Do you think it will end in a meaningful way that rewards the attention of longterm fans...

Do you think it will end in a meaningful way that rewards the attention of longterm fans, or will the ending just be another episode with a middle finger to the audience type end?

They said a long time ago they want to end it with a whimper and a shitty episode.

seems appropriate, though it'd probably be equally funny in an expected way if they decided to dive deep and create a really sincere finale.

inb4 kenny's dream who is dying of canceraids

Surely the last episode will involve Cartman going full retard and just killing everyone.

I'd like a movie but I know it won't happen.

The final episode will be a Pip episode

If they ended with another Terrence and Phillip episode I'd let them both fuck my wife

They said if they had to end it they'd do another movie (The reason they originally did Bigger Longer and Uncut so early was because they thought they were about to be cancelled) but all of their movie ideas are just turned into episodes because otherwise it's a waste of production. So basically it'll never end

Hopefully a Terrace and Phillip episode. I want the sequel to Not Without My Anus where its the final episode and the previous one is a massive cliffhanger.

>An entire season of legitimately good build up to the grand series finale
>'The thrilling conclusion to South Park season 25 WILL NOT BE SEEN TONIGHT'

seeing as how human beings age and die, I think it's safe to assume it'll eventually end alright. A movie would be sweet, but I think a 2 or 3 parter episode seems more likely. They have mentioned their desire to do another movie recently however, like not necessarily a south park movie, but a movie in general.

Orgazmo 2 confirmed

4 hour epic would be awsome

It's going to end with the boys aged up and married

fuck no, that'd definitely be a step backward.
be sweet if they just made something new entirely.

The show can only end in one way

Terrance and Phillip Not Without my Anus 2

In my head the show ended on the Growing Old episode.

they've also said that they would like to end it with another movie

A little of column A, a little of column B.
Something like "You're Getting Old" where it looks like its going somewhere just for it to go literally nowhere.

It seems they've kicked around ideas for a movie, but are also considering continuing the franchise exclusively through video games (which makes sense I guess).

Honestly, if they do make another movie I'd rather it wasn't a South Park movie, and they just ended the show with a 2 or 3 parter instead. Another movie would require a buttload of amazing songs, and I'm not sure they could measure up to the songs in the first movie, or even have the same appeal seeing as how long it's been around. Who knows, they might have a great idea brewing, but Imaginationland, which was originally going to be another movie, is easily the best episode they've done since that could actually be a movie, and I can't take anymore superhero stuff.