Make solo Batman film adapt son of the Bat

>Make solo Batman film adapt son of the Bat
>Set up Dickbats in solo Nightwing movie, have the movie end with him taking the mantle
>Have Dickbats in JL2, giving the studio the quippy Batman they want

Hire me, WB.

Ewww no.

Just kill the DCEU already and recast Bruce.

Or just recast as Marvel has already stated they're going to do eventually as well.

Good hopefully he'll make the move like Fishburne did and be in movies people like and are excited for

>unironically wanting dickbats
>They finally have world
finest as buddies you want Bruce gone
Kys morrisonfag. Just recast Bruce

At this point Batman is all Ben has left, so I really don't understand these articles.

>wanting Dickbats for a new universe
Why does everyones plans to save this garbage universe involve more convoluted shit?

>Have Dickbats in JL2
The movie scheduled for 2019. Meanwhile Nightwing doesn't even have an actor yet? Not the best plan I'll be honest with you.

You know the real answer? Its so they can have a joke spouting pretty boy as Batman. Their defense? "Oh, but its just like the comics! Dick was Batman before!".

seriously, where do all of these alleged rumours come from? literally none of them have been true so why the fuck do they keep on trying to shit on Affleck? this isn't even journalism anymore, it's blatant lies that have not once been proven right

Just restart this universe already : every movies were big shit

>All these people saying no to Dickbats
What the fuck did you expect was going to happen when they start with an old and busted TDKR Batman? That you'd get a dozen movies of him? Either he passes the mantle or we go Beyond.

>That you'd get a dozen movies of him
Under OPS franchise plan you'd get one movie possibly. That's if they pull out all the stops making Nightwing before June 2019. That's for making a character 99% of the movie going public have never heard of. That's not a way to make people care about Dick as Batman, it's a way to make them go "lol who's this faggot where's Bruce Wayne?"

DCEU batman is already old and retired so it makes sense that he will be replaced by Dick.

At least DC got good sucessors to replace their characters Wally,Dick,Superboy etc, MCU will be forced to simply get rid of captain america and iron man after steve and tony.

>That's not a way to make people care about Dick as Batman
You seem to be forgetting this is the franchise that killed Superman in the second movie without bothering to make the audience like him.

Gets clicks from braindead morons like OP. The DCEU-bashing bandwagon is the hot ticket at the moment because people desperately want it to be shit so they can get that sweet release of "oh FUCK YES i was right it SUCKS". Same as Sup Forums's mentality.

Not saying it's not going to suck or that it doesn't already suck but people want to see shit fail, it's the same reason in 2012 there was so much anti-DC circlejerking in comics news with all the "lol it's been 0 days since dc did something stupid, epic win marvelbros!!!1". People want "US FOLKS" to win and "THOSE FUCKERS" to lose.

Ironically now it's the opposite in the comics with everyone wanting to see Marvel fail while sucking off DC.

This is why cinematic universes were a fucking mistake, everyone jerks off over everything having to be connected and "built up". There's no reason whatsoever why they can't just continue using this universe, just you know, making good movies now. They can retcon stuff that they don't like if they want.

With the comics DC could just say "OK, Birthright is the new origin now and overrides The Man of Steel" instead of going "FUCK EVERYTHING THROW IT ALL OUT AND START OVER".

Then again moviefags are literally mentally handicapped.

lol no normies want dick as batman that would basically be like the fucking schumaker batman movies all over again.

>Affleck will be gone soon

Who can we get next? Ryan Gosling? Aiden Gillen? Idris Elba?

mfw he had that woman accuse him of sexual harassment to help JL flop.

it all makes sense now. and when the movie's theatre run is over, that woman/women will say they forgive Ben because he apologized, and WB have decided to go forward with Flashpoint to reset everything and get a younger Batman.

They're already doing Flashpoint, most likely. The extent of what it changes depends on how JL does.