Justice League RT Predictions

The critical embargo lifts tomorrow. How do you think it'll do? And what do you think it'll gross?

>$800 million

ben would do a great job playing a boozed up Hal

It'll make 1.1 billion because Americans and China always eat up this garbage

75% RT

The word "fun" in the consensus

I predict that it's going to be rotten. All the first impressions we've seen so far are from fans and comic book sites, right? And even they don't LOVE it, they mostly seem to be saying that it's not as offensive as BvS. I expect actual critics to loathe this movie.

Who cares. I've wasted far too much of my life shitting on the DCEU at this point.

Its gonna be bad, we all know it.

It will probably get shut down due to "sexual harassment claims" just like energy thing else in the world right.now... because , ya know... like fuck due process and innocent until proven guilty.
But for real, it could be good. I'll see it anyway.

Around the same as MoS, but with a slightly more hopeful/positive consensus. Around a billion numbers with massive help from international numbers. It'll do less than Wonder Woman domestically.

You sound somewhat triggered. Don't be a creep and you'll be safe.

Disney will make damn sure RT gives it a rotten score

*billin dollars

>Around a billion dollars

If it DOESN'T reach a Billion, Warner would get seriously angry. Obviously JL doesn't need a Billion to be profitable, but Warner approved of the DCEU in the first place because they were expecting Harry Potter levels of money.

The issue is that Warner doesn't need the DCEU. And if they think they can make more money with some other franchise, they could just go make that instead. DC doesn't have its own studio like Marvel does. Marvel Studios exist to make Cape films, but Warner has no such commitment.

I am almost certain it's not going to hit a billion dollars. If it sucks, people aren't going to go see it. But more importantly, it feels like they blew their load in a big way with BvS. That movie already had Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman on screen together for the first time ever. Those are DC's three biggest superheroes. And now what? I love the Flash but he doesn't have nearly as much cred with normies as the Trinity. And Aquaman? And fucking Cyborg? Those three aren't going to draw people in. It feels like DC already shot its wad.

Hopefully 70+%

>certified garbage
I think it will make a pretty penny opening weekend but after that its going to drop off like BvS

>using normies unironically
>not using sheeple

Wonder Woman?

It's going to be slaughtered by critics. BvS was more blasphemous for it's narrative choices, but at face value it didn't look like a disaster. This looks to the worst constructed film of the dceu. Capefans may not care about that, but critics do, and it's going to be destroyed. Probably going to be in the single digits if it's unlucky. Maybe low 20s if they are very generous.

was good till the corny ending, bu can you blame it? All cape movies should have a corny ending,

this will be the first film in history to be so bad that movie theaters will refuse to show it.

>this will be the first film in history to be so bad that movie theaters will refuse to show it.
Well tha'ssort of what happened with Inhumans, in that it got its airing screens cut and shortened.

>Disney will make damn sure RT gives it a rotten score
RT is owned by Warner.

thats fucking hilarious

will it kill the DCEU?

The stuff is england was good. Themyscira was okay. The 3rd act was shit.

It's okay overall, but I have no idea how they'll make this version continue to work now that they won't be able to do a fish out of water story that greatly helped gadot's lack of talent and now that Pine is dead. Although I guess some god or some shit could revive him.

1 billion.

People will praise it as the saving grace of the dceu but it's only marginally better than the other films.

Even the success of Wonder Woman didn't help their current predicament. They've even started moving away from the shared universe concept and just do standalone Superhero films. If JL fails, that will be the tipping point.

>innocent until proven guilty.

but they have Affleck on tape

Almost all the crtics early reactions were positive. Most with the general statement that it was flawed but enjoyable. I'm guessing 66% with and average rating of 6/10 like THOR dark world.

As someone who liked BvS this film looks like dogshit, the humour is listless, the cinematography just looks fucking gross, and all the narrative choices are no doubt just designed to be as palatable and boring as possible.

>releasing your teamup movie YEARS before some of the team members get their own solo or intro stories
how is this any different than Suicide Squad?

thank Christ Animated DCU is still serviceable

People the movie is very good. Ignore what any chode choker has to say. They're the same MCU chodes that think ironman 2 & Ironman 3 Manderin are great.

Why do you post this same picture all the time? What the fuck relevance does it even have?

Just because it's not good doesn't mean you're not allowed to enjoy it user

A paranoid fever dream of a world on the brink of change, and the three men whose desires will shape what it becomes.
>Justice League
It's The Avengers but made by people with no ear for verbal comedy, includes the old Batman and Superman themes for no reason except pointless nostalgia, and the cinematography looks like a video game cutscene.


Stay made snyderfag. JL reactions are already way more positive. JL is going be liked way more than shitty BvS will ever be.

Hey maybe I'll like JL, but I really don't see it getting good reviews. 40% on RT tops.

>Lunch ain't over yet
>My man!

>It's The Avengers but made by people with no ear for verbal comedy, includes the old Batman and Superman themes for no reason except pointless nostalgia, and the cinematography looks like a video game cutscene.

This is my biggest fear. Regardless of whether you like Snyder or not his contributions to the DCEU do actually allow you to think about his movies (whether it's societal determinism vs freewill in MoS or the cynicism of the modern world in BvS). Whether he always hits the mark is an entirely different question, but he is definitely trying for depth.

I'm worried Whedon (and the studio) just water everything down to be DCEU Avengers. And while Avengers is good it fails at it's one thematic core which is sacrifice, as Tony doesn't even need to sacrifice himself at the end and just makes a fucking joke about Swarma. Which isn't to say Avengers is bad, it's just pretty surfice level in most aspects.

I want a movie I can think about, especially for superheroes because they work so well as archtypes to explore various themes and ideas.

> because Americans and China always eat up this garbage
we said that about BvS and it came out at a stronger season with less competition. JL has about 4 movies to with to get views when BvS had 2. Fun note consider how the two best grossing DC films of the last two years came about from no competition.

If there had been no backlash, Snyder was most probably going to end this with Superman being brainwashed by Darkseid, and this was going to be Part 1 of 2.

Give everyone else a break.

>I want a movie I can think about, especially for superheroes because they work so well as archtypes to explore various themes and ideas.
X2, and Logan.

I bloody hope so.

It was cursed from the start. Kill it and start over

>Kill it and start over
>with Bendis in the team
You really think it'll be better?

>The critical embargo lifts tomorrow.
It lifts on Thursday you fucking retard

Who exactly?'

Eveyone agree that Inhumans sucked. There is no daily threads defending Inhumans TV as a misunderstood masterpiece.

I love X-2 and was pretty happy with Logan. I think Wolverine's "death" was bullshit though. It was Hugh Jackman saying "I'm done" which in my humble opinion kind of misses the core of Wolverine as a character.

Charles' funeral scene was fucking amazing though: the impotent rage from Wolverine was fucking spectacular.

That's just like your opinion man. Also, who says that would have been the worst thing ever?

Oh, god. This is where we're going. Things have been bad, sure. But now we're going to experience true pain and hopelessness.

I think his death was a well send off and is the perfect ending to Wolverine and all his suffering. His time, his generation, is over, it is in the hands of the next.

500 trillion

>I think his death was a well send off and is the perfect ending to Wolverine and all his suffering

That's my issue though. For me what's interesting about Wolverine is the fact that it will never be over. Everyone he loves he will see die violently, and it won't end, and he'll always be a minority (mutant) in society.

That's just my interpretation though. Not saying it's everyone's, but it's mine. Also, it felt like Hugh Jackman is saying he made Wolverine what he is, which is fucking bullshit. Wolverine will be alive long after we're all dead because he's an amazing superhero.

>For me what's interesting about Wolverine is the fact that it will never be over.
That was more of a late game thing that was made when both his origin was made (big mistake) and they meta up his healing factor (bigger mistake) before that his life was tragedy but nothing implied he was immortal/would live forever.

That said Wolverine is like Venom and his design and rule of cool edgy personalty will always out play any depth to him.

For the record I HATE Wolverine's Origin, and I hate when they buffed his healing factor the second time (one blood cell lol).

I began reading X-Men in the early 90s, and Wolverine's unknown history (even to himself) was always awesome, and as I got older I always thought it gave a writer so much freedom. You could introduce characters from all across the world and time who can say they know him but Wolverine himself has no knowledge of them. I love the fact the Captain America fought along side Wolverine in WWII for example.

But things like Old Man Logan and Wolverine the end (while I'm not a big fan of either) lean towards this idea that violence is and always will be the only constant in Wolverine's life, and I think that is the great hubris of the character.

>Also, who says that would have been the worst thing ever?

Critics and audiences

I'm glad I'm a singular entity rather than a group. Also, how can you say something you haven't seen is bad?

>DCucks are this delusional

>Wonder Woman actress threatening to leave. The lead of their most successful film.
>This confused clusterfuck of a movie
DCEU is dead

Snyder. Full unadulterated Snyder.

>I've wasted far too much of my life shitting on the DCEU at this point.
You can only blame yourself for your life choices, man.

Fair enough. I'm over trying to convince people that Man of Steel and Batman v Superman are good; all I know is that I not only enjoy but ADORE those films, and that I'm looking forward to Justice League, but am worried about Whedon/the studio's intervention in the film. If you're not into the aforementioned film that's totally cool, you do you.

The film's production budget, including reshooting costs 300 million dollars. Add a crazy marketing budget. We don't have exact firgues, but If I'm seeing it everywhere in Austrlia, I can just imagine the USA. But one half to two thirds is a reasonable range.

So 450-500 million dollars. And studios get only half of box office (thought it is a declining glance from opening weekend, which may help if it blows it load early). But it could mean they do need a billion to make any real profit.

You spelled ONLY wrong

77% on RT
just crosses the billion dollar mark