
I hope they all draw Heiman next. I'm sure they're very excited to do it.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'd prefer if they drew Kydi instead


>the virgin kyle makes a post

In their own words: shota. Hell, that artist says in their description that they're a shotacon.

A lot of fans joke about becoming one after watching the show.

Kyle being with Heidi annoyed me so much for some reason, I'm glad she's still with Cartman.

>fujos drawing a straight ship


Why do you shit the board up with retarded South Park threads? That's the better question.

im not much for hetships but anythings better than kyman

>Why do they love South Park so much?
Because it's a good show (most of the time).

Oh, and I feel like I should note that in Japan that the terms shotacon and lolicon are actually synonymous for pedophile, meaning every self professed shotacon artist you see has a tendency to post about irl little boys as well. It's pretty disturbing.

If you don't believe me take a look through their twitters for a bit. The kids from IT seem to be their new flavor of the month. Basically what I'm saying is Japanese pedos like cartoons about little boys. Any other answer is wrong.


>so warm...
>[another day]


Japanese artists draw Craig incredibly cute. I wish westerners would stop drawing him super tough to compliment Tweek.


because hes the toughest dude in south park
both the most emotionally stable and mature kid

the japs draw him as if hes fucking clyde with craigs clothes
hes the calm dude who helps his bud out when he freaks out not a fucking cute uke who curls up in a ball when tweak starts screaming

The series is predominately boys. I'll let you figure out the rest.

Relax, retard. Craig can be cute AND tough. Go back to crying over how much you hate Kyle or something.

why is he as dark as token now?

ffs that guy draws the worst south park art

Fucking this. Craig is by far one of the most stable, mature, and level-headed amongst the kids. I really don't get the Japs obsession with making him into a wet blanket.

>Getting this assblasted over cartoon fanart
shiggy diggy

Fanon that he's peruvian and adopted.

Basically the justification is just "He has black hair when thats genetically extremely unlikely if not impossible and he was part of a peruvian prophecy somehow"

Craig is very cute. Stop being autistic about it.

so whats tweeks canon eye color?
I see both blue eyes and green sometimes


Timmy is cute. Cute!

That he is. Can't wait for the episode.

no hes not, hes characterized as emotionless and a bully to anyone who isnt tweek

the art you people post makes him out to be a completely different character to what hes shown as in the show

Posting more cute Craig fanart to piss off this autist

>"When our lava volcano wins first prize, every girl in this school will want to have sex with us."
>Wanting to have sex with Nathan.

>fan created content portrays characters as OoC
What a shock. I'm just utterly shocked.


Is it okay if it's Youth Pastor Craig?

What does it mean if south park doesn't make you a shotacon but does make you want to raise a son who enjoys a childhood of playing with his friends?


Any cute Craig is good

thats not cute ooc craig tho thats just regular craig fawning over his bf



Alright then.

The fuck is this ship called? Kraig-in Spacey?

>tfw you fall for the one ship the show loves to kick in the balls repeatedly


At least we're not stylefags and still have regular content of them.

I've also got this.

clyde is such a cutie

>Tfw no cute small tweek devil pet thing
Why live




style usually has better quality fan content even if the show is letting it die slowly

I hope he scores Bebe and Nichole first. Nathan should get to them all eventually but he needs to prioritize.

What was the season where they dropped Stan's vomiting gimmick for good? I can't remember.



I'm pretty sure the last time they did it was when Stan and Wendy got together after breaking up for ages that one time.

It was what the episode ended with and was in their fancier newer animation.

>antikymanfags can't go 2 seconds without bringing up kyman

I think you may be right. It's a little crazy thinking about how many long-running gags have been dropped from the show altogether. Kenny dying, Mr. Hat, etc.

There's also a rather surprising amount of Imp Tweek stuff.

it's harder to find high quality kyman content because the pairing can't decide what to do with itself-- and most people get it horribly, horribly wrong. style is comparatively much simpler and easier to "get."

They have this weird, angry obsession with it. Seems familiar



Yeah, but I suppose on the flip side you can't keep a show running for 20 seasons if you can't get beyond the same running jokes. Diminishing returns and all that

I only mention it when replying to someone who said it first

Same with Creek.
Creek content in the latest ep: Aww they were talking to each other
Kyman content in the latest ep: Requires a 10 page psychoanalysis, still inconclusive

True. I hope it can get back on it's feet with this season and the next.

Thats because Creek is text
Kyman is purely subjective interpretive subtext.

Personally I think kyman fans who think it might actually happen are delusional


What would the show have been like if they'd gone with the plan of killing off Kyle and permanently filling his spot with early seasons Wendy?

Dunno. Certainly would have been different.
I expect Stan would have basically become what Kyle became, since lets not forget by that point in the show Stan and Kyle were basically interchangable, Kyle's hatred of cartman and being a jew aside

They were gonna fill his spot with Butters, not Wendy. Cripple Fight was a prototype for that idea.

>Those episodes where they accidentally switch Kyle and Stan's voices
Fucking lol

thats because creek is canon and doesnt need to be justified

kyman on the otherhand needs to be both cartman being gay and cartman being the bottom
so kyle would not only need to be convinced to turn gay but also be the one that pushes cartman into it in order to satisfy the kymanfags we have here

>cartman being the bottom
what the fuck, kymanfags don't actually think this do they?

Don't start

yes the retards we have here think thats how the ship would go

Every thread you bitch about Cartman being straight and how he's totally the most dominant, masculine character evar. It's fucking autistic, stop projecting your self-esteem so hard on an overweight sociopathic 10 year old who doesn't even understand sex.

Realistically, the ship wouldn't go at all

He understands it enough to mack on Heidi whenever he feels like it, in between murder attempts.

Hell once more, Cartman Domfags. How's your health plan? Doing good?

don't start again

No, Heidi understands it enough for Cartman to clumsily fumble with her in between snacks when he isn't trying to destroy her literally or figuratively.

Ignoring this retarded argument of opinion that never goes anywhere, let me just post the BEST ship with sub Cartman.

But that's not Shelly Marsh.

Your right. I shouldn't encourage them. Back to cute Imp Tweek posting I go.

>Femdom Shelly
The thought of this pleases me

man, I'm so sick of this fandom's obssesion with Tweek and Craig, have anything else?

I'll post some goth kids.

They'll (probably) burn out eventually.

But srsly, its a show with a cute art style (even if the content isn't so cute) with a canon gay couple. It was inevitable this would happen.

the guy i replied to was the one who brought it up just to complain about it, though.

You know that one Tweek x Craig doujin? It's been translated. uinsmi.tumblr.com/post/166374845882/hi-guys-i-translated-this-amazing-doujinshi-by

I have *soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo* much Kenny/General Mccormick shit, you would not believe.

It's true that it was inevitable, but I get what they mean. Oversaturation and all that.


I have a decent amount of Stendy and Clybe, and a little bit of Heiman and Kred. My quality Heiman collection is finally on the rise.

Also a shit ton of neutral non ship art, family pictures and side characters

