YFW the Justice League movie flops and they cancel all the DC extended universe movies

YFW the Justice League movie flops and they cancel all the DC extended universe movies

Good riddance. I hope the whole industry dies with it too.




Thank goodness. Let's do it right if we have to do it.

They won't cancel anything, just continue to retool and toss shit at the wall


Couldn't happen to a more deserving pile of crap. They've spent hundreds of millions of dollars on 6 movies (Green Lantern was SUPPOSED to be the first in the DCEU, and was so bad the people involved had to disavow all knowledge of its existence), and they've basically got one decent movie to show for it (and it's not all *in* one move -- it's 2/3 of Wonder Woman and some various bits in MoS that taken in isolation are okay and probably add up to about 1/3 of a movie).

Seriously, I only hope now that EVERYTHING Warner releases involving superheroes on film bombs so badly they just STOP, step back, wait a couple years and then try again from scratch. Because this shit? It is now, officially, beyond salvaging.

They're definitely finishing Aquaman, doing Shazam, doing Wonder Woman 2 and a batman solo (likely without Afleck) and Flashpoint so they can reset a lot of stuff, so they're not going to cancel everything if JL flops, just days of future past it and not worry about everything being 100% cohesive from now on.
Also, Snyder's never being let back so we should be getting some quality films

And nothing of value was lost.

That's an awful lot of words to say "I don't like thing".

Stay salty though. Some of us still enjoy movies with superheroes.

Humor me, how bad the movie was, anyway?

>Green Lantern was SUPPOSED to be the first in the DCEU, and was so bad the people involved had to disavow all knowledge of its existence

It's not fucking fair. It was such an easy movie to do, but they fucked it all up.


Literally this bad


>Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman was just ok, had a great campaing with the woman pass and all that crap, just like when the Suicide Squad guy started with the "I make movies for the fans". the last good DC movies were the Nolan's Batman and that was 5 years ago and the last movie wasn't that good

You're part of the problem if you support DC

You mean WB right, there's nothing wrong with DC, it's just that WB are reactionary and have no fucking idea what they're doing 9/10


Yes, because saying "boy, I hope this fails so hard it FORCES Warner to figure out how to make GOOD superhero movies for a change" means I don't enjoy movies with superheroes, doesn't it?

Get back to work, you have windows that remain unlicked.

Hopefully this, along with the shitty JL comics, puts an end to the 'Cyborg on the JL' meme.

Literally only one DCEU movie deserve a sequel that is wonder woman.

The superman pseudo triology's over and seems like Afleck wants out again. Maybe if shazam and aquaman or flash turn out alright, they can have a new trinity for these movies.

They can't ever take him off unless they kill him because it's raysis

It even matter? Wonder Woman is the only DCEU movie that will get a trilogy since they got critical praise and record profit.

DCEU will be replaced by Wonder Woman universe and then WB will reboot batman to a new trilogy like every decade.

ITT wishful thinking

Why affleck wants out again? He got the Matt Reeves as a director in the new Batman movies that will not even mention DCEU universe and will be part of the shared universe only by director statements.