How old is GG gonna look by the time WW2 comes out?

How old is GG gonna look by the time WW2 comes out?

34. Any more questions?

Holy fuck she looks terrible

Probably not very, since odds are they're going to fast track WW2 to get made as soon as possible now that she's shaping up to be more popular than Superman.
The real question is "Is Gadot going to do it" or is she gonna hold out for more money or for hollywood politics

>I can't appreciate Wonder Milf

Faggots. I bet the both of you jack it to that russian skeleton Scarjo.

Well how hard could it be to get rid of Brett Ratner? Who even likes him?

I wonder what sequel will be about, "Fish out of water" schtick saved this movie.

Give her a sidekick and use same formula?

Maybe it'll explain what she did during her decades of hiding away from mankind mentioned in BvS. Maybe starting a farm and rearing chickens?

>Calling Scarjo a skeleton in relation to Gadot
Lmao wut?
>Wonder Milf
That'd be Lynda Carter, not Gal

Thats stupid though. The rest of the DCEU is moving on but shes still set in the past. WW served its perpouse to explsin her. We dont need more.
I xan see a modern story maybe about the gods being reborn or other children of gods coming of age. With Cassie or Donna as her sidekick.

There is nothing wrong with having a trilogy about past events, it give's her own unique "world" to explore.

Honestly a rough adaptation of Azzarello's run might work. You'd have to change a few things around, but the idea of a young girl with an important unborn child who Diana has to protect from mythological forces seems like good fodder for a movie. Plus it would allow them to show her growth as a character, from someone who needs to be guided to someone who guides others.

She looks like a trailer park whore wrapped up in a cheap plastic Halloween costume. When will this nightmare end?

Arent there already too.many movies about protecting pregnant women cuz theur child is special. I dont want Diana to do those plus im not an Azzfag so imma pass.

I was thinking Diana's other siblings/realtives who havent died finallng coming out of hiding to ask her help rebuilding their parent legacy.

>Arent there already too.many movies about protecting pregnant women cuz theur child is special.
Such as? Sarah Connor isn't pregnant in any of the movies. All I can think about is Children of Men and the Italian movie it ripped off.

Maybe it'll be enough years for her to ACTUALLY PUT ON FUCKING MUSCLE

The end of days. Legion i think it was called came out some tine ago about the first pregnant wonan after the world went sterile. There is probably a couple others that i just may be mixing like Rosemary's baby.
The subject about Pregnsnt women and their specail child isnt new but i dont think slapping a superhero on it isnt gonna make it fresh. Since the story ends with her giving birth and then we are wasting WW on a single story since we have to findout what happendms next.

We need a single and done story that leads to the next chapter in WW.

>We need a single and done story that leads to the next chapter in WW.

How about a movie about WW fighting sexual harassment?

It's just a couple of movies which are pretty different than what Azzarello's run was. By those standards, you can't really do anything since every single plot for a superhero movie since forever has been 100% more cliche than that.

Probably close to this

