Is Zaheer the greatest airbender to have ever lived?

Is Zaheer the greatest airbender to have ever lived?

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second greatest if he's just copying guru laghima's tricks.

he should've gone beyond laghima to be the greatest.

Avatar state has already been shown to be capable of flight, meaning a past Avatar was able to do it. Korra for some reason just hulks out when she enters hers.

Is Korra the worst Avatar to have ever lived?

tfw you just commissioned a fanfic of Korra and all the other women in the Avatar world being enslaved and mind broken

you gonna share?

Yes, i thought that was made obvious in season 2

He was getting beat by Tenzin so no.

Korra did fly in the Avatar state also that methd of flying is obviously different from Zaheers.

You guys are dumb.

Share dude

>Dude he can just fly lmao
Now that I think about it, Korra was a pretty fucking dumb show

>He was getting beat by Tenzin so no.
He's probably referring to having achieved the highest state an air bender can reach (detaching oneself from earthly bullshit and start flying), not just his fighting skills.

Dude was in jail for decades whereas Tenzin was in constant training, so it's expected the latter is the better fighter.

He was a airbending for a week while tenzin was airbending for years

>obviously different from Zaheers
Why does it matter? All it means is Zaheer and Laghima are full of shit and that flight is achievable without all their bullshit.

I could see Zaheer training Airbender routine without having any powers.


Asami is my girlfriend!

>Wasting good money on words

>Is Korra the worst Avatar to have ever lived?

No, the first guy was the worst Avatar, his reincarnations are still trying to fix his mistakes, thousands of lifetimes later.

Zaheer studied the tenants of Airbending for decades, he just couldn't actually bend. When the ability came, he already knew the philosophy so it was just a matter of putting it into actual practice. That's why he was so good despite only only just receiving the ability.

No. Flight is not a measure of greatness.

but you literally have to be the avatar and in the avatar state to achieve flight.

they did it without being avatars (though at deep personal cost).

did laghima learned flight on his own volition or saw his generation's avatar in flight then strived a way to do it too?

>a more boring kuroino
Holy shit this was flat. I seriously hope you didn't pay money for this and are just shilling your own shit.

>implying kuroinu was good

>more boring
I didn't imply shit. I could've referenced worse, like the lame ass Asagi series that everyone loses their shit over. Or that anthro pony story to keep it somewhat Sup Forums related.
Boring, lame, sleep-inducing. The Mako/Bolin gangbang scene actually made me yawn. I'm not exaggerating, I have no reason to. I fucking yawned.


>i LITERALLY yawned

>greentext, anime picture, phone posting, no point
I'm so sorry that the fanfic you hopefully wrote is boring schlocky garbage, but it is.

yeah sure, why not

I mean, there's that one poor guy that just said "To Hell with it" and went surfing so much that Koh came and kidnapped his girlfriend.

>being this mad about a porn story

At least that guy didn't fuck up enough to infest the world with dangerous spirits and destroy the entire past line of Avatars forever.

>still responding to him
>telling us of your shit fetish
I hope that when you are with a woman, and your fetish rears its head, that she bites it off.

>to him
Your taste is shit and your unwarranted self-importance is embarrassing. Sorry.

>ynr Koh is running around stealing faces while whorra is on vacation

>dragoncuck shitper reaction images
Fuck off back to Sup Forums with your fellow Gohanfags.

No, just the greatest mary sue.

such a good scene

Eh, not like Koh needed the spirit portal to be open to screw people over.

he's the best hard rocker


Pretty sure we haven't seen a single good avatar other than maybe Yangchen who didn't even manage to put away the asshole giant spirit for good.

Cakebender was the greatest Avitar

>not avatar jafaar

no Tenzin kicked his ass

Sure he was the first person to master the flying thing in a few hundred years but that's just one school of airbending in the first place

Its like thinking that Combustion Man is the greatest Firebender because no one else can do what he did

having a unique ability =/= being the best. Avatar is literally filled with people with unique abilities, including blue fire, lightning, lightning redirection, bloodbending, bloodbending without the full moon or the need to move your hands, metal bending, lava bending, combustion bending and probably at least a few I forgot

>All those Mako revenge cuckold fantasies from Korrasami fans became true

Fuck these comics

>I'm cool with it...
stop being such a bitch.

>when you are with a woman

in a world where there is... 5ish airbenders.. one villain decided to go full on weeabo/airbendo because he likes it?
And then many years later he magically gets that power?
It is a stretch.

What they should was have Zaheer be an old apprentice of Aangs and then have him misuse the bending, he gets energybendt by the oovatar and then later regained it.

At least in my head it makes more sense than "lol I now know everything about airbending and how to do everything incl. flying"

Yes, that's what he did.

But it is like practicing skiing without snow using rollers. Then go to do the actual thing.

Guy has some exagerated Goldenboy habilities so yes, the best airbender ever born.


Didn't he have that expression for like 4 panels?

Mako was pretty shit until Book 3 when they dropped most of his relationship shit

>Sup Forums's face when P'li lost and when Zaheer was standing on air
that was a good thread

>tfw never watched the series or visited Sup Forums then.
Tell me old man what wer the threads for the finale like?

Not him, but mostly making fun of how bad the Mech stuff was, how dumb the talk no jutsu was, and how random and out of nowhere the end ship was.

some people have a better time getting off on words rather than pics women mostly lmao

I meant for season 3.

The end ship I called in season 2. Dunno why or how, just seemed to make sense somehow.
Probably had been spoiled but could only remember it subconsciously

Oh season was was hailed as pretty based i believe. Except for the sock moment between Bolin and Zaheer. And a lot of confusion about exactly why Korra was sad that she had won and the day was saved.

Thought as much, season 3 was by far the best.
I thought her being legitimately fucked up after all that would have been understood a bit better but I guess season 4 was where they went in on that shit

Yeah, but i guess a lot of people were assuming she would be just fine starting book 4. It was also right as it was running, so i doubt many had that much time to digest the information.

Fair enough, mercury poisoning ain't no joke.
Still surprises me how badly that show just got absolutely fucked by scheduling.

I remember there being some "debate" about what metal it was when they used it. Consensus ended on mercury too. It was quite weird that they didn't specify the poison in show desu.

Eh, i feel like Bryke ruined it more than scheduling. Not that Nick is innocent either, but i feel like Bryke could have made each season good on their own and it would have been fine. Might have improved their viewercount aswell.

Shit you shouldve been hear for the reactions to the end of season 1... fuck

I wasn't around for that either, but i'm assuming massive dissapointment.

I thought it was pretty obvious it was Mercury considering how they forced it into her.
Yeah the first and second series weren't that great but were better than season 3 of TLA outside of a few scenes at least.

What happened?

It think it was mostly because they called it poison at first, and only later mentioned it being a metallic poison.

>But it is like practicing skiing without snow using rollers. Then go to do the actual thing.
It's more like practicing chinese Martial Arts, only without special effects.

shit where do i start, first the more rage inducing one

because korra literally did nothing but cry and aang bails her out by restoring her bending + adding airbending along as well.
highlight of this scene was avatar cakebender and avatar jafaar

the second aspect of the season end and honestly the more memorable was this...

Yeah the avatar state was pretty bullshit, and the brothers were definitely the highlight.
Still at least they learned the lesson and kept it permanent every time she got fucked up from then on despite Season 2's villain being pretty shit

I dunno, she got the avatar state back in book 2 aswell. And Zaheer kinda just handed her the avatar state back in book 4.

Yes, full stop.

Yeah but it seemed pretty de-powered by what had happened

>you literally have to be the avatar and in the avatar state to achieve flight
this literally means a past avatar achieved it on his or her own

Maybe in book 4. But it felt the strongest in book 3 for Korra atleast, i'd say vastly stronger than it was in book 2.

Yeah but it seemed that was mostly through brute strength, even her flight seemed be mostly through fire

Wasn't it always? She never really flew without using fire before. She rode a water typhoon before before she didn't need the AS to do that.

He really shouldn't have been able to fly, he still had earthly attachments, like the fact that he was attached to the idea of killing the avatar and ending the reincarnation cycle. If he truly got rid of all attachments he'd no longer desire to kill or end anything, his mind would be free of negative thoughts and emotions, he'd be in a complete state of peace and harmony, a state of mind that would make one feel as if they could fly.

>in a world where there is... 5ish airbenders.. one villain decided to go full on weeabo/airbendo because he likes it?
>And then many years later he magically gets that power?
>It is a stretch.
How the fuck did he know all that guru shit?
It's the stretch they went with

Yeah now I think about it, I guess the idea is that she'll never fly like the old avatars since now she permanently can't learn from them rather than just because she's shit at spirit stuff.

You mean like Aang flew in the finale? I always assumed it was some kind of advanced airbending, but not true flight like Zaheer. Mostly because of the air ball he created around himself.

I thought the airball was just part of the four elements thing he has going in that form since he actually managed to abandon all earthly desires before getting zapped at the end of season 2

The Air Temples themselves and their contents were still intact so it's perfectly valid to think that Aang brought back the writings and copied them and allowed them to be publicly distributed. Books on philosophy tend to be publicly available in knowledge centers for anyone to read

Wasn't he ex-White Lotus as well?
Guy would have had access to a lot of lost materials

>abandon all earthly desires
He didn't quite do that though. He still had the desire to get with Katara and save the world. He definately didn't reach the Zaheer state, he just reached the state of being able to let go when needed and do what is needed of him (and even then he still couldn't let go of his air nomad culture).

He still managed flight when he got zapped though.

The floating bit? Can't explain it desu, but it's nothing like Zaheers flight. Saw it more as a physical representation of him ascending to a new state of mind.

Possibly, it isn't exactly the most consistent series

Especially not between Atla and LoK. And yeah they're not even internally consistent about powers and abilities.

Yeah, I'd say Korra tries to make a better attempt but really season 2 was fucky as all hell

It might though i don't think it did very well in that regard. And it suffers further from moving away from the fantasy feel Atla had.

Season 1: Good
Season 2: Passable
Season 3: Good fights but should've ended with 2
Season 4: Stop

Really, season 1 just should've been 2 seasons. Would've made for perfect pacing and a perfect story.