Uh oh

Uh oh....

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw Deadpool 2 breaks a billion dollars, but Justice League doesn't even make it's money back

Damning by faint praise there Rob

How is this a bad thing who actually uses that site to determine if there gonna see a movie.

Given their ownership of it, Warner Brothers hopes it is influencing movie-goers, I would think.

They're holding it back for their shitty new show you retard.

Wow...so like he is guranteeing its a shitty movie.

But look, its Batman! and the Flash! and Wonder woman on screen TOGETHER.

eh...I guess it works when they do it with comics...

That almost never spells well for how the movie is.

Wuh oh.

I enjoyed Wonder Woman, but hated Suicide Squad and BvS. I have $7 to go see a movie, and I am trying to decide between going today to see Murder on the Orient Express, or waiting till Friday and going to see Justice League. So tell me Sup Forums, should I give DC another chance, or should I go see a different movie instead?

If you only have $7 disposable cash, I'd save it.

I do.

If you want to be able to complain about it on Sup Forums or avoid spoilers see Justice League. If you want to see a good movie, Orient Express.

Wonder Woman had a different director at least, justice league is the same fucker that failed already 2 times.

Wait for Aquaman and Wonder Woman 2.

Thanks user, you rock. Orient Express it is.

>You wanted Justice League?

>Fine, here's them all together. Here's your league, you fucking faggots.

>Implying Avengers is not exactly that

why do you sound like this is the first time this happened? They're literally riding on this movie's back to shill their skip it video.

>If you want to see a good movie, Orient Express.
Man, people are so desperate to shit on WB/DC they'd really say anything.

Only 1 more week til Sup Forums posters have to come up with a narrative for why its doing so well financially just like Wonder Woman.







Why wouldn't they do the annibelle creation thing? Get like 20 mindless sycophants to watch the advance screening so it has a 98% on RT for a couple of weeks? By the time the actual reviews are out people will have already decided its worth a 30-dollar DBOXIMAXAVXSUPER ticket

If the reviews sit between 70 and 90, the score is all I'll really need to see to know the movie is probably pretty good. If it is north of that, I'll check the reviews to see what makes it so good. Inversely, if it is sub 50 I'll check the reviews to see what makes it so bad. With respect to the last two statements, I like to contrast and compare what makes a movie good or bad with my own standards to see if those critiques line up with what I like.

On top of all of that, however, RT provides content that makes for some of the most enjoyable threads on Sup Forums and Sup Forums.

This is a good thing. Fuckers who spam that site and use it to determine if a movie is good are awful. That site is awful, and it should be banned from here. It every reviewer gives it a 6/10, it'll have a 100% score.

I wish I could stop seeing RT on the front page.

>You want quips too, little bitches? Here have Sheldon as Flash. What's that? Want more REPRESENTATION! Have some more screen time for Wonder Woman. Batman too brooding for you? Here, we made him Tony Stark. NOT MUH BURTON OR DONNER for you? We used both themes.

Btw, isn't this RT doing? It's not a WB imposed "embargo", the reviews will be up everywhere just not "aggregated" on RT.

Because shows like the Orville among other things have proven RT doesn't matter. For instance the JL users want to see is at 99% right now. I guarantee the audience and critics scores will differ drastically.

I'm treating JL as an end of a curse and I'm thankful there's only Aquaman next year then Shazam and Wonder Woman the following. Maybe they can get their shit together by 2020

Hey, Boco.

What's up, man?

How's life been treating you lately?

They really used the old Superman theme?

Yes, It's RT's doing. There will be a metacritic and other review sites.

It's Sup Forums's fault. They eagerly await the RT score for every big release and the obsession pours out to other sites from there

Hes not even an artist

It's RT doing it to shill their show. Don't tell Sup Forums though. They're really committed to the lie

But Wonder Woman was as bad as Suicide Squad. BvS was the only good one.

>President Trump might win another term in the White House in the same year that DC/Warner Bros. finally release a good Justice League movie.

My body is ready.

Yes si--

Oh, uh...fine? I guess? Loving the cold.

Who the fuck is screenrant?
Like I've at least heard of bleedingcool.

You haven't heard of it because it has nothing to do with comics, just like this thread.

It hurts opening weekend numbers. People who are on the fence about seeing it may just sit out if the movie is getting bad reviews.

Man, me too. I'd much rather be cool than warm, you know?

There's a saying in my family -- when it's cold you can put more clothes on, but when it's hot you can only get so naked.

Fuck off Boco you cunt!

Does it? It seems good reviews didn't help Ghostbusters or shit like Mother

The same reason you don't just blindly invest stocks or buy any appliance you see.

Evaluations tell you what the relative odds are that something will be worth your investment.

>People who saw the rest of the DCEU will probably skip weekend 1 until they find out if this is another Wonder Woman, MoS, or BvS

Avengers highlighted each of the characters traits and personalities, and how they clashed with each other. Thor, being a god, constantly looks down on all humans. Banner just wanted to be left alone. Captain America wants to see everything in army terms, which treats people less like people and more like tools. Tony was just Tony, he looks down on every while being a selfish asshole. It would make more sense for them to not work together at all. Of course, its the Avengers movie, so they are put in a position to work together, but they each also get moments of development to show why they warm up to the idea.

So far, the previews for Justice League have just been fight scenes, and characters spouting quips or one liners. Batman gives a decent speech though, that much is true. But if anything, it just feels like we haven't gotten to know these characters at well before they form the League. Which makes sense, we didn't, they didn't really get their own movies.
Overall, Marvel movies can be good without the characters in costumes, while DC feels that people should just read the comics if they want something besides fight scenes.


Nobody liked Mother, though.

Arthouse types didn't like it because it was 'babby's first art film', horror fans didn't like it because it's not actually a horror movie like advertised, and regular people just found it confusing as fuck.

Hey, at least that movie's critics so far have bee-
>58% in RT critics, with (the thing that matters) an average rating of 6.1

Well, shoot, you actually might be right.

Zero by default

>Nobody liked Mother, though.

What? Plenty of people liked it, they just weren't mainstream audiences.

>Arthouse types didn't like it because it was 'babby's first art film',

Jay from RLM is not the sole representative of art-house types.

Shut up Boco

I hear ya. Nothing better than co in in from the cold and getting all comfy under a blanket.

>wonder woman was bad
>BvS is good
>imagine living with a shitty taste like this
I feel bad for you, oh wait I don't, you're the cancer that killed DCEU and is starting to kill MCU as well

Holy shit, I've never seen a more brainwashed post. None of that happened in the movie-- Cap seeing people as tools? REALLY?

Avengers was mediocre.

>starting to kill MCU as well
Good. I don't want to live in a world where every superhero movie must be covered in quips. If you think Wonder Woman iceskating as she punches everybody without effort and with terrible CGI, and beating the villain through a deus ex machina, and an incoherent character arc is good, then I'm the one who feels sorry for you.

>all these people going "G-good! That means more people might go see it even if it's supposed to be bad!"
Jesus Christ guys

Not person you are responding to, but I agree Wonder woman was average at best.

However, average at best is fucking amazing compared to BvS or Suicide Squad.

Are you reading a different thread? Nobody said that.
God forbid people go see a movie out of their own interest rather than what a shitty flawed website tells them to think.

Nah, BvS had gravitas, tempo, an amazing soundtrack and visuals. Only underages focus on plot holes because they only learned the bare bones of film critique. It's better than 99% of the MCU too.

>The best part of the movie is Erza Miller and the after credit scene

>iceskating meme
>with terrible CGI
Better than the BvS ,homeocming and others
>incoherent character arc
I get it now, you're a MCU fanboy falseflagging, try to defend BvS.

Totally, though I need to get myself a better tablet. My old Kindle is showing its age.

>God forbid people go see a movie out of their own interest rather than what a shitty flawed website tells them to think.
If people spend money on bad movies, we get more bad movies.
It is the democratic duty of every person to vote with their wallets.

Well I guess the race scene is confirmed, as well with the rest of the leaks.
That "review" is pretty scathing though it's trying not to be.
This is looking like a 30% fresh level here

Tempo was God awful. Nothing happens for the first 2 hours of the movie. A movie with good temp is Winter Soldier.

Soundtrack was okay, and visuals have never been a problem with Snyder films. BvS isn't terrible but it is not great. I would put it slightly under Wonder Woman. In my opinion Man of Steel is the best DCEU movie so far.

>Nah, BvS had gravitas, tempo, an amazing soundtrack and visuals

o i am laffin

And I refuse to believe anyone is stupid enough to defend the score of BvS. It's just Hans Zimmer sleepwalking and Junkie XL using his Fury Road B-sides.


>literally taking reddit comments as review
being this MCUcked

*breathes in*

what site is this?

Go see Thor Ragnarok again. It'll be hilarious if Thor manages to beat JL worldwide.

Otherwise go see Murder On The Orient Express.


Critics Choice awards.
Here's another movie for reference

Those delusional 10 votes

Not really, or they already would've done something about it. The Transformers movies got constantly shat upon yet they did great until the last one. Like another guy said before, Ghostbusters got good reviews but it bombed. They're just one factor among many, and not at all what makes or breaks the deal.
People around here still think opinions on the internet are important.

Pirate both and buy a burger

>IMDB scores
>When the movie isn't out yet


>Implying they're any worse than the triggered 1s

IMDB ratings are completely useless.

They're worse by a factor of 10, actually.

>paying $7 for one burger

UM? SO where the fuck is the green lantern?

Better than reddit posts.

>Only for user rating
>Top 1000 voters are giving the movie 2.3
>US users are giving it 6.8

This is seriously gonna get ugly.
>Only international users (aka possibly Indians, as has been shown with Twitter results that they LOVE the DCEU's mistakes) are giving it 8.5

RT may be embargoing itself because it's owned by WB
But Metacritic isn't.
Only 4 more reviews until we have an OFFICIAL decision on whether it's good or not.

That is actually pretty cheap in America


How about everyone just watch the fucking movie. Instead of fapping around on a website for chode choker ratings and scores.

The thing about reddit posts is that you can read them so you can somewhat define whether it's worthy or not. IMDB votes are simply fanboys clicking.

At the Five Guys down the road from where I live a bacon cheeseburger costs $9.60 by itself

Because it's Sup Forums. They dont care about superheroes, they are only here for the shitpost.

>Just eat the mystery food, who cares if it could be dog shit? Why wait until someone else takes a bite?

>Indians love DCEU
Dude homecoming literally sucked indians dick and spiderman is so popular on india that marvel made their own spider-pajeet plus all the hype on their country after stan lee created an indian superhero


>RT may be embargoing itself because it's owned by WB
They're doing it because they're trying to attract more traffic and try to make themselves more relevant. What's the point of WB embargoing RT when people can still read them everywhere else?


a mcdouble is less than 2 dollars

>Here have Sheldon as Flash.
holy fuck, how did I not see that before?

Because RT works as a thermometer of success.
It's very easy to just look at RT and see how EVERYONE thinks. That's the entire point. What's the consensus.
Sure you go read all 10,000 reviews and break out a calculator yourself to see what people think. But why go through all that effort?

WB is holding RT back because they know that people use it heavily as a basis for their expectations.

Where is the screenshot of the full page?

That's not the point I tried to make, though.

The actual thing you should focus on is in the fact that people who probably actually see the movie are rating it badly with a 2.3 rating, and this is only a 4500+ User Review.

Also, shows that I was a little bit right on what I said about DC fans flourishing in India, but still, you can't deny this is worrysome if people do want to see a better movie than WW