How the fuck is Red Skull wrong?

How the fuck is Red Skull wrong?

Because no matter what points he make that might be valid, his goal is ultimately still to harm people, and two wrongs don't make a right, especially not in super hero comics where the entire point practically revolves around people with better morals coming out on top of people with questionable ones

doesn't he start advocating suicide bombings on the next page?

it was just some hamfisted 'all white people are nazis xD' propaganda

Because Red Skull gives zero fucks about what he's saying. He'll appropriate anything if it means it'll get him what he wants.

Red Skull is a foreign aggressor bringing his fanatical beliefs and crime, attacking women, bombing cities, a criminal trespasser who makes a mockery of our borders, and putting our entire culture under siege.

It's kinda like how the first half of american history x made sense, and then he curb stomps a nigger and becomes a straw man

What? You must've missed the entire point of the movie then.

Oh, this thread again.

He isn't.
It's funny, the next page includes exclusively white people strapping another white person with a suicide vest, when in the countries that accept refugees it's white people being murdered with this same tactic.
Marvel seems to love taking reality and inverting it to attack white christians. Any terrorists or extremists are white, and with Iceman the homophobe is obviously a white Christian instead of some shariah supporting Muslim. I think the same thing happened with Ms. Marvel, where there was a terrorist bomb planted by whites in a civilian area, and an arabic soccer player manages to throw or kick the bomb out of danger.

Even Red Skull is right sometimes, but you can't delete his historic

He isn't. Spencer is an idiot.

Goddamn Sup Forums and Sup Forums really are out in full force today.

It would be nice if mods cracked down. It would be even nicer if there was a Sup Forums genocide but that's just me.

He is wrong. sadely the next page fail to deconstruct his speech.

He outright spout the "refugee=terrorist" lies and condemn a whole group because of the actions of a few. he blame leadership for actually trying to save life and disguise that as an act of betrayal.

he rely on primal fear to seduce his audience. he rely on nationalist to rise to power, condemning many innocents to death in the process.

>Because no matter what points he make that might be valid, his goal is ultimately still to harm people
An argument is an argument regardless of the source


Hypocrisy does not negate a point

The skinheads and gangbangers are intentionally mirrored throughout the film. Avery Brook's character likewise is supposed to mirror Edward Norton's.

He's basically just a less-ugly more-German Nigel Farage at this point.

No aspect of Islam is compatible with western society

So Jewish Bankers wronged average citizens, this is true

This means it's okay to annihilate all Jews? Only to a super villain.

What he's doing in this page is using relatively reasonable points to sway normal people, people like you OP, to his cause.

Then once people are in too deep he turns them into terrorists.


Ultimately he's only right because communism won in the west. You could take the same variables of what he is saying, with migration and tolerance, and in a non-socialist society it wouldn't be detrimental. Not in the least, really, because migration and, eventually, assimilation was paramount prior to socialist intervention. But in a communist/socialist western world like we have today in every developed nation (yes, even the US, unfortunately) we have pretty much eradicated the idea of identity (even subset minority identity) and replaced it with an amorphous idea of what a citizen of a nation actually is and should strive to be.

He didn't make an argument he just went on stage and said shit sucked. Congrats.


I was about to say something like this. Mudslimes go on rampages throughout Europe, they gangrape and murder little kids, and Marvel's only response is to depict white guys using suicide bombs. Truly fucking contemptible.

Let's be honest, though. He does have some fair points. I mean, when you do shit like this and trod all over the impoverished, it's no surprise that the lower class would be sick of being treated like shit, and to join a movement like this.

You're almost there user. You've almost figured out the point of it.

Lol. Nice try, but this is Sup Forums fair and square

When will you libtard fujoshits learn that it's not that the boogeyman Sup Forums is everywhere, it's that this is how the majority of people actually feel in this community? You're the outsider here, not us. You came into our sandbox and tried to change everything, not the other way around.

It's the same exact reason Donald trump won the election. The working class needed a champion to challenge the people that had been berating them for years, and anyone would do. Trump just happened to be the one that stepped up.

Oil and water don't mix.

Basically that for various reasons Islam has never had a Protestant revolution while at the same time it's decentralized nature means that nothing like the Council of Nicaea has ever occurred that clarifies and regulates doctrine. The tenets of Islam are supported by authoritarian social structures outside the religion itself rather than an internal authority. Basically imagine if all of Christianity was some flavor of non-denominational or Baptist and the hardcore Biblical literalist fundies were the dominant players.

One of em in my region recently raped a Pony in a petting Zoo,I mean there where Goats around so thats weird.

le Hitler did nothing wrong xDXdXdd Kill everyone kill kill haha nigger kill xDXDXD TRUMP lol

More like Trump is an ink blot of a candidate. Read a transcript of any of his speeches. He just rambles in circles, makes very strong sounding declaritive statements, backpeddles, and pivots to a new topic before he has to formulate any specific opinion on the matter. Over and over.

Trump doesnt have a message or a cause. He is just aggressively *something*, and people project what that something is onto him.

I wasn't looking for an explanation retards.

1/10 bait. Idk if I should tell you to try harder or less hard...

Well, this is one of the more batshit insane examples of persecution complex I've seen in a while, but at least you're coherently expressing your insanity rather than just shouting "goy" and "cuck" and expecting us to know what the fuck you're rambling about, so that's a pleasant change.

The tl;dr is "Images and discussion should pertain to media of Western origin."

Like I said, he's just the one that stepped up and said the right things to the downtrodden. The biggest thing is that he wasn't Hillary, who was the embodiment of the groups that demonized the working class


He's not wrong in his arguments, he's wrong in his solutions.
He takes real and pressing problems that politicians (and superheroes) are willfully ignoring, and uses them to get people to serve his own ends, even at the cost of their lives.

Sadly, yes. The voter turnout alone shows just how much people didnt like Hillary as a candidate, and the whole business with Bernie very obviously being sidelined soured a lot of voters.

The tone in DC is basically that Trump didnt win the election so much as the Democrats lost it. If the Dems had nominated almost anyone else instead, we'd be in a very different situation.

Isn't that what makes this speech dangerous? It has nuggets of truth and speaks to the frustrations and fears of a group, and is more or less cementing their beliefs by having an outside force confirm it. That's all you really need to get people on your side: give them the truth they want to hear. Sure, it may not necessarily be right or wrong, but it aligns with their thoughts so they take it in to their hearts and accept.

I think you misunderstand what I'm saying and are putting a "holy shit this nutjob must be from Sup Forums" twist on it because words like "socialism" and "assimilation" fired up a pre-established bias in your mind towards what I was writing.

mods = fags

I bet you think Sup Forums is an echo chamber too.
>Waaaah don't challenge my beliefs! I didn't want to learn facts about the world!

>pic related
Wipe this whole thread from the face of the Earth then. This exact thread, with the exact OP picture and the exact "how is he wrong?" OP text show up on Sup Forums every other day and literally, not figuratively, literally every single time it shows up it does nothing but bait Sup Forums and Sup Forumsmblr into making the exact same arguments that never change anyone's mind and never lead anyone to a deeper understanding of either politics or the comic in question.

It took 1500 years for Christianity to have a Protestant Reformation. Islam is 1400 years old. It'll come in time - unfortunately, we'll have to experience all the violence that's associating with birthing that.

>Wipe this whole thread from the face of the Earth then.
I agree with you 100%, angry banned-kun.

And they still haven't realized that calling people bigots and racists isn't exactly a good way to get people to see things your way. The left's biggest enemy right now is themselves.

His speech itself isn't dangerous. The actions he spurs people towards are dangerous. But yes, people just want to be told they're right and have their biases confirmed even when they're wrong. Ergo, we have the mainstream media.

I miss when this kind of consistent shitposting led to red bans

mods you fucking suck

The only good anything that came out of protestantism was Calvin. Now THAT guy was on point about humanity.


Look at this shit! We have this thread so Goddamn often there's an image macro screencap that completely solves any debate related to the PICTURE OF A COMIC on the COMICS AND CARTOONS BOARD and after it's posted the only possible reasonable discussion is Sup Forumsshit. Why do the mods allow Sup Forums threads to stay on Sup Forums? why don't they just move this thread to Sup Forums where it belongs? Fuck, I've seen it there multiple times now.

In this case it's not even the 'truth people want to hear', it's just the truth.
Europe is literally experiencing unlimited and unverified migration from across Africa and Asia. There are nearly 244 million people already on the move heading towards Europe, to say nothing of the ones already there. Smugglers send dozens or hundreds of people out on rickety boats made of wood or plastic, they're intercepted by NGO's working for the EU, and taken to Europe where they can receive government benefits and housing. This has been happening every single day for about three years, and not only is this encouraged by the EU, the countries that object to accepting refugees are heavily criticized and punished.

In the UK, they reward actual ISIS fighters returning from overseas and say we have to reintegrate them into society, but if people on social media object to this or Islam in general, they can be sent to prison for hate crimes. The EU leaders have used every case of terrorism to put more soldiers on the street, tighten control over the internet, and people viewing 'far right' materials can be sent to prison for 15 years, under whatever definition of far right they'd like to use.

Red Skull isn't lying about a single thing in the OP.

>His speech itself isn't dangerous
Yes it is. It demonizes whole swaths of people for no reason except scapegoating, it uses insane hyperbole to paint the nation as a hellhole requiring violent revolution, glorifies german nationalist ideology, and even directly contradicts itself in service of further angering the crowd.

There's not an ounce of sincere argumentation in it, it is nothing but effective propaganda.

Because like it or not, it's still Sup Forums related. Believe it or not, things can have more than one category that they fit under. A political comic can be both Sup Forums and Sup Forums related.

I don't see how anyone can reconcile the concept of predestination towards hell or heaven with the idea of a loving, caring, merciful god.

Is ironic that you say that when look what you did to middle east, there is blue eyed and blonde arabs everywhere on syria and iraq, you made pure jews extinct after the exodus.

So is ironic that jews and arabs are the ones runing your white only plans when you ruined their racial purity first.

>guys ignore that you're getting fucked left right and center by special interests siphoning money from you and literally tricking the populace into doing stupid self-destructive shit like brexit
>it's the scary foreigners you should be worried about look they're rapists and murderers and some of them I'm sure are very nice people but they're not bringing their best believe me the rape is yuge

You can call it insincere, sure. But I'm of the opinion that speech and ideas are not inherently dangerous. Actions are dangerous. The way you fight bad ideas isn't by censoring it, but with better ideas.

Brexit isn't self-destructive. In actuality, it'd probably be the best thing for Britain.

Discussion of the politics of comic books is germane to Sup Forums. And I'd rather discuss it with fellow Sup Forumsmrades than with raving hatefilled Sup Forumsacks.

There's 10 pages of other threads to read if you don't like this one.

>You can call it insincere, sure
I am not calling it insincere, I am calling it naked propaganist techniques.

The opinions and ideas in the speech are inherently dangerous.

No one has brought up censorship.

>stupid self-destructive shit
You mean like Germany taking millions of illiterate third world muslims every year?

Is literally impossible to germany to keep being a first world country in 50 years, most germans will be first of second generation people from middle east, pakistan and africa with no proper culture or education.

Germany will be a muslim version of Brazil but without religious freedom or freedom of speech.

It's the special interests you're alluding to that are all unanimously in favor of the unlimited migration that's happening. The people coming in overwhelmingly vote in favor of larger government.

Why do you think there's somehow a more important issue to a country than the citizens who inhabit it?

You said
>Brexit isn't self-destructive
The UK economy showed that this statement was a lie.

user, you are the father

But this wasn't a Sup Forums thread after like the fifth post. And we've had this """discussion""" enough times that OP knew it was never going to be a Sup Forums thread in the first place.

Fuck off, brat, we been here since Snacks. Learn how to wipe your ass while you're at it you fucking kid.

32 posters in this thread. The other 31 want to have this conversation. Why don't you browse any of the other 100+ threads currently active on Sup Forums?

>better double down on how scurry the foreigners are
It's time to go back to your containment

even the fucking ponyfags were never this bad

And Germany violent crimes are rising 7% per year, bravo merkel

It's not, though. When people near the beginning of the thread all reply talking about the Red Skull as a character, his motivations, his place in the narrative, none of that gets any replies, none of that gets any traction. The only thing that gets any traction is people talking about how much they hate minorities and why, and that's literally the whole reason that the thread exists. If it weren't, people would be discussing the Red Skull, not how much Islam is a bloobity blah blah blah etc etc religion.

Its a difficult situation to navigate. On the one hand, calling out bigots and racists 'alienates voters'.

But on the other hand, NOT doing that is even worse harm. Because if you pretend that open bigotry is a valid stance to have at the table, thats a loss. Saying that racism is an open issue where all opinions are valid legitimizes it, and that is a can of worms you do not want to open. No matter your anecdotes about bad neighborhoods or crime rates, actual systemic ethnic suppression from a legal footing is fucking poison for a country. Its a shortsighted practice bad for everyone involved in the long run.

If leftists love outsiders coming in and changing the composition of your town, why do they hate gentrification so much?

Not that user, but what does that have to do with his point?

What are you talking about? Leftist yuppies and hipsters are the gentrifiers.

I voted Remain, but accepted that with the right sort of government and the right sort of people, we could potentially have negotiated something more beneficial to the UK out of it all. I didn't believe that was likely. I thought we'd have the rather inept Cameron and co. to make a bit of a mess.

Sadly, they all shat it and resigned, so now we have a bunch of fucking idiots in government who couldn't negotiate a drinks order because they're more interested in trying to stab each other in the back, and an opposition that is just as dumb, meaning we're hurtling towards a giant clusterfuck that will see us bought out by the US and become the 51st state before Trump's second inauguration.

When ideas and speech are deemed "dangerous", the conclusion is almost always censorship.

Now the ideas and speech are not capable of committing violence, thus, I don't consider them dangerous. The people who become radicalized, however, I would consider dangerous.

Are you fucking retarded? Do you know anthing about politics?Immigration is a very critical point that every country is careful with, it can easily ruin entire countries in less than a decade like happened to Jordan.

Because I want to watch people take the same bait they've taken literally hundreds of times before.
The problem isn't the subject matter of the thread, it's that this bait that leads to nothing but tired shitposts is allowed to exist at all.

>9 muslim majority countries that execute homosexuals, the others either fine or imprison them
>apostates of Islam are killed
>women are subjugated and are lucky to live as second class citizens, takes four male witnesses to prove a woman was raped, in some countries the woman who is proven to be raped will be executed for adultery
>consanguineous marriage is accepted and encouraged
>multiple wives and child brides are accepted
They're just like you and me senpai, bring them all in so that we can be stronger together.

Violent crimes is a consequenceof the open borders policy

Oh no, the violent crime per capita rate went up from .76 to .81!?!?!?!?


Word choice

>it can easily ruin entire countries in less than a decade like happened to Jordan.

Don't forget that the same immigrant group also ruined Lebanon, and very nearly ruined Syria and Kuwait.

>Newfag detected.
Lurk more before you decide to make a fool of yourself bucko.

This is how I can tell you're a millennial that grew up coddled and unscarred.

If you keep growing at this rate and US violence declining germany will be more violent than US in one generation, London is already more violent than US on average, but yeah muslim immigrants don't increase violence. keep telling yourself that;

It is. We're discussing the roots of his speech and the points he raises.

There is no systemic racism in the USA. Now are there actual racists in the USA? Yes, but not everybody who disagrees with the typical radical left propaganda is a bigot or racist. And you can hate it as much as you like, but racism am is a legitimate world view. Disagreeable and reprehensible, but legitimate.

Well put.

If you want to watch, shut up and watch. If you don't want to watch, go to another thread. Stop trying to censor people having a discussion about a controversial comic book speech.


>Why do the mods allow Sup Forums threads to stay on Sup Forums?
Because Sup Forums deserves it. Look at this thread, at all the witless leftists and liberals rolling in their own shit. What doubt can remain that this isn't a tumblr outpost after all?

Not only does it have nothing to do with the point being made, it's also not actually giving you any information. "violent crime went up 7%" is a useless figure if you don't have the actual rates that percentage is applied to.

Germany's violent crime rate is absurdly low, and a 7% change in an absurdly low number is itself absurdly low.

It's the same idiocy that led people to shout that Sweden's rape stats had doubled because of refugees and was now "the rape capital of Europe" - when the actual numbers were low and the increase was entirely due to a change in what qualifies as rape vs sexual assault in their court system.

That's how you spin these narratives - lies of omission in a carefully curated structure.

Nigger, not only are you retarded for thinking Sup Forums has blanket opinions in the first place, you're especially retarded for thinking your post-2015 shit is the ORIGINAL blanket opinion.

> Look at this thread, at all the witless leftists and liberals rolling in their own shit.

You're literally asking for a safe space where your ideas can't be questioned. But it doesn't count because you're "right", right?

>If you keep growing at this rate and US violence declining germany will be more violent than US in one generation
Math is hard, I know, but you could at least try.

First of all, violent crime grew in the US by 4% this year, but lets pretend it fell instead.

Let's say one generation is 25 years. We'll assume that Germany's violent crime rate will increase by 7% every year (which is totally retarded on its face because even if you were right about the cause it would flatten logarithmically)

in 25 years they go from .81 per capita to 4.1 per capita.

in 25 years the US goes from 18.2 per capita to 6.56 per capita

So even under the perfect imaginary circumstances that throw understanding of statistical trends and the numbers at hand out the window, you're still fucking wrong.

Sweet baby Jesus covered in a savory, smoky sauce while sippin' on sarsaparilla, how much more of a faggot from reddit can you be? Sup Forumsacks are mostly minorities larping as racist whities. Fuck dude, have you even been to Sup Forums? It's nothing like what you believe it to be, (or more likely) what you've been told it's like. I have two words for you faggot, two FUCKING words: lurk moar. Explore different boards, wade through the shit and actually discover the culture in there. Don't just repeat what the loudest homosexuals are spouting as what is the end-all-be-all, stay at least a few months without posting. Read nigga read! That shit is good for you! Maybe, maybe you'll actually catch a glimpse of the frustration on this board about how dumb cunts like you are shitting up what was previously a pleasantly shitty place (in the comfy sort of way). Now here, go learn something and stop being human waste you faggot.
>>Sup Forums

There's nothing to question. Liberals ought to be singled out and cured already. It's because of them that the west has become such a ridiculous cesspool.

When Hillary fuckin' Clinton is regarded as the candidate of peace and of the oppressed and Donald freakin' Trump gets to be called a populist -- that's when you know the world is upside down.

>Sup Forumsacks are mostly minorities larping as racist whities
Or maybe, just maybe everyone deep inside believe whites are better not just whites themselves.

Your point being? I used to spend plenty of time on Sup Forums before Sup Forums and reddit infested it. I know there's tons of minorities there. But it's still a lousy place to discuss politics right now, while Sup Forums is a great place to discuss comic books, and to discuss the politics of comic books.

It's not that "whites" are better, it's that white Western civilization is better, and we should be trying to preserve it and improve it, not destroy it.

>Sweet baby Jesus covered in a savory, smoky sauce while sippin' on sarsaparilla
You would actually get reddit gold for this shit.