Blocks your path

>blocks your path
how does Sup Forums like that new destroyer game
just got my last 3 matches in a row thanks to that starvin' marvin

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Indian Jimmy is overpowered.

SuperHero expansion when?


>dies offscreen

Eh, it’s a nice little distraction. I like how they have the “play walls” to encourage you to spend money by getting your ass kicked online

I almost hesitate to give this advice lest we get matched, but:

1. You start the match with 8 energy. Always let it charge to the full 10 before playing something. Don't use it all up once you get it, try to keep 4 or 5 on hand so you can play for strategy instead of desperation.
2. Let the opponent come to you on your side of the field and don't play cards all the way to the right. Why? Because you shock enemies when they're close, doing extra damage, and a group of your heroes picking theirs off one by one, that you can control as you play cards on your side, is what will eventually give them a clear path to the enemy while they're low on energy.
3. Put your lowest energy cards in the deck and grind items to upgrade them. By all means, keep a tank like Cartman or a range one like Nathan, but more low energy cards means more of them on the field, quicker replacements, etc. A Cartman ain't gonna kill three or four 2-energy all ganging up on him.
4. If you have Lightning Bolt or Fireball or Poison, use them smartly. Don't hit the enemy player with them unless there's nobody else to hit. Don't hit a tank with Lightning if it won't kill him (hit that range or assassin instead.)

I did this, mostly the part about letting them come to you, and I honestly, legitimately, went from losing every match to winning every match. Sometimes it's just a matter of who has better cards and when, but you really have to play smart in this game on top of that.

I just started today. All the bells and whistles seem pretty convoluted, yet during the actual game I pretty much just spam to the end without much need for strategy.
Does it increase in difficulty enough to where strategy becomes important? Because the gameplay's not super fun right now, basically just playing to see the gags. But I don't really play mobile games at all, not familiar with this type of game at all so it feels kinda weird as opposed to the very familiar RPG elements of SoT/FbW

It's a bit more strategic in PvP. But yeah, you can coast off just spamming while in the story mode

In PvP im getting whales every other time. I encountered a guy with a manbearpig for christ sake.

remember boys these are the tier 1 cards you should be upgrading and building around in order from strongest theme to weakest:

>Rat Swarm - Terrande Mephesto
>Paladin Butters - Princess Kenny - Stan the Great - Catapult Timmy
>Calamity Heidi - Pirate Ship Timmy - Smuggler Ike - Hookhand Clyde - Bandita Sally
>Zen Cartman - Angel Wendy - Purify - Regeneration
>Astronaut Butters - Enforcer Jimmy - Marine Craig - Alien Clyde

honestly its fine, id say you should hang around lvl 10-19 while you grind up materials and since losses can bring down your lvl youre gonna wanna int some games if youre not losing out to whales

also join a team, if we had one here id join up but for now I just searched for a creek team to join

I need a good source of feathers and Heidi cards then.

Ive been asking my team for rats but now I dont have the syringes to upgrade anymore so ima start asking for heidis too

>go to butters shop
>poke him repeatedly
>”ow ow ow ow”

So far liking the game but I’m having more fun just poking butters and cartman

If you donate cards, is it free is it deducted from your list?

its deducted but you get some coins for it
I give away all my low tier cards just cause I know im not going to upgrade any of em
I always keep 1 of each at least just in case I want to try a certain strategy

What's the difference between coins and cash?

Coins are for upgrades and cartman's shop.
Cash is premium currency for Whales.

coins are used to upgrade cards, cartmans shop, and are ez to get, cash is the real money currency which you can use for packs, extra lockers, more coins, and big dick points
tickets are used for butters shop and can be turned into coins

Coins are easily obtained and used to do upgrades.

Cash is more rare and used for special things, like buying an extra loot locker when you win a match, or booster packs from the shop for better cards.

You can buy in-game cash with real world cash and you can buy coins with the in-game cash.

god damn the pve is pretty hard
cant even fucking grind this shit

Never spent a dime and I can but heads with the best of them. Get gud buddy.

I've been playing really aggressive, summon the tanks and then anyone who's up.
I haven't lost yet, except for when someone disconnected and it said Defeat on my screen. Though I'm only rank 6 and I don't think I've gone up against any whales yet. Someone did have a Manbearpig.

I didnt see a manbear till lvl 15
and I killed it pretty easily and won

im not as aggressive I like to go for value trades rather than all ins

basically if they start sending shit out first by the time theyre out of energy ill be the only one with a guy in play and then I can sneak out an assassin to knock out a bar and then I just play the stall game till I win

the only issue I have is with starvin marvin but if they run the fucker out while I dont have any gunners I just go for the second health bar to even things out
im finally getting to the fantasy shit so I can start finding the actually good cards

Sup Forums team when?
Ill even leave the one im in for this

you can donate all of them, even if you dont have any, if you ever had a card you can always use it. once gained, it stays unlocked.

Secret Boss when?

I just beat Many Moon Stan.
When am I able to join a team?

You gotta be PvP rank 2


Thanks. I need 1 more win.

>Joined a Creek team
>It's full of Spanish in chat
>Join another Creek team
>Same thing
Which team are you in?

So how do I get ahead in this game/farm certain things? Like I want to make a religion themed deck, but all they give me for cards is jimmy.

I'm in team Canada, specifically cause I know everyone will speak the same language and play at similar times.

Three way.

Keep playing PvP and build up tickets to purchase new shit

Build a strong deck and replay old levels in single player to acquire loot

Join a team and donate the cards you don't want to keep from getting kicked out and ask for the cards you do need.

my creek teams full of beaners too but its still free cards and we dont have one for ourselves so

The cards aren't well balanced which is a huge bummer for me because I like to play thematically. Here's some tips about card picks

Poison is shit, don't bother with Alien Clyde. Little fag takes his sweet ass time to tickle a random enemy to death. The kicker is that I'm pretty sure he's more expensive because of this.

Wendy is always worst girl. I dropped her pirate card from my deck and I go from loosing every match to winning. (Tbf, I figured out how to play right when I dropped her)

Barbrady is op, soaks up a shit ton of damage and kills everything around him after he dies, the explosion even damages your opponent

Pirate Butters is pretty fucking sweet. If your tank is fighting a ton of enemies alone you can flank with him and when your enemies kill him it'll heal your tank. If you do it right he refreshes a card worth more than himself

I'm also waiting for a Sup Forums team. Let's do this shit faggots

you really havent played enough
all the cards you think are good are actually low tier garbage and the one card you say is bad is tier 1 for its theme

I can't play it because it isn't compatible with my Ipad 2.
Shit sucks

I'm willing to make a Sup Forums team if people want to join

Why would they not make it compatible on all the IPads?

I don't have a device I can play it on. How often do mobile games get ported to actual platforms?

May I suggest calling it DenverBron/co/s?


It's set to open

Should I change to Mystic and Robo or Mystic and Cowboy

Try Nox if you have a decent pc.


>grind to level 6
>PVP rank 8
>2 decks built
>played some PVP and opened free packs

>log back in jet now, and all my progress is lost
>game wants me to completely start over and with character creator
Fuck this game I'm out. Paywall bullshit anyway

>game says you can watch ads for stuff when you boot it up
>option is not available in the game anywhere


Mystic and Cowboy. Mystic for the heal and energy and Cowboy for gif related

sadly, my computer is shit and I'm hella poor

Any changes I should make?

>Get free Manbearpig outfit
>Get icreative with colouring
>Summons a shitton of cheap toddlers

Level your shit and get a ranged splash damager

It's probably true that I haven't played enough. I only just got the general strategy of the game.

Out of curiosity what rank and level are you guys? I'm rank 10, level 4.

God damn it the same thing happened to me just now. For some reason it completely reset progress.

are there any good craigs? craig is my favorite character and if i have to build around him I guess I will.

Sucks, but I'm glad I'm not the only one. Glad I only spent .99 cents on a few packs last night.

sci-fi craig is top tier

i love how indian Stan has a 3 wolf moon background

Space Marine Craig is a common card (good thing) but he has a very niche role for you to build your deck around him. He basically works for when you are pushing and the enemy is placing cards around himself to defend his kid. (He poisons the New Kid and units that surrounding him) I have him on my current deck but I don't use him much since there are other much better ranged attackers (Captain Wendy, Nathan)

Dark Mage Craig is also common but his ability is just not good (halves the damage the New Kid does for a while) Not worth it at all.

I want that incan warrior Craig you can clearly see on the loading screen but never appears in game.

This is bullshit. How the fuck are people getting these cards? I'm stuck in this middleground of grinding past levels for cards that I already have with no method to get new ones.

I'm assuming the card packs that are given out regularly? I'm having the same issues, i never get new shit.

>Stan of many moons

fucking how?

In case you don't know the cards you get in packs, lockers and stages depend on your PVP rank.

hit the arena button when youre looking at your guy in the pvp area
the more you lvl the better pvp packs get
the farther you are in pve also gains you access to the other themes
level up your commons and youll be able to get farther in pve too

I got SoMM from the Lock and Load event. Haven't forked over any money (yet)

>try to get as far as I can in PVE before I PVP
>turns out i needed to PVP all along

kill me

If you're a high level, early PVP should be a cake walk.

Man, I hate that the best way to play the game is to put a lot of low cost cards in your deck. I really want to run the Craig and Tweek cards, but apparently they're all considered low-tier. This is the problem with these types of card games, like Hearthstone — decks that spam low cost cards will on average do better than decks that play a more control style. And personally I enjoy slower decks (especially when I get to play my OTP), but it's difficult versus someone who puts down Heidi, Ike, Sally, Butters, and Jimmy all at once.

The game's still super fun and cute though. I heard that Imp Tweek and Youth Pastor Craig aren't available as cards yet, which is disappointing.

Man, I'm glad I didn't spend SHIT on that game.

maybe they "forgot" it. Or that's just a joke.

Still less Money Hungry than a 2k or EA game.

Poor Red Dead Redemption 2.

It's pretty good, although I wonder when the forced PvP matches are going to become annoying.
Apparently there are already a lot of hackers abound.

once again space marine craig is top tier and warboy tweek and robin tweek are tier 2

the best way to play the game isnt spam, because against a good player you will get btfo by value plays and be at 0 energy while they capitalize and then spam your ass for making shit plays

you want to keep energy average at around 3 with 3.4 being as high as you should ever get
keep rangers to a max of 3, and if you have enough warriors you dont even need a tank

dude the pvp is the fun part of the game

pve is a fucking grindy chore

Anyone else have to download assets just about every time you start and it takes a very long time?

If you are getting spammed learn to use the spells.

Also since you can't have more than 2 themes you will never have more than 2 Craigs and 2 Tweeks. Add the fact that for both of them all their characters at the moment are ranged, makes it not really viable to have them all in the same deck.

Different user, but I disagree. I think pvp is the chore. Seeing as I can't even build the working deck that I want. I'm playing with a cobbled together piece of garbage against other players and it's fucking depressing and boring.

Shhh, shh. Don't ruin the retarded shipper's dream. They just wanted to play this game to live out their degenerate cancerous way of life and don't actually enjoy south park. They are just a filthy pedo that wants little boys to have gay sex. The less of them around the better.

What are some characters you like to see in the game?

Would be cool if all the background kids get to have names and finally get to do something

you realize that the game gives you like 4 top tier cards RIGHT from the start?
you just need to fucking learn how to use them
heres a list of the best neutral and adventure cards, im pretty sure you have most of them

tier 1
Rat Swarm - Terrance Mephesto
Calamity Heidi - Pirate Ship Timmy - Smuggler Ike - Hookhand Clyde - Bandita Sally

tier 2
Marcus - DogPoo - Mimsy - Nelly - ManBearPig
Storyteller Jimmy - Sheriff Cartman - Gunslinger Kyle - Fireball - Arrowstorm - Lightning Bolt - Shaman Token

if you are losing in pvp then you are literally just bad and dont understand the mechanics of the game, pvp packs get you the best returns and access to the best cards
pve is brainless artificial difficulty that is ACTUALLY pay2win meanwhile pve is all about how fucking good you are at making decisions

Can you actually unlock cards that are 'Stick of Truth' themed?
The final PvP arena is Kupa Keep, but I'm wondering if there is an actual card theme.

the 4rth deck theme and campaign is fantasy and it's mostly sot stuff

Oh cool.
probably gonna take a while to get there though.
They'll probably add superhero cards in a later patch.

You realize that not everyone wants to play top meta decks and aren't brainless retards who want to netdeck to victory in pvp right? The fact my hand is being forced this way because I'm not allowed to have access to all the cards in game at level one is absolute horse shit and the fact I have to go into PvP with a deck that I'm not confident with is also horse shit. I should be able to PvP when I choose my deck is optimized and made the way I want instead of being given a shit deck that EVERYONE ELSE HAS and then facing the same 2 net decks or another boring hodgepodge of the same characters I have because we all start out the fucking same.

At least that's one thing heartstone does right, they give you a choice off the bat of what you want to play rather than being forced with the same shitty starter and being forced into the same boring mirror matches.

>this is how shit players think

maybe you shouldnt play fair card games

>This shit heap
Hahahahaha. You know what a FAIR card game is? Being given all the cards from the start, no advantages, no leveling cards, no player levels that gives you an advantage of bigger health pool over your opponent. Bitch you fucking think this game is fair and you are even fucking good for net decking? Go back to your god damn kiddie pool. Nigga you don't know SHIT about card games, don't fucking pretend for a second this is even balanced when PVP gives you uneven health pools. Don't pretend for a fucking second you understand shit about games, go back to Sup Forums and shit post with the rest of the inbreds where you can make baity remarks and expect your lame ass "No u" combacks and name calling. You just make yourself look like a fucking idiot here.

>pve is brainless artificial difficulty that is ACTUALLY pay2win meanwhile pve is all about how fucking good you are at making decisions

Everything you said was accurate until this. You can make good decisions in PVE and DEFINITELY play to win in PVP.


>I should be able to PvP when I choose my deck is optimized and made the way I want instead of being given a shit deck that EVERYONE ELSE HAS and then facing the same 2 net decks or another boring hodgepodge of the same characters I have because we all start out the fucking same.

Good lord, this. If the game mechanics result in everyone playing the same cards because they're top tier and ultimately the only way to win, then the mechanics are shit. Now I'm fine with having to grind and getting random cards in boosters and everything, but there's only like a hundred cards in the game right now and almost everybody has the same ones from the beginner themes (unless you shell out money to get others.) Lame.

>a game with zero progression is fair

theres a reason they dont pit up up against the top tier players you brainless fucking moron

we could be playing the same decks with zero level ups and Id beat you EVERY time because youre fucking garbage who needs excuses when he loses instead of accepting that he needs to fucking learn the game instead of blaming it for his loses
youre bad and you need to stop bitching or stop playing

no in pvp its all about countering your opponents plays and making your own difficult to 2for1 plays, deck building does come into play when it comes to options but even then it isnt about "who has the better cards" and more of "who made the better decision"

in the game legendaries are actually BAD because you cant realistically ever upgrade them and even when you do commons outrank them
pve is just playing at a disadvantage since they have no energy constraints and forces you to be fully geared in order to beat higher missions so you cant even grind for shit, pve is pay2win and pvp is all skill based

>pvp is all skill based

lmfao what a retard

t. low ranked trash

t. retarded shill who's paid $100+ already

Which Craig card is the best in PvP? I like the poison but it doesn't seem to do a lot of damage.


why pay any money when the game GIVES you the best cards from the start?
what are you fucking retarded?