Netflix Punisher

Sounds about right.

Sooner or later people are going to have to consider that Netflix got lucky with Daredevil, and all the other shows are the norm.

Why do they put 13 episodes in their solo shows but only 8 in the cross over?

Only show that did it right was Luke Cage

it was like one 6 episode story about taking down Cottonmouth, and then the Diamondback shit was like a mini season 2 that came out of nowhere

DD, JJ, and IF drag their bare-bones story (or lack thereof) for longer than is justifiable. So don't, it sucks. Do a few small arcs.

I think Stranger Things handles their episodes correctly. There's far fewer, 8 in season 1 and 9 in season 2, and each episode is how long it needs to be. Some are over an hour, others are under 40 minutes.

The fact that Netflix Marvel is slavishly sticking to the "thirteen 1-hour long episodes" format is killing their shows. Jessica Jones and DD Season 2 would've been MUCH better if they were more compact.

This is why I don't watch TV drama, they really need to chill with the decompression.

But I liked all the other shows.

If Luke Cage stopped after Cottonmouth it would be considered the best superhero series ever.

Marvel fucking ruined a classic.

I'm going to wait for the show to come out to see if I agree with the reviews or not.

Not really. Most informations are given to the viewers in the 3-4 first episodes. Then you see some characters finding about it. You learn stuff two times in 8 episodes.
And I like Wynona Ryder but she's useless and eventually annoying for a lot time.

>Marlel does it again

The problem with that though was that Cottonmouth was a far more interesting character than Luke or Diamondback, and we only started to see his backstory just before he died, I wouldn't have minded if he was the big bad for the whole season
The only other villain who was good to last all season was Kilgrave simply because how entertaining David Tenant was, if it was any other actor it would have sucked ass.

This is more a Netflix problem, though.

Season 1 of Daredevil had him going up against Fisk's associates instead of just Fisk. The Russians, Nobu, Leland Owlsley Sr and Madame Gao.

Season 1 of Daredevil had Fisk going up against Fisks's associates while Matt lied in a couch and Karen killed best boy Ben Urich

I've had issues with decompression on continuity-based TV before Netflix was even a thing.

How is this still an issue when its been by far the most common complaint for all of the netflixs shows since JJ?

I just have issues.

That's the problem I've had with all of the Netflix Marvel shows. Hell, the problem with all the Netflix shows in general.You could easily do every single show so far in six, maybe eight episodes tops and lose nothing. Or, they can still be 13 episodes, but make them half an hour or a "TV hour" (~40-45 minutes) at most. For whatever reason, the showrunners think that just because they -can- make their episodes a "real hour" long without worrying about commercials, they should, and the writing and pacing suffer for it.

I really really really want netflix to go bankrupt. Is there a possibility of this happening at all?

The sad thing is 13 episodes is a lot smaller than broadcast tv.

Not to mention Defenders was like 8 episodes and it was the worst Netflix Marvel yet.

How have Netflix not yet realized that 13 50-minute episodes per season just doesn't work? This should've been very apparent to them ever since JJ was released.

IMO, IF didn't suffer from this as much as DD and JJ did.

Most of the time is a script problem, you see characters that are ok in DD season 1 and Horrible in Defenders, Foggy, low budget is also there, Iron Fist, Cage, JJ, Cage and Defenders, seems cheap af, the directors seems amateur and I really h8 Rosario Dawson

>is it possible that the most popular streaming service, aka the absolute future of content viewing, is going bankrupt when they're focusing all their attention on original shows that they own that get monster numbers and usually a good amount of praise

That said, the streaming world is going to get extremely saturated in the next 4-5 years. Every studio wants to make their own Netflix equivalent, including Disney. I expect the ones like hulu that rely on licenses more than anything to get fucked, but even then Handmaiden's Tale won the emmy last year, so the big three, Netflix, Hulu & Amazon, will be fine.

Hulu is half Disney and half Fox, I suppose they'll get that for the streaming service

>The sad thing is 13 episodes is a lot smaller than broadcast tv.
Yeah, but network TV releases it once a week. So it's a much more serialized format where you can enjoy each episode for what it is and take in one shot episodes. Netflix releases it all at once. So filler episodes are just that.

>when a season 1 villain accidentally outshines 6 seasons of heroes

So 6 hours on Frank, 7 hours diversity subplot. What's it gonna be, the subplot? Microchip jerking off in front of female coders?

This is really pathetic. Wanting countless people to lose their jobs because you don't like a streaming site?

Seek Jesus user.

Who said anything about fired? I want them executed for shoveling George Soros's propaganda

Yeah, I ain't watching it

>I'm reluctant and forced into this life of vice
>But now I love it
You can only bang on that drum for so long.

>You can only bang on that drum for so long.
What about all day?

You got to love how someone could fuck up a simple concept like The Punisher. We didn't need a drawn out, political conspiracy revenge plot. This is Frank we're talking about, him going to town on crime families, sexual creeps, and overly buff Russians is all you need. We watch Frank, to see him Frank.

The next time you ask "Why do people hate Sup Forums" I want you to remember you posted this without any prompting.

>implying I go to Sup Forums
>implying I'm being serious

All of these Netflix shows go 8 episodes longer than they needed.

Cottonmouth wasn't just reluctant, he was forced into it, and he ended up watching from the shadows how his sister bathes in the image of a benevolent politician, while he has to stand knee-deep in shit to support her career, and to top it off he killed himself as an artist for this life.

Netflix shows can't into pacing.