

I'd hit it

I hope thats the first 2 minutes of the movie and then she shaves it off again so I can fap in the theatre

She's a 10/10 in the new season of The Exorcist.

t. genuinely not a Fox shill, since I didn't watch Deadpool

I like her better with the shaven head.

Still cute af.

I like her more like that

I had no idea Pee Wee Herman posted on Sup Forums! Actually, wait, that explains a lot.

I love chicks who look like this, so I end up hitting on a lot of lesbians.

I love her face, her character, and she had the best uniform in X-Men movie history.

She may very well be the best character in that 17-year franchise, with only about 4 minutes screentime.

she looks much better with a shaved head.

I'm unironically in love with her


>she looks much better with a shaved head.

bring her back!

>More accurate costumes than the X-men movies

i want to come deep in her mutant uterus


I'm a lesbian so I'm into this sort of thing.

she calls herself "queer"

Does that mean she's gay? bi? or is that like an umbrella term of "I care about the person, not what's in their pants"?

It means "not straight" just like poc means "not white"


no thoughts, bcuz all the blood has rushed from my head to my peepee

I know that feel.

You lesbian?

I'll need to ask my cock what he thinks hold on....

Yup, he approves.

>yfw Angel Dust becomes an X-man and they become roommates


I think it means some one somewhere needs to acknowledge that maybe the business of such weird looking body parts may be a little weird. But sex politics suck so bad I can't even.

Hey can I ask you a question? My close friend has some lesbian friends and I get the sense they don't like me. I'm not overtly masculine, I don't act like a Sup Forumstard and I try to engage them on a personal level but I feel like I'm getting shut down. What could I be doing to subtly offend them?


IKTF breh

D-do you think he'll re-appear too?


... you're a man
you might be surprised to learn that even alot of nonlesbians hate men

Your existence subtly offends them. I promise.

Good costume, hate the hair. Bring back the shaved head to satisfy my fetish.

Better with shorter hair but still hnnng.

He's in the poster mate

What's with the shitty Japanese delinquent hair?

She's in it? Do I have to watch the first season or can i just pick up with the second?


Ehh, in all good consciousness, I can't recommend jumping straight into season 2, just because 1) the first season is really good and worth watching and 2) there's some essential character development with the two main characters (the two priests) that occurs in the first season. Plus, the eventual subplot in Season 2 (not the main plot, but an ongoing one with less important characters) heavily refers to stuff in Season 1, so there's little reason to just sit there being confused when you can watch S1 beforehand.

Rug munchers have all the negative aspects of "feminism" cranked up a few more notches. Every encounter with a normal male is offensive to them since, even if they're a body-double for Shrek, you're only interested in giving them the D (even if there isn't a single plane of reality where that is true). Talking to them usually ends up offending them since you totally want to turn them straight. It's a bit like those guys who avoid all gays so that they don't catch homosexuality, except not, because they are dykes.

What po-
Oh, the Thanksgiving parody. I'm not sure that's a reliable source of "confirmed for sequel", but if it is, I'll be glad.

My penis reacts strongly to any qt girl that's even a bit goth-y but I'm not into the head shaven look so this is perfect. I don't even care if it's a dyke haircut. I wish all lesbians looked like this.

>shitty Japanese delinquent hair

me too, still really good though 10/10 would spoon with my dick in all day

You're a dude
That's 90% of the reason right there

The same poster appears in the teaser that came out today, get with the times grandpa.

I'm used to covers not advertising what's inside, forgive me if I'm cautious.

Shaved is better

Negasonic's comic character becoming more like her movie character was actually one of the rare instances of synergy working out for the better.

It helps that wade was already in the midst of his dadpool arc, playing surrogate father to Genesis as well as coming to terms with Ellie, but Wade rescuing Negasonic- an incredibly powerful but emotionally vulnerable reality warper- and her implicitly trusting him to do the right thing and look out for her was really sweet.

The Inhumans vs. X-Men event was dogshit, but Negasonic wishing away the clouds and accidentally starting a planet destroying war between mutants and inhumans that led to the death of Ellie and postapocalyptic, Limbo demon infested Earth was cool. Wade and his crazy sense realizing that something was wrong with the world and getting Negasonic to undo her reality warp even though she thought she was doing the right thing at the time.

Plus we got to see long-haired future Domino which was pure sex

Is the actress still a lesbian?

you don't want to rub your balls on her bristly head and you are telling another user to snuff it?


It's not you, it's them.

They generally have insecurities and emotional issues regarding their own sexual interests and other gender related stuff make them aggressively shut off the opposite gender.
Some homosexuals fancy the other sex too but will never admit it, not even to themselves. This makes them uncomfortable.
There's also those that underwent serious abuse and use homosexuality as a clutch for their traumas.


what comic did this happen in?

They are attracted to you. Trust me


considering Colossus is running around Xavier is Patrick Stewart in this timeline right

Deadpool's mercs for money had a tie in arc to IvX featuring Negasonic and an alternate future where mutants and inhumans wiped each other out over the cloud. At some point in this timeline Magik opened a portal to limbo as a last resort and things went to he'll (literally) from there

Do mine eyes deceive me? Is that a decent X-Men movie costume? Can we just get this person to do all superhero movie costumes from now on?

It's hilarious considering they only used Negasonic because she had a cool name and literally no one cared about her, so they could do whatever.

But then that's basically what happened to Deadpool himself. Shitty Slade clone no one cared for turned the Merc with a Mouth by a different writer.

Lesbians close ranks around straight men. People are stupid user, sad but true.
Dadpool is top tier and hits normies by surprise. Hoping to see more of it.

The way that suit barely contains her hips does things to me.

Is that a fucking pompadour?

Most people probably don't like you user, they just are better at hidding it.

she looks like a she-beaner thot

The actress is a dyke and therefore useless to men.

Her image has been useful to me on several occasions.

Liking the costume
Why did the ditch the yellow after First Class?


The one time I had the balls to approach a cute artist at a panel she turned out to be a lesbian.
We still became friends; she taught me how to masturbate girls. No practical classes, though.

>she taught me how to masturbate girls
How does one masturbate another person?

I'm worried about her new costume because of how good it was in the first movie. Change isn't always a good thing.

She looks a scary large amount like my girlfriend with that haircut and lipstick.

Okay, fingering girls. Then again, her only experience with fingering was from doing it to herself, so that's why she referred to it as teaching me about female masturbation.

I am gay and if more girls looked like this I may be able to give grandchildren to my parents

Its Negasonic. What's to expect?

They did numbnuts

Diamond Is Unbreakable will be fun to dub

We JoJo now!

How do?

I don't have any lesbian friends to ask

you might just be young and a dumbass
lesbians just have lower tolerance for the typical tomfoolery of young men

I've got in in my phone behind many messages. It'd take me a while to look for it.

they hate you for what you are, and probably not who you are.
Remember that these people would gladly see you dead just for being a guy. They do not like you, they do not care about you. You are the enemy, you are everything they hate.


source? or name

Hot but if she's a lesbian then I don't know how to feel.

There's a female bartender at a bar I frequent who looks a LOT like this. In fact, I wonder if that isn't her.

leigh raven


Wikipedia just says queer.

she should fuck me to make her realize she's gay.

Also the costume looks great. Simple stuff they can get right helps

Yay to the max

omg. hot. i dont give a fuck. that senaed o'conner look was alright for the first movie, but this?! WHEW.

I have lesbian friends that don't hate me. Maybe you're weird.

>Wikipedia just says queer.
what do you think gay means?

You are beta as fuck.

Fucked a curious lesbian once. Been with her current girlfriend a couple years now. Still got the NUT pics to prove by it.