Tfw native fetish

>tfw native fetish
>no comics or cartoons with qt native girls

They're just as hard to find as real ones, I suppose

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check out Zenescope's Neverland series

Hope you watched the animu version of Peter Pan. Anime Tiger Lily a qt.

i got a macro fetish but guys only, that's way harder to find

>native fetish
>Bondage fetish
Princess tinyfeet comes back, discover she has a bondage feish, why she left Sargent Hatred. He accepts her, they break up next episode. Man would have been dope to see her being a slave around the venture compound.

I feel you mate

>Native girls are hard to find
And who's fault is that, white man?

its not fair

Liberals for making people think that brown people from mexico and south are some unique race and not just injuns that speak spanish

Most amerindian people are pretty fucking distinct from latinos

In the same way that a Slav is distinct from a Spaniard

How did 'The BFG' make you feel?

>tfw native fetish
are you german?

Latino is not a race.


I take it you've never been around actual Native Americans.
Most real Native American women age like shit after 16 due to a combination of poor diet, teen pregnancy, and alcoholism.

why did you kill them instead of fucking them like the spics did?

There's never actually a point where they look healthy. Every indian family I see around here is obese, even the kids in strollers. It's like most aspects of sex dimorphism are gone with them, and the men and women have the same round bodies but one is taller than the other. It's pretty pathetic, but welcome to a culture that was completely destroyed and then rebuilt only through the double-egded cruelty of welfare intervention.

Natives can be very attractive in their teens and 20s. After that they mostly go downhill. I just really love their hair, best hair genes on the planet

Well both did happen, that's how we got all these weird white people who proudly declare themselves 2% native.

>not wanting your sons to have beards

I'd guess that SA was a lot harder to waltz in because of kingdoms and armies and such. Nomad tribes are easier to deal with. A pitty, really. We'll never know what could have been. Native American Wakanda would be nice.

Well, mestizo and indian are different.
I'm mexican, brown as shit, and yet I dont look like any indigenous people.

>Natives can be very attractive in their teens and 20s
Obviously there's going to be outliers, but we're talking about a percentage that is well below norms in a per population basis. They're really pretty much completely destroyed as a people and obesity is the overwhelming default from childhood.

We did both, we're just better at killing than fucking.

I ment female head hair. But yeah most suck at beards. I'm Norse and have shitty thin blonde hair but a thick red beard

It's the government cheese and cheap beer. They evolved to consume a diet of wild vegetables, fruit, and lean meat and government cheese, flour, and alcohol fucking destroyed them.

Eh yeah i guess you are right. I just notice the hot skinny ones more i guess cause they can make some really hot goths.

Have some indian booty

>World Indian Games in Brazil

Everyone fucked them. The first notes about em are basically homoerotic poetry because even the guys were 20/10 by european standards. Entire colonies would disappear because everyone decided they'd rather go off and fuck than help with some crappy colony that half the people didn't want to be on in the first place.
Americans generally don't admit it or realize it but they are not remotely pure white and most of the elite families have indian blood in them.

TLDR They fucked ALOT.

Nobody is bringing up Asterix and Obelix go to America?

>Americans generally don't admit it or realize it but they are not remotely pure white

In scientific studies white americans are not actually considered pure white. They're just plopped in as a "close enough" because the scientists don't want to bother importing europeans or their biomatter for studies like genome sequencing. It's basically accepted that if it's an american then they're not actually 100% white and one showing up would be considered a fluke of nature.

It seems a bit weird that Sup Forums has some sympathy for native americans when they don't for blacks or middle easterners or jews. Does Sup Forums think they were fucked over worse?

I live around a ton of them and even they hate natives more than other races. Pretty shitty when your race was fucked over so bad even you hate your own kind more than conquerors.

Shirley, you jest.

Its episodes are still lost media.

Well when your community is shit yeah you're going to hate the people who are directly shitty to you instead of those who are indirectly.

Are all the natives dead yet?

>Native goths

Never seen any, though

>Does Sup Forums think they were fucked over worse
Personally, I do feel that way. I'm fairly right wing and expect in the modern world that every minority group match the "white standard" for achievement given the plentiful available resources in our society, but I know an irreparable wrong against a group of people when I see one. What happened to the indians basically completely destroyed them and their ability to ever come back. They're truly a lost people because something in them that was hardened and forged by this country's natural landscape made them completely incompatible with how things are now. They're pretty much the walking truth about how race isn't a construct and that pushing to assimilate everyone into a "progressive" western world, even one that ends up accepting and celebrating them and gives them every opportunity (at least, at face value), is an utter mistake. What we did to the indians is a national and cultural shame that we should always acknowledge.

>Does Sup Forums think they were fucked over worse?
I mean they're pretty much unquestionably the most oppressed minority in the US. It doesn't cost the government anything to make things right with other minorities but they owe too much to the natives to ever make things right with them so they just ignore them.

>I mean they're pretty much unquestionably the most oppressed minority in the US
The worst part is that we're so wholly ignorant of the fact that profitable indian casino only benefit the upper echelons of a handful of tribes (most of which have high white populations) and the rest are basically buried in poverty. We think that the casinos have finally set things right, but then we overlook the fact that it took the standard american business practice of wealth disparity and ramped it up to a whole new level.

>native dogs

There are still stone-age level Africans who have not adapted properly to modern tech and advancements.
>middle easterners
They honestly do pretty well for themselves, but extremism is a major problem.
Have all the power and are "The Man" in the eyes of some. You can no more expect sympathy for them than you can for white people on Tumblr.
Wiped out by disease and genocide, but they also went down fighting. They stole and used the horses that were brought from Europe, they stole and used guns. They adapted to what the white man brought, but lost due to clear superiority of the invading power. I've seen many racists respect them at least because of that, while making fun of Africans in their mud huts in the 21st century.

Legend of Oz: The Wicked West turned the Oz setting into a western (duh) and the Scarecrow was a cute Native girl who got her own two-issue spinoff.

The series just sorta died after the publisher was bought by Aspen though.
They reprinted the original mini then nothing.

It's similar but worse in Canada. The Chiefs negotiated that a lot of laws don't apply to them and time and time again Chiefs will horde a bunch of government money that was ment to improve the reserve and then steal hundreds of thousands of dollars and just move away. But cause they were Chief and had complete king like power the reserve can't even go after them and get robbed again

Blame European viruses, those killed more natives than any colonists ever did

Dani is the best native. Why the new mutant girls are still the best of their races?

All except Amara

And afroamerican have White genes,still no one would say they aren't nigger
this looks hilariously bad

>posting cia funded soros memes