor Strange additionally stop any future fans of John Constantine and Doctor Fate. Scarlet Witch in additition to Wonder Woman helps prevent any future Zatanna fans. Of course they have Namor for Aquaman.

Hawkeye functions to stop some Green Arrow fans, but it doesn't seem like quite the same appeal. They probably need someone else in addition to take away from the appeal of Hawkeye. I'm not sure who they could have to prevent future Hawkman or Flash fans. I guess Thor is kind of like Hawkman, but he might not seem quite similar enough. He actually seems more like Aquaman.

That guy is a fucking Lego man, I swear.

If I ever work entertainment I'm going to hire someone whose exclusive job will be to accompany me to any and every meeting with a woman. This shit is getting bananas

Those women watched and laughed at him while he did it. They consented to it and now want to claim harassment.

Fuck women. They’re the Jew of the two genders.

Oh no, what ever will all those women do now that your not interested. I'm sure this is a great loss for all american women.

>what's the point of all this empowering women bullshit if they're just going to blame their lack of confidence on an imaginary boogeyman?
What do you think women understand for empowering, if not "being above consequences"?

It sure as hell is considering how often I get hit on whenever I talk about my profession and future aspirations. Women are attracted to power like moths to a flame.

>Women care more about material gains than their own safety and dignity

Literally a subhuman gender.

Because 70% of modern women are fucking assholes and its really beginning to piss us off

They could also just not harass women. It really shouldn't be that hard.

When not saying hello to a bitch that didn't even look your way constitutes workplace harassment, yes. It is that fucking hard.

Or you whores can quit lying and claiming rape.

>I only mess around with women when I’m out the country now
> 2040
> due to leaks of president user's wild hijinks in Bangkok some 20 years ago Cyber-Trump wins in a landslide!

Except now the term sexual harassment is bordering on a guy who says a co-worker is looking good today and if they wanna go on a date after work.