Do you collect any /toy/ Sup Forums?

Do you collect any /toy/ Sup Forums?

This count?

a handful of marvel legends, but that's all

too expensive for me but I sure would like to

The Yamaguchi line and some occasional Figuarts or Mezco

I buy transforming robots and pastel equines when I have throw away cash, that's it really



I want that statch.

>All that dust
Come on user

I really want to start collecting statues and Sup Forums figurines but they're expensive as fuck and there's always other things I want more

I have alot of figures. I even just got a brood skrull two pack in the mail, but my skrulls foot broke off and now i had to glue it back on

the contrast between Kotobukiya Starfire and those Carol and Jessica statues is hilarious. what were they thinking with those faces?

Anyway, here's my waifu shrine. I'd show off my MLs but my shelf is a bit of a mess right now.

how 2 dedust without damage

You have to take everything out, clean it, then put them all back.

Get one of those poofball dusters that are super gentle.

is that like your waifu shrine? do you pray to it? are you blessed with nuts?

I am, yes.

Hoping someday we will get a Milana Vayntraub version to go along with it.

I collect a lot of /toy/ mostlyTransformers and kaiju stuff (mainly Godzilla) I have a few miscellaneous things as well.

Well let us see those Kaijus man

I play a lot of the Batman and DC Miniatures Games, so I have a lot of 35mm DC models. Other than that not much, although I have a fair amount of DC related Lego from my early teens (almost 20 so not all that long ago)

Does anyone want to see my stuff? I have alot but its mostly just random stuff i find online

I only play clix, hows the miniature game (is it well supported)? how are the fourth world pieces?

Never heard of this before but I'm very interested now

The only Sup Forums-related things are a few Marvel and TMNT figures.


It's got a way smaller selection than Clix, but the pieces are way better sculpted. Fourth World wise, you only have Darkseid and the Parademons so far, but they're a full list for the DC game.

Comparing the 2 games, Batman is much more focused on the street level (although there are things like Amazons and Speedsters playable as well) while DC is focused more on the big slugfests on a JL level. DC is also a far simpler game, although that makes it a great casual game that's heaps of fun to fuck around with as a difference from playing more tactical and competitive Batman.

Piece wise there is overlap, but not all that much. A lot of the more powerful Batman characters are allowed in the DC game, although it doesn't usually go the other way (Green Lantern and Aquaman are 2 examples who are currently DC only, while things like Batman, Cyborg or Wonder Woman are in both)


>there's some overlap
Gonna pick up some cheaper pieces tonight

Canonically that should have been green goblin

I misread that as snatch

Big on /toy/, /tg/, and Sup Forums as hobbies alongside Sup Forums stuff. All of this stuff intertwines, so I've got a metric assload of /toy/ stuff hanging around. Amecomi Revo's, Transformer's, SHF's, etc.


No cheetah?


>everyone is statueshit
youre all forbidden on /toy/

except for you you seem like a cool guy

This is my Sup Forums shelf, there are many like it but this one is mine

Those bombshell statues are so nice, do you have the hawkgirl one? saving up for that one.

Lots and lotsa Transformers.


She's on the second row, next to Catwoman

Not yet. Someday.

Yeah I'm pretty Jelly. They cost like 250 USD or something right? Pretty cheap for statues but fucking expensive for a student. Say what you will about the comic, the designs are great.

Most retail for $125, but you can find deals online. I've picked up a few of the less popular statues at $75.

75$ is pretty cheap, it's so hard to find money for /toys/ when you buy Sup Forumsmics. I spend like 50 dollars a week on comics.

Used to collect Transformers, stopped a few years ago when they got overly expensive and hard to find here in Yuro. Also, local temperature shifts made a few of them brittle.

I hear you.

I didn't buy anything like this in college. Didn't even read comics. Had no money for such things.

Something to come back around to after you're gainfully employed.

Transformers have my love. I don't display everything because small space makes it look cluttered.

Bumping for more creepy waifu shrines.