DC are too cowardly to ever use me as a villain

>DC are too cowardly to ever use me as a villain
If they were so great at writing they could take this character and make it threatening and cool to see in a movie.

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Yes, Starro is the greatest Justice League foe. Starro should definitely be in the movies as the major villain.

I'm willing to give JL as it is a chance (I didn't hate BvS) but even in the best case scenario I know I will leave the theater wishing they had just used Starro.

It would have been something unique and worthy of the league, instead of yet another CGI bad guy like every DCEU movie so far or some alien god with an army like the Avengers.

Maybe next time with a proper reboot in 10 years... also with the actual Big 7 as League members.

Starro would be fucking amazing if done right
>A giant, eldritch horror starfish descends from the sky, with thousands of tinier starfish swarming the Earth
>A thousand conquered races, each having a Starro, attacking the Justice League. Beings of all shapes and sizes, slaved under one mind, one goal, to make all one with Starro.

Didn't Starro appear briefly in Powerless?

We can dream, user. We can dream...


>crowds of aliens chanting the same phrase in an unknown language
>the first human gets possessed
>utters "Starro lives," for the first time in the film
>it quickly spreads throughout the aliens now that they've grasped English
>shots of the possessed, human and alien alike, chanting the local version of "Starro lives" in countries around the world

Yep, that's the scene. I almost thought I had imagined it.

How would this visionary director reimagine Starro to fit his kinology?

It really could.
>Perfect excuse for the hero vs hero fights which, like it or not, are often the highpoint of the movie.
>You get some creepy stuff a la Alien, emotional moments by having supporting characters like Alfred or Lois be Starro'd
>A challenge we haven't seen before in a superhero movie where the League can't just knock out every victim, they have to save them
>Can have tons of cameos that comic fans will recognize without having to attach a big name to a character because their face would be covered anyway

I could keep going

What is this, Fifthist Church propaganda?

He'd make it a Kryptonian survivor

And it would be fucking terrible if done wrong.
>Tons of faceless mooks for the heroes to beat up on
>undefined "spooooky" powers that change as the movie goes on
>no goal other than "be the bad guy of the movie"
>ends in a giant punchup and Man of Steel levels of meaningless destruction

Starro is so fucking retarded. Why do spergs on Sup Forums care so fucking much about Starro when there are so much other villians. There's Amazo, Dr. destiny, Faust, even fucking Weapons Master would be more interesting. What's his power again? Mind control. Yeah, never seen that before.

He's make the embodiment of collectivism so he can make i own Atlas Shrugged movie but with superheroes.

It would be a sentient virus. There would be a scene where Bruce and Barry examines a sample and on a screen you see starshaped bacteria infecting the victim. And they would have black veins!

While not what I want, I wouldn't mind. Like it or not, a giant starfish telepathic is pretty silly. Making Starro an alien virus could work.

Better yet, what if the starro-microbes came from a meteorite? And that once the Justice League checks the landing site, it finds out that the 'meteorite' is actually unfurling into a gigantic Starro? And it's already transformed the nearby tundra into a field of Starro-scape?

>Batman, you said you had a countermeasure.
>I do.

People don't go for eldritch horrors in movies. Even normal horrors leave the mouthbreathing audience confused and asking online what happened.

Movie studios don't go for it either.

It won't be done right.

Were gonna have to wait awhile if ever to get a starro movie although if they do it write it would be amazing

You seriously lack imagination
And you are sadly right

Aren’t starro conquered people still sentient they just can’t residt the will of Starro what happens once a planet he s conquered do the people just continue their day to day stuff while obeying starro

You're not imaginative enough.
There's plenty of things you could do to make it unique. Have it infect sealife itself to attack Atlantis. Have Starro basically hold a city hostage by having everyone stand on the top of buildings and threatening to make everyone jump, only to have Barry to go faster than ever to catch everyone midflight.

He wouldn't challenge the League by having an army of mooks Supes can simply fly through in a second, they would be the people they need to save.

Holy shit a brother eye Batman movie would be perfect it could actually work with Bruce’s meta human paranoia that got played up in BVS

That sounds more like The CW version.

He was literally in New Super-Man like half a year ago

Starro can be pretty OP I’m surprised they beat him so much Denver that they needed an dream to beat him back in Morrisons JLA

Op right we need more starro

They'd probably turn him into a giant death cloud or he'll be an anagram on the side of a giant blue laser cannon hitting the earth, because DC is too ashamed of their weirdness to have a giant starfish monster as their movie villain. Just like what they did with Parallax and doomsday.

They are too many tentacle kaiju in Hollywood films. Star would be old hat and his face parasites look too goofy.

Picture a Facehugger, with a giant eye on it, and everyone with one is talking in unison. Still goofy?

this made me frown cause it is correct.

fantastic four did this with galactus too


What makes Starro eldritch? You know that doesnt = tentacles. Right?


>Picture a Facehugger, with a giant eye on it, and everyone with one is talking in unison. Still goofy?

They're too colorful and if you make them "edgier" (even by just turning them sickly green and yellow with an eye) people will accuse you of going full edge. There's no way to win with live-action Starro.

It means weird and sinister. Doesn't that still apply to Starro?

You skanks spoke with your dollars and proved that the world will never be ready for starfish alien conqueror kino:


In all that chaos, somehow Hawkman's nipple still stands out.

>Doesn't that still apply to Starro?


How? The adjective still works.

The Starro from Morrison's JLA was eldrith as fuck.

If you want to use Starro just adapt that story.

Make the kid Snapper Carr and have him deliver the final blow to Starro by being inspired by the heroes in his dream.

Perfect movie.

Starro the Conqueror was a mistake and should be ignored as a mistake.

Superman battles his way to the core of Starro's stronghold. He enters a pitch black room. A single spotlight appears over a lone standing figure. As Supes tries to identify the figure, he hears a familiar voice.

Fuck off retard

which is now gone because Martha.

Lex otoh.

>Not Appellaxians

user pls

This thread needs more Starro love, heres Morrisons Secret Origin of the JLA....

Stan Lee cameo on the first page, WTF?





>A Silver Age styled movie where each member fights an Appellaxian before teaming up to take the wood Appelaxian down

All my money.

(Why is Canary there though? She wasn't on the Gardner Fox league...)





>I forbid you Justice League!
>Naw its cool bros just walk right through me no big deal

What the fuck Jim?


>They just fly to their faces and facehug them

Not the League's best moment.


>its a Spectre just teaches them a lesson episode



Its episodes like this that make Spectre more useless than Johnny Thunder.

Jay and Alan need to make him sit at the kiddy table next JSA Thanksgiving.


They wouldn't do this either. DC are too cowardly and too stupid to make anything from the silver age.
Meanwhile marvel just made a movie with Ego The Living Planet in it.

>So we'll just go in there without superpowers

Based fucking Superman.


its Bat-God time


Kyle you dumb slut just give everyone space helmets I mean really nigga come on.

"Wally, remember your mothers name!"




Oh Spectre, what a character.

You couldn't have...given a little extra Jim? I mean a little magic resistance for Superman wouldn't have hurt.

I liked the way Young Justice handled it, where Starro was from Atlantis

How does a Green Lantern ring work when the bearer is possessed? I would tend to think the ring should be unresponsive surely? Wouldn't that be an inbuilt defense? Have there been cases of a ghost or demon trying to possess a GL?

They could've mixed Starro with some elements from Black Mercy. So while the possessed heroes have their bodies controlled by Starro, their minds would be trapped in Knightmare-like sequences where they have to break free from.

prove it

Shuma gorath is marvel character, how could you mistaken it for DC?

What batman did?

Post-Crisis League had a different initial team.

>weird and sinister
>armoured tyrant #9002
>The adjective still works

>A thousand conquered races, each having a Starro, attacking the Justice League. Beings of all shapes and sizes
Sounds too expensive. Even Disney with all of their money can only copypaste one alien mook for their CGI enemy armies.

I don't understand why the Fifth Church got so popular. They had one impressive skip. Shit, even Are We Cool Yet has a way better gimmick than the not-Scientology fucks.

Starro would have been a much better motive for a Batman vs Superman fight.

Sup losers.
How it feeling knowing you will never be as deadly as me?

If WB wasn't so short-sighted, these movies could've been great.

Phase 1
>Superman movie
>Wonder Woman movie
>Flash movie
>Aquaman movie
>World's Finest movie featuring Bruce and Clark in a more positive light as opposed to MARTHA
>Justice League movie, with the villain either being Starro, Despero, or Kanjar Ro, with Martian Manhunter being introduced

Phase 2
>New Gods film with no earth heroes, entirely based on Kirby's zaniness
>Green Lantern film establishing Hal Jordan
>Superman sequel
>Batman movie, possibly featuring villains that can become Suicide Squad later like Deadshot
>Flash sequel
>Justice League 2, now with agents of Apokalips and Orion coming to earth

Then keep going from there. WB has no patience, and has no regard for looking at the source material. That's why MCU's Phase 1 was strong, was because they really took their time and (mostly) attempted to utilize source material.

Conqueror was dumb.

I'd prefer something like
>JL face off against mini Starros
>They track a signal into space to fight the source
>They see a large red orb on the face of the moon, figure that is the source
>Ground erupts
>That is simply the eye of a Starro the size of a fucking city


stopped reading there

Boy user, you sure got me there.

Nigga is literally sub-Starro.

You're worse than that fag that keeps dickriding Pennywise the Dancing Clown thinking he's a threat to superheros.

I'm sure it'd have failsafes but they'd probably get overridden by the galaxy-conquering overmind like they always do when someone wants to be evil with a ring


Bruce, you Machiavellian scoundrel, you.