Star vs the force of evil

Could she be Moon mother i mean the cheekmark look kinda the same ?

Other urls found in this thread:!oOZyjS4Y!jyXFqsQajNeKr4VmtjIHQw

Moons mother is dead, end of story

Her dead was offscreen for all we know she could have successfully escape "your mom couldn't defeat us" doesn't mean she dead .Unless that it her skull toffee using as shoulder pat

Moon said "Toffee killed my mother."

Yes but in the flashback episode we are shown that she wasn´t there when it happened. she was told by one of the general after the fact and she didn´t knew how Toffe looked like when she went for revenge.

Shes a well known person. Surely someone would've noticed.


I don't get it, is she royalty? if so, she is related to the Butterfly lineage.

But she isn’t

Still no leaks?

>ywn marry princess turdina


>it turns out Toffee did nothing wrong and actually helped Heinous fake her death so she would escape responsibilities

Are we really going to reach the phase in the story where Toffee is white washed after his death?

#not all liggers

Reminder there's a lobster revolution on the horizon

>Heinous' marks are clubs
>Comet's are butterflies
I mean, Star can have her marks modified for several seconds, but by default they are always heart-shaped, and marks of those women seem default too!oOZyjS4Y!jyXFqsQajNeKr4VmtjIHQw

She's related to the Butterflys biologically, but officially she probably isn't in their records anywhere.

Whether that's through Eclipsa or just a relative removed from the family tree decades/centuries ago is what we'll find out one day. I feel like she's never actually been a princess and owned the wand, but that's just me.

this is the most anime show Disney has ever produced

>interdimensional wars break out
>one of those brought into the fray is earth
>Jackie, now "Queen of the Lobsters," rides a gigantic crustacean into battle

What about all of those times they made anime?

when did Disney make anime?


Not him, but I think Jetix had a pretty good lineup.

Fucking lit

Remember, Pandora's Box can never be closed.

How was the heekapoo episode?

That's not until Thursday.

>user, my dear user. As I write this, I sit staring at the tip of this gun, strangely hoping that I'll see down its barrel and find something, anything that can answer the questions that plague me. Why? Why user? After all we've been through? You were my bestie user. We had each other's back forever and ever. Why? The word spread fast you know, and the damage has taken me far beyond what I can bear. They all left me user, all the men in my life. Even my father wouldn't look me in the eyes. They all cast me out, every last one of them. They told me I wasn't modest, that I disgusted them, that I threw away the respect of myself and of the crown. I'm no longer a princess, in their eyes, and in the eyes of our subjects, no, to them I was simply a harlot. All of my life, all of it, gone in an instant. No one came to defend me, they all took it as true, every word of it, user. I'm not safe from it anywhere I go. In the streets, they spit and scream "Slut!" and "Whore!", but the worst is the look in their eyes. They see me as nothing but scum, worthy of nothing but disdain and humiliation. Why user? I never did any of those things, but now its too late. I can't face myself anymore or this lie my life has become. I have nothing to live for. And the worst thing of all, is that I still love you. After all this pain you've caused me, I still can't shake the feeling that what we had was special. And you threw it all away. For what? For what, user. I'm sorry. I am, I should have been better for you. I should have tried harder. But I failed. I'm worthless now, and for forever. This is goodbye user. When you read this, my suffering will have ended. I hope at least now that I'm gone, you won't have to suffer any more too. I still hope you can read this through the tear stains. Goodbye, user. I'll never forget you.

Why didn't you stop her not-sveg?

shit, it was all from star's perspective so we only had a few hekapoo lines


How did Nefcy get away with quoting Mein Kampf, reciting numerous speeches by George Lincoln Rockwell, and using the word "ligger" unironically? Is she having sexual relations with someone higher-up, and is using the threat of bringing it forward and playing the victim to keep her job?

Requesting user sleeping in his room tucked into bed, with posters of Star and various Star memorabilia on his walls and this picture on his bedside table.


...i cant even save myself, why would i think this would be any different?
..i knew i would only bring her down. i cant handle this weight anymore...

Would Star and Marco even be able to breed? I mean, she is a different species.

distributing (dubbed) anime isn't the same as producing anime

svstfoe includes tropes that are more common with japanese animation than with american cartoons while still being very western



Regrettably, I actually DO still love her. That really hurt though. She made it all better with pretty princess kisses.

So are the Lucitors and the Johansens. Mewnie is a nationality, not a race or species. Don't think too hard about it. DBZ rules: Star is a Saiyan.

Where is Leaks ??? .Or Leaks not coming today ?


holy shit I didn't give this scene a second glance when watching it but
Jackie is holding Marco in his entirety up by the feet. Her arms are fully extended and she's lifting Marco on her hands, possibly the worst way to hold a heavy object.

Just how strong is she...?


That's not a Star Butterfly cheek mark in that picture. He deserves this fate.

>Slutshaming a pretty princess

This season is so fucking weird. Either it gets insanely good in the second half or everyone on the crew is fucking high when they talk about how much they loved this one (I didn't hear that kind of praise from them for S2). But yeah, shit review:

Princess Turdina
>why exactly was Marco there? they must've explained it but it apparently was a weak justification
>this entire episode felt like the recap in Heinous but stretched across an entire episode
>I like Pony Head's comment about the first time Marco's popular. Don't really remember much from her other than that
>use of the other princesses is cool I guess but surprisingly I thought the reappearance of CAMERAPHONE was the best of them, and actually a decent use of that character
>Heinous really came out of nowhere even though her reappearance was expected for this one
>who'da thunk Marco's first chest hair was a Chekhov's gun all along
>it's stupid to bring this up but I can't tell if this episode is gonna get hate or praise from the trans Marco crowd. On the one hand, "princesses can be hairy" etc. On the other, I'M A BOY
>Heinous's plan is literally changing every time we see her. She is totally related to the Butterflys, it's not even a debate

Also though I don't look at leaks I remember some stray comments this weekend about how Marco is TOTALLY HUMILIATED and LOSES HIS $650 DEAL, and I'm not sure that actually happened? I thought it seemed like the Princess Marco stuff would still be a thing even after he confessed.

But then I also thought Marco was still working with Lavabo after Lint Catcher, but apparently I was wrong on that and he's just Star's Pity Pretend Squire now because wah hard work is hard/knight of the wash isn't glamorous enough for me. Fuck Marco.

Claim your Olgafu!
I call Four-armed Princess.

Does Higgs not know that insulting the future king will only come to bite her in the ass later?

>No pretty sheep waifu
Fuck off.

So I for one miss the leaks. I went digging in the old threads to try and find how to generate new ones and found half the explanation, but can't figure out what to do with it to get the leaks themselves. If anyone knows how to use this info new leaks would be appreciated:

>It's not just Star vs. the Forces of Evil, but every show that premiers in the next 1-3 days (depending on the show/date). It's almost exactly like with Cartoon Network/Adult Swim. All the URLs are on Google. Look for the proper workflowID (contentID), get the assetID from that file (CARE-ID) with the right bin name (CARTOON/site/Images/i###/CARE), fill all that in a standardised URL ( or use the AssetInfo url (contentID of the episode master page) and you'll get all the images. Like with Cartoon Network, these images are normally used as preview image. The subs are in the workflowID file. The reason I can't get the entire episode is because I don't have their 'secret' CMS API key to generate an auth token.

I breed the minotaur.

This is the only good star x user

>new Princessboi Marco doll
>sells like hotcakes
>every princess in the multiverse has their own little Marco to sleep with at night

i couldnt live without you...

I choose the lizard princess

Oban was ouiaboo animu they produced, not a dinner anime

That's her in the upper left-hand corner, but here you go.

>forcing Moon to love monsters after all they did to her family
Fuck this Mewni History X shit. Line up all monsters against a wall and shoot.

What's next in the Marco merch? T'Shirts? Colouring Books? Lunch Boxes? Cereal? OOH! How about a flame thrower? The kids love that one.

Strong enough that she should be useful on Mewni
She also has amazing aim

Roleplaying is against board rules. Please cease imediately.

>good on the show for bringing up the monster stuff being arbitrary. That was something parts of the fanbase assumed even in S1, but it's nice to finally end the debates with canon confirmation
>did we really need a whole episode Jane Goodall parody?
>I kinda like how Star questioning the monster racism is just her realizing it's arbitrary. Like she's not going full monster rights this early, just trying to figure it out for the first time
>the dam stuff had no actual tension or anything, even if this was meant to be mostly comedic
>I'm still waiting for it to turn out Buff Frog is like 6 considering how fast his tadpoles seem to grow
>it seems a bad sign to have a plotline about monsters' rights when we barely see any actual monsters saying or doing things, even in this episode
>the Buff Frog stuff was nice. Hoping we'll actually see more of that this week

I dunno, neither was bad but it still feels like since Battle for Mewni we haven't learned much about either the characters or the universe. It just feels like everyone's moving around without much impact or consequence except where shipping's concerned.

On the shipping note, maybe last week would've felt a little better if one or both of these segments had aired somewhere then (ex. Turdina instead of Trial by Squire, or Starfari after Demoncism). Break up the constant stream of romance episodes a bit

They invited Marco to give him an honorary degree
Stop speedwatching


Hey faggots,

My name is user, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures of princesses. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pretty princess pussy? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of the royal guard, and starter on my Mewniball team. What sports do you play, other than “jack off to naked drawn cartoon princesses”? I also get straight A’s, and have a banging hot pretty princess girlfriend (She just made my house into a water park and asked me to be her king; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It’s me and my bitch

Marco's getting a character development arc like Star had. He's going to make mistakes and learn from them.

TransMarco tumblrites are a small echochamber clique on tumblr and no one cares what they think. It's their fault for thinking their headcanon was canon.

I feel like there was potential for an aesop about not living like a bunch of liberal art students, and maybe having SOME structure in your life, but instead, the moral of the story is The Revolution lives on, despite evidence that the Che Guevera legend was built on a lie.

I think Nefcy kept her cheekmark thing vaugue on purpose, just in case she could tie it into some other twist she hadn't yet planned, and now she has it, and it was foreshadowed when Star's cheek hearts were tested for corruption. Heinus will probably get the Ludo treatment, with Eclipsa in the Toffee role. Wild speculation, feel free to pick apart.

It's obvious Marco isn't Lavabo's squire anymore, that was the point. Star could have given him any position she wanted, but didn't want to abuse her power, until Eclipsa convinced her "Why not? You're the princess, who's going to stop you?" So she abused her power a little bit so that she forced Marco to give his wedding vows and be on a leash for the rest of his life.

Red hoodie and jeans will become the latest fashion trend among liberated princesses. Turdica brand clothing line will triple Marcos royalties.

>Implying that's roleplaying

>t. Mohammed

AND not a single Janna this week

Maybe they didn't upload the new episode it yet? Last week the leaks all happened after the previous episode was released. That would also mean no 3am release

Strong enough to take back all the sea bretheren

Why doesn't Jackie appear in the intro?

She is too good for it.

at first i was really disappointed there was going to be another princess marco episode but thank god they finally put it to rest

This is like continuously having to tell a toddler where grandma went and they still don't understand. Tragic.

The girls were living in shit but honestly is it really so bad? IIRC from the St Olgas ad in the book most the princesses are actually poor or the fifth sibking in line with no chance of becoming queen.
I could see why theyd rather spend their youth partying and living carefree instead of wasting it drilling in etiquette and rules so they can later be married off to some minor noble or merchant. Why bother with an in between if none of it is useful at all.

I remember that now that you mentioned it (I knew there had to be a reason) but in the episode itself it didn't stick.

I only watched all the episodes literally once so far, the day each aired, without going back to recheck scenes. So I remember some stuff more than others

You don't like Princess Marco? What's the matter? Does it make you...uncomfortable?

Mohamed likes Lekmet.
Benjamin from New Zealand fucks sheeps

not that guy but princess marco confuses my dick
i dont like that

Looks like they are dancing to the newest hit from Psy

Heinous could be the one abducting people in the monster temple

bruh why you gotta do me like this

At least she's in the damn show. Where the hell is Kelly and why is SHE in the intro?

The dam was likely made by monsters so they wouldnt be isolated from the mainland. notice the ravine also has houses where the water use to flow in. Also all the names is probably meant to ward off mewmians from entering.

we havent seen monsters in a town, only a ragtag bands of ruffians with a common goal. weve seen a rat tavern before a monster town.

The better question at this point is why Janna does appear in it

Marco gives a big acceptance speech over it which convinces him to confess.

So can someone explain to me why people are saying this episode make tumblr angry?

>The girls were living in shit but honestly is it really so bad?

Is that a Homestar Runner reference?

It works against their "MARCO IS TRANS" theory.

In both cases it beats living in the streets

Bruh did they even watch the show?

>Marco's raking in the dough, simultaneously gaining more additions to his harem
>of age, of course

>ninja gaiden 2
Not bad

You see user...Jackie had to go away for a while. I don't know when she'll be back but she promises that she will see you and all of us again someday.