Why did she cancelled?

Is it for real confirmed kill now?

I kinda liked it.

Where is her left hand?

I thought it died a while ago

Nah I'm good with it being canned, Viv couldn't do real story plot nor anything else right. Fuck her man. She's a crazy she-devil and what's wrong with animation. Too much ego.

It got REALLY cringeworthy at the "anti crhist" chapter.



It wasn't really cancelled per say. She admitted not being happy with earlier chapters and where things were, so opted to take a break to focus on her Hazbin Hotel animated pilot.

She said she wants to eventually go back to Zoophobia down the road, but instead of continuing where she left off, she plans to give it a soft reboot to fix what problems she had with the story.

It was what 4 years ago? This shit is dead just like girl chan on paradise.

She has a real animation job now

that was just one chapter

We'll see how much she lasts, also is she even getting paid

I don't like Too Loud, I'd rather see Vivzie originals

Fuck off

this art style *shudders*

that art style
*looks up curiously*

yeah it's hideous

Good, maybe she'll actually improve as a writer and artist rather than stagnate for years because her underaged fans like the "muh style" art and edgelord characters.

isn't this the same person that claimed Disney ripped off her webcomic's name?

No, she didn't claim that, she just got upset because she felt people were going to confuse her comic for being Zootopia fanart at first glance or that people would assume her work was the rip-off.

Still a stupid concern considering she gave up on it regardless.

Vivzie even drew fanart to celebrate Disney's greatest bunny cop film

ya that was bad but somehow still entertaining???

>that werewolf is HOW big?

11 feet

>Cameron never met Jiji

Good. The moment this person first used the term "y'all" incorrectly was the moment I wanted this shitpile to get canned.

Her art is actually pretty nice to look at when she calms the fuck down a bit with the curves.

Get out. Don't ever come back.

It's being rebooted, you ignorant person.

*ignores u*

whatever you posted was a terrible example user
her art is appealing for middle schoolers

I like the lesbian rabbit and fox near the center, at least. They seem like they're having a good time.

reminder that she likes Sausage Party

So? It's okay

>artist has an art style
>Sup Forums shits its bed screeching "muh art style" meme

Man fuck any artist who draws with any style whatsoever right guys lmao hue

that's right, fuck them!

I-I like it.

She also likes Ke$ha

Her artstyle reminds me of animatedjames art style too much. I keep expecting to see these characters farting on each other

Still mad she just does "speedpaints" of the character and nothing else.

I never want to hear you comparing those two again, you hear me?

Agreed, it's insulting towards animatedjames.

>artist has an art style
>it's trash
>artist deflects criticism with MUH ART SYTLE
Sounds about right.

It was terrible, only good for all the cheesecake furries.
She couldn't handle the critique.

It's kinda hard to understand what's going on

I mean, Good art should be easy to understand without trying too much?

No need to raise a stink about it.

Oh, right, an artist shouldn't post any artwork on the internet until everything they draw looks like Hogarth, duh.


Ridiculous heads that follow the shape of the mouths, not the other way around.
Horrendous tube legs.
Eyes all over the place.
Deviantart style and coloring.

Viv's an outright cunt who sics her fans on anyone who criticizes her, including kids. She has problems with basic form and weight and these things will never improve because she actively shuns criticism.

People don't bitch about bad art. If they did Nedroid and Mob Psycho would be ridiculed relentlessly. People bitch about creators who refuse to put forth the effort to improve and hide behind their style to excuse their faults.

Oh, so Nedroid's "style" is fine, but Viv's isn't because you don't like her?

Got it.

Oh wow, yet another unfinished web comic.
I think you'd have an easier time listing web comics that have managed to end.

The things is, you have to make bad art work. Part of the humor in Nedroid comes from how emotionless the characters can look.

The two options are to improve or find a way to work with what you've got. Refuse to do either and you're fucked.

No, Nedroid isn't ridiculed because Anthony has slowly improved as an artist, doesn't balk at criticism, and had pushed himself to try more ambitious comics in other projects.

A good way to distill this is how Nedroid's art became smoother, cleaner, more consistent and even moved into colors as Anthony improved as an artist. Fundamental mistakes like the inconsistency of character shape and proportion were ironed out while keeping the extant iconography.

Up to Zoo's end, Viv was still framing panels to cut off feet, actively and harshly fighting against feedback, etc.

That's the difference. If you still don't understand, you're either a moron or clouded by bias.

Sure, whatever you gotta tell yourself bud. It still boils down to "I don't like their person so I'm going to pick apart their art"

Though I don't know why I'd expect anyone on Sup Forums to actually be self aware of what they're doing.

>"This artist is bad, let's call them a cunt, butt into their personal life, and tell them to kill themselves because they suck!"
>"Why aren't they listening to criticism? What a bitch!"
Literally this entire thread and every previous Viv/webcomics in general thread in a nutshell.

but muh criticism

But, your argument boils down to "I like this person, so any critique levelled at her is wrong".

But it doesn't? I don't care about Vivz or her art in particular, I just find it endlessly amusing how Sup Forums tends to pick and choose when "style" is okay and when its not and usually it boils down to whether they like the artist or not and has nothing to do with their art.

You guys are so see through.

Sup Forums only likes style when it's god awful anime.

These threads are years old. Every time anyone says anything with a sliver of truth in it (here or anywhere else), Viv and/or her sycophants ignore it and instead focus on the weakest link possible.

Don't be disingenuous. I've posted entire breakdowns of her pages on Sup Forums in response to this rhetoric more than a handful of times, and you know how many times I got a legitimate response, even the slightest inkling of a discussion out of it?


People are tired of having to actually go through explaining her faults just for the hens to keep squawking "bias, no real critique, jealous, bk-aww!" You're not fooling anyone.

>I don't care about Vivz or her art in particular
Okay Viv. Okay.

no Sup Forums gets Genndy style, I Like Genndy style, but................. I also like other style(s)?
I get a lot of good style feels from VZPop but she could improve and add more "meat" to her construction. She seems to have a heavy Kesha influence when I think she should go back and start listening to shoegaze or vaporwave. Her style
could use heavy shoegaze influences or #### vaprowave. Seriously it doesnt even need to be obscure shoegaze, it can be entry level like LVLS (loveless)

>It's about stagnation and character
>It still boils down to "I don't like their person
...I don't know why you decided to repeat my point back at me, but good job? People ridicule poor character and a lack of growth, not poor art.

>Sup Forums tends to pick and choose when "style" is okay and when its not and usually it boils down to whether they like the artist or not and has nothing to do with their art.
No? Nobody is saying heavy stylization is bad. They're saying hiding behind "my style" while refusing to grow or challenge yourself as an artist is worthy of shaming, and being a jerk doesn't help your case.

When "muh style" is unoriginal bottom-tier deviantart sparkledog shit, is it really still an excuse?

I'm in the opposite camp, she should take it further, really stretch out those faces

>people really think Jiji is the best wolf

She is though.
She's the thiccest at least.
No joke, a recently turned werewolf being forced to attend monster college/high school is a great pitch and way more interesting than Zoophobia itself.

it would be like Gym Partner is a monkey except way cooler

>cooler than a shit show
That's hardly an accomplishment, user.

Shitty as fuck pitch and sounds like nothing but furry fanservice.

>and sounds like nothing but furry fanservice.
Why did your mind immediately go to that?

I mean that's basically Zoophobia's pitch except the protag is human and the justification is far lazier.

better than the current calarts trend of noodle limb mcbug eyes

>when she calms the fuck down a bit with the curves.

When has she ever went crazy wth curves?

Listen Viv refuses to improve that's why people are bitching, even BU improved his art over time Viv has done nothing, it has nothing to do with what I personally think about her.

>Using a monstrous transformation as an analogy for inner conflict/anger issues as a young adult.
This shit's old as fuck, m8. The Spielberg WB cartoons even had a skit about it, Katie Kaboom.

Going back to werewolves, Ginger Snaps used it as an analogy for puberty if that counts.

Huh. I always wondered why nobody used werewolves as an analogy for puberty, it seems so obvious. Guess I never saw any because I didn't actively search for it.

i like vivz work. but i wished she would stop these speed drawings and would make a comic or something

I like the art style, and I wanna fuck that wolf.

stung somehow.

what the fuck


I kinda like it, much better than Adventure Times or other "noodle arm" artstyles, that's for sure

>Some people is all of Sup Forums
>People can't have opinions on a style

I see some slight EEnE influence in her style.
except it looks off and there is nothing to rest the eye on.

holy fucking shit

We all do, user.

Eleven feet tall.

You could potentially fit your whole head into her oozing wolf pussy.

I think you're misjudging the scale here. Unless her vagina was already obscenely large that isn't happening.

You could use her tits as pillows, though.

It could use some improvement. Like it's pretty clear she drew the figures separate from one another instead of making the drawing as if it were a "group photo". That's why there really isn't a place for the eye to rest.

But if she's just a character animator, I see the value in her style. Looks like it would work much better animated.

isn't like Kesha the queen of werewolves in Vivzie's universe?

Haha, it's like david bowie in Venture Bros

In the picture I posted.
Her shoulder arcs up half a foot higher than the other and the birdbitch's arms look like they're melting.

It wasn't supposed to be, I was talking about the image in the post I replied to.
The image I posted was more in response to the OP post, I just forgot to add it.

Look at her compared to the more human characters.

Despite their being sticks, it would still require an obscenely disproportionate pussy.

You have to hit 20ft minimum.

Except Venture Brothers is good.

My brain says no but my penis says yes

>all that monologue

Art is too busy, coloring is kind of garish. Overly exaggerated expressions aren’t warranted in every panel. It’s not the worst thing ever but judging by this thread seems like fans of her work can’t take criticism either