Why are superhero comics so needlessly convoluted and retarded...

Why are superhero comics so needlessly convoluted and retarded? Why does everything have to involve time travel and clones and characters getting resurrected from the dead?
>want to read a cool, self-contained story about the X-Men
>instead I have to read about Wolverine going back in time to help Anti-Wolverine and his black half-brother defeat Jean Grey who turned evil after catching hepatitis from Professor X who was just pretending to be disabled this whole time and was sent here from the planet Gloompftron by a race of mole-Magnetos that died eight hundred issues ago but were brought back to life by Storm who is actually Wolverine's black half-brother's transgender father
Seriously, why? I'm not saying I want a braindead story with no twists or character development, I just want a story that isn't stupid to the point of being inaccessible.

Clones/time travel just became a thing in the 90's because of guys like Claremont and also editorial interference trying to artificially increase drama.

X-Men and Clone Saga are the most egregious examples and aren't really reflective of cape comics as a whole. It's kind of unfortunate that they've permanently cemented this reputation that all cape comics are these ridiculously complicated soap operas that you have to read all of to understand.

It’s the nature of the beast. 616 and DC both have this problem. Marvel is more pronounced than DC is. When things get too complex over at DC they just reboot the whole universe keeping only the choice cuts.

Marvel due to its sliding time scale makes every event, character, and story canon. That means that things are needlessly convulsed and complicated. Even the Ultimate Universe suffered a similar fate on a smaller scale. You just can’t have collaborative story telling without it getting to wild. Also just ignore the 90s. Everything in the 90s was more extreme including needlessly complicated continuity.

They ran out of ideas and just keep piling on more and more bullshit to hide the fact that they're hacks.

1. They have been running for decades, so writers run out of ideas
2. Writers working on comic books are generally not the kind of writers who can come up with anything fresh, instead recycling the old stories and tropes over and over.

>still reading superhero comics beyond the exceptional few like Deathstroke and Doom Patrol

Wake the fuck up, man. Start reading Image, Dark Horse, and Vertigo comics NOW

Not OP but could you recommend some good ones from non marvel/dc? Last ones I read were Irredeemable & Bomb Queen

How is Claremont responsible when he spent most of the 90s writing licensed property tie is that nobody remembers today?

You're right, by that time Claremont was kind of out in favor of Liefeld and Lee who started plotting their own books. Claremont was somewhat guilty of it in the 80's though.

Try reading indie superheroes.

>media made for children is too difficult for me to comprehend

Spencer and Locke
Walking Dead
Aliens Dead Orbit
Predator Hunters
Kill or be killed
Black Hammer
Dr Frankenstein and the legion of Doom

Fantastic rec. Judah is best bro.

You don't like fantastic adventure? You just want ordinary lives of ordinary people? American Splendor is pretty great. Not as exciting as Batman's long-lost sister Bat-Mavis traveling into the past to save Baby Bruce's clone from being eaten by Doomsday's Gypsy CIA uncle from Fiji, but...

Bugfuck fantasy stories are a elemental part of being human; we invented and perfected these things as long as we've had language (at least). Time-travel/clone/alien/raised-from-the-dead are not that new, and some are just a difference in form, not substance.

Maybe you're just tired of being alive.


Not a "problem"; it's a feature, not a bug

>They ran out of ideas
>writers run out of ideas

There are no "new" ideas.

>Claremont was somewhat guilty of it in the 80's though.

Guilty of writing awesome stories? I agree!

>Bomb Queen

Holy shitberries.

That's not true, you bozo. DC does reboot often, but then they go ahead and dereboot things and reboot the rebooted stuff just to redeboot it again. DC has a far bigger mess of continuity

>>want to read a cool, self-contained story about the X-Men

God Loves, Man Kills
Astonishing X-Men
New X-Men

It's okay user, you don't have to pretend you actually know shit about comics

Actually DC is even more complicated because of the rebooted and chopped up continuity. In Marvel you know everything happened, in DC you don't know what the fuck is the actual past of the characters.

"Everything happened" yet it's constantly contradicting itself. At least DC explains why the continuity is inconsistent.

It's because cape-shit are just soap operas marketed towards an audience that is willing to accept stuff like time travel and cloning.

The fuck are you talking about

CoIE rebooted
Zero Hour fixed inconsistencies leftover
Infinite Crisis fixed inconsistencies leftover
Flashpoint rebooted
Rebirth fixed inconsistencies leftover

There's never been a "dereboot"

Define 'not DC', becuase Vertigo is owned by DC, but Fables and Y: the last man are pretty good.