Public domain


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So I guess it's time for Disney to bribe some people to extend copyright laws again.

It's just Steamboat Willy that'll be public domain from what I recall

Never, you mean.

Disney will pull a Jew move to Jeep it from happening just like they always do.

Mickey himself is a trademark, he'll never be public domain.

Isn't current copyright Life+75years?

So since Disney died in 66 they still got a while.

>implying Disney won't extend the copyright law again

This. The new Mickey Mouse is being pushed so aggressively because in time, Disney is going to lose the battle, and day by day, more and more Mickey Mouse shorts will fall into the public domain, and the company won't want to associate themselves with said shorts outside of historical context. The new Mickey Mouse is a full blown replacement that will ensure the company that they have -a- Mickey Mouse to legally own for nearly 100 more years.

This cartoon is at least in the Public Domain.

Why doesn't Disney realize that Steamboat Willie being public domain won't make them lose the rights to Mickey Mouse? As long as they keep making stuff with him, they still own the trademark.

Perhaps it's in the will of Walt Disney himself.
>narry shan't you alloweth my son, Mickey of the House of the Mouse let fall into public hands, lest I return and wrecketh my vengeance upon thee who be the possessor of my vast fortunes and possessions

Let he who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast
For it is a human number
Its number is six hundred and sixty six

If this is true, they're doing a good job. I like this new Mickey.

So wait.

Within the next 30 years "The Fuehrer's Face" will be public domain?
I can finally make the sequel set in Ausschwitz?


And Sonny is now in Hell. :^)

He's still trademarked.
Tradmarks dont go PD

>implying Disney isn't going to continue lobbying until the snooze button is extended indefinitely
Not even fucking Fu-Manchu is 100% Public Domain yet because of their bullshit. There is no hope