Intelligent and well spoken

>Intelligent and well spoken
>Buxom and curvaceous figure
>Quick on her feet
>Mercifully excluded from one of the worst reboots ever created

Is there any Cartoon Network female more flawless than Sara Bellum?

Other urls found in this thread: - Mayor_Mayor Powerpuff_Girls Sara_Bellum edit xierra099.jpg - Mayor_Mayor Powerpuff_Girls Sara_Bellum edit.png


That gif

>blocks your path

The animation doesn't compliment the art style very well.

Well that was easy

>Samus goes to the beach

She has an ugly face.

Yeah, it's real easy to post a blank picture, but I don't see how it answers OP's question.

You forget to acknowledge her massive 70s style bush.

Looks pretty decent to me


Sorry to keep you waiting

Thank you user

She's been surpassed by a young fresh faced newcomer

No prob.

Now if only we could get that final extra chapter

>her name is also a pun

Say what you will about Xierra's possible pedophiliac beliefs; but there's no denying that she draws the best Powerpuff porn.

>Is there any Cartoon Network female more flawless than Sara Bellum?

Momma Bravo.

>bitches about female objetification so much they take her out
>has no problem having two underage girls twerk on screen
Are there anymore undefensible cucks?

Don't forget the self insert, user.

>Bellum removed due to claims that she's "too sexual" for current audiences
>Introduce a character that's even more sexualized than any female character in the past series
No hypocrisy going on here

>You forget to acknowledge her massive 70s style bush.
>it sticks out the sides of her bathing suit
fuck that's hot and i need it now

>Bubbles believes there's a tiny Miss Bellum head beneath her bathing suit

>this annoying, tree trunk legged cunt
>even close to the level of Bellum

Excellent joke my friend.

>he bothers to watch this
come on now

She is not even close to Steven Universe female character level, much less Ms. Bellum level

Neither one of them can compare to the real beauty of the show.

>edgy, mildly annoying character that's hot

Man I'm sorry but no character with those tumor legs can eclipse Bellum.

>no real nudity
thanks I guess

Sometimes what you don't see is even more erotic than simply showing any real nudity outright.

Plus they're uncensored cuts of some pages if it makes you feel better

someone on the CN staff had to animate that breast bounce and couldn't complain...

i fucking miss those days

>uncensored cuts of some pages
What? Where?

Right here. - Mayor_Mayor Powerpuff_Girls Sara_Bellum edit xierra099.jpg - Mayor_Mayor Powerpuff_Girls Sara_Bellum edit.png

Thicc but still wouldn't watch this shitty reboot

Just a copycat of superior Sedusa and Mask Scara

Now who said anything about watching this shit?

>SU can't get away with lesbians kissing in spite of this being its premise
>The shitty reboot of PPG has a very prominent girl-on-girl kiss

As long as you pretend she's from an entirely different show, she's not that bad

It's an edit.

I prefer the term; alternative enhancement. But here's the original if you still doubt the reboot's authenticity of portraying same sex pedophiliac couples in animation

Borderline pedo porn

If she's so flawless why was she cut out of the show?

Because no women on NuPPG has boobs.
And her figure is heavily based on subtle body language, calarts doesn't teach that.
Tbh, calarts should only used for background characters.

Because she was too 'problematic'

Read: because she was walking talking proof against the personal beliefs and prejudices of the people behind the reboot- she was a capable, competent, clever, and attractive women in a position of power that doesn't abuse her position and has even faced down supervillains and come away successful without the girls needing to rescue her.

Why have a good role model for girls when you can instead put in a scene of preteen girls twerking?

True. She's pretty cute

I'm gonna give you two apparent guesses why they cut her out of the show as well as every other attractive female character in the series.

>Calarts doesn't teach that
>Concept for whoopass girls was concieved while Craig attended Calarts.

You better mean NuCalarts.

In a "tear off all my clothes and mate with me like a wild animal" type of way.

>Because no women on NuPPG has boobs.
What are they? Chopped liver?


Would you still say that if you found out that technicolor coat of paint was the only thing she was wearing?

I always pictured Buttercup being the most nonchalant towards public nudity out of the girls

>Edgy character made to appeal to angsty teenage goth girls who shop at hot topic



her eyebrows piss me off so much.
they're like big moles with a single hair sticking out

Should've stuck with the original design.

Didnt the professor tried to hit on her on many ocassions?

Nah, that's Miss Keane you're thinking of

ha, no
prof doesn't have the balls to ask her out
she is more woman than he could handle

You call this unattractive?