ITT: Still can't believe it happened

ITT: Still can't believe it happened

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Was this the episode that killed Adventure Time for everyone?

There are like 20 different episodes that killed Adventure Time for people, including but not limited to
>Too Young
>Fionna and Cake
>What Was Missing
>Burning Low
>I Remember You
>Finn the Human/Jake the Dog
>Jake the Dad
>Frost and Fire
>Too Old
>Red Throne
>The Comet
>Stakes as a whole

Breezy is certainly one of, if not the biggest, episode that turned off the most people at once, but there are plenty others.

Okay what was that weird episode in Adventure Time where Finn was using "dolls" that looked like people he knew to put into relationships and it turned into a huge weird shipping fest? (and he was clearly jacking off to it while hiding alone in his house)

That was All the Little People. And it was a mix of Finn playing God, venting issues about manipulating others, discovering masturbation, and shipping.

I can't believe they got away with that.

So how's Finn's relationship with Huntress Wizard going?

Wait where was the masturbation subtext?? Totally missed that.

In order to stop playing with all the little toys and getting caught up in their relationship drama Finn had to "shake his little Finn" until everyone was chill. Pretty much saying when you're stressed out over relationships and shit all you gotta do is jerk it until you feel better.

I dropped it when it was clear FP wasnt going back to finn and she started dating cinnamon bun, that got me super pissed. I just felt depressed watching the show, i wasnt even angry when breezy came on, just sad. I stopped watching around 2014.

It was for me at least.

i keep watching it because i don't really give a fuck about what they want to do with their characters, cause the show is still entertaining and fun to watch.

See for youself

>What Was Missing
I actually really liked that episode.


and it was awesome.

Regular Show has best finale.

Killing the nearly certified retard just feels wrong

Explain to me why this episode is an issue

wasnt this the episode where finn walks with his head between his legs depressed? owfuck!

Yes, it is

This would've been more poignant had Skips died.

I wanted him to lose his immortality and be at peace with Mona.

Thinking about it now, you’re right. Although Pops death was still well done.

Also, Pops was probably focused on the least in the series, him dying over everyone else didn't utilize the strongest "character dies for good" pull because we didn't invest in him as often as, Skips, for example. I agree with though, it was well done despite their time constraints.

it wasn't even bad.
I was in the talkback thread, people were like YOU WOT M8, but everyone liked it.

It jumped the shark.

So does most people.

too bad will be cancelled in early 2018

I haven't watch the latest episodes yet anyone know where I can download them?

it defiantly made me view the show differently. I think we all lost our innocence along with Finn.



I still can't believe LSP raped Finn.

Finn literally got raped.

Didn't need to see that homie

That already happened with hug wolf

Hug wolf?

>Finn the Human/Jake the Dog
Considering this was originally intended to be the final episode, it makes sense if people want to cut off here.

Good lord user

>originally intended to be the final episode
from a narrative standpoint that makes very little sense

I don't think it was intended to be an end of the narrative, just where Pendelton Ward wanted to stop doing the show.

Not all of those episodes are bad (I'm a big fan of I Remember You), but it's easy to see how all of those episodes rub some viewers the wrong way. They're not controversial episodes for the same reasons either, some are due to wasted potential, some are due to being overly serious, some are due to ships people don't like, etc.

No it was good

I actually died laughing at this, it's so fucked


I thought it was just a parody of The Sims and people who get wrapped up in it.

It was a lot of things, and a lot of viewers read into it in ways the boarders and Pen did not intend. They responded to the idea that the episode was about shipping and shippers with a big fat "nope".

I didn't like the songs, personally. It wasn't worth dropping over. Everyone was hanging out and it was still the average AT episode, I just didn't like them singing.

>literally in heaven afterwards

Did he not?

For me it was Red Throne, but that was towards the end of a season that I didn't like, and I thought maybe the next season might fix things. I didn't really like the season 6 premiere, but the bit of the Litch we got to see kept me somewhat interested in the show. Breezy killed any interest I had left, and I only stuck around for the next guest directed episode (which ruled).

That was Pops, he's saying instead of Pops dying it'd have been more sad if Skips kicked his mega bucket instead.

But in a way, it's twice as sad. Pops is fucking DEAD, and Skips is presumably staying immortal unless he gives it up for some reason in the future. Skips staying alive means he has to see everyone pass on, hardships forever, and there's an unbreakable barrier between him and Mona in that spirit way. He can't move on from her so he's never gonna love a girl again for eternity, either.

Jesus, man

Raped? How did that happened? It's been a while since I've seen the episode, so elaborate for me.



That's kind of a long stretch there.


How many hours will this stay up?

Try watching the show

I'm pretty sure it'll be taken down any time now SCAR BROTHER HELP ME! because it's nsfw, and that stuff is usually SCAR BROTHER HELP ME! deleted on sight, I'm sure that post will be gone in a matter of HELP BROTHER ME! SCAR minutes. Nsfw stuff doesn't get by on blue boards, nosirME! SCAR

At first I thought he was just gonna do a scared straight thing with Anti Pops, making him think he was gonna hurl him into the sun, and then the sun exploded and I thought huh this is a pretty elaborate ruse, and then they raised his statue and i thought huh, this is a pretty elaborate ruse, and then the episode ended and i thought huh, that was a pretty elaborate ruse.

> Finn: That's it. We made out.

>Lumpy Space Princess: Wha—What?! I didn't wait infinity for a dip in the kiddie pool! We're taking this to the deep end!

>Finn: But I'm not a good swimmer.

>Lumpy Space Princess: Don't be scared, Finn. Lumpy's on lifeguard duty.

>[The scene cuts to a moon shot above. Below, Finn is seen lying down and Lumpy Space Princess is seen asleep.]

Where did you hear that from? My understanding is that only the season 2 finale was designed to be a possible end point in case the show didn't get renewed again, while everything else was designed to prolong the show since they were confident they would get more seasons.
Even with Pen stepping down from head position in season 5 I'm pretty sure that he stayed on after those episodes were made.

This is not rape.

Finn could have stopped her any time he wanted.

Nice victim blaming idiot

Depending on how much consent you think is needed during sex, it's a little rapey. Finn implies he doesn't want to and seems to not understand what LSP is doing but LSP keeps going anyway and kind of forces herself onto him, but Finn seems to be okay with it and only afterwards regrets it. Though recent news makes it seem that this could still be regarded as rape since there seem to be lots of cases where women go with it when it's happening than afterwards say it wasn't consensual or whatever.

At the very least it was in poor taste and Jesse Moynihan seemed to treat the blatant rape allusion with Finn lying there regretting it afterwards as a joke, sort of gross and entirely unnecessary for what the episode was trying to do.

>Jesse Moynihan seemed to treat the blatant rape allusion with Finn lying there regretting it afterwards as a joke, sort of gross
jesus fucking christ man

I'm not screaming rape culture have him beheaded for it, shit was just in poor taste dude.

>hit was just in poor taste
I figure it was more in his expression and leaving the unknown implications as the joke, not just a deadset dude finn was fucking raped XD

>I'm a virgin = I don't want to do this
What planet are you people from

Oh so you can post this uncensored but when I post "69-11" I get banned for 3 days.

Lumpy's on lifeguard duty

>Finn raping Lady's corpse
Further proof he's a closet brony.

Learn to read. i never blamed Finn. this was consensual is what the point is. There is no one to blame because there is no fault committed in the first place.
>, it's a little rapey.
As long as all party are 100% in control, this is not rape. Finn is hesitating, LSP is pushing for it, but she isn't forcing Finn either.
> and seems to not understand what LSP is doing
He fully undersqtand.

Also, more importantly, this isn't rape because they only kissed.

>At the very least it was in poor taste and Jesse Moynihan seemed to treat the blatant rape allusion with Finn lying there regretting it afterwards as a joke
It was clearly not a joke. It was a bad "first time". An interesting aspect of a relationship to approach, and I think he did a good job. This is what it is about: a bad "first time". Equating it with rape is giving it a disservice.




This is some bullshit. Where are the fucking mods. I've been ban for the dumbest shit.

Let's get this thread deleted



and we moved to /mlp/


What the fuck?


Reminds me of the Electric Retard

>forgetting the "deflowering" pun
THAT was the crux of the joke, you fucking mongs.

D E L E T E!