
>every character is absolutely insane and does nothing but being insane and doing insane shit
>le random graphic violence (which is a shame since the animation is surprisingly okay)
>plot is complete nonsense, jail warden wants bunny suits for the inmates (because he's insane!!!), some fags hack the order and now people in bunny suits get killed by people in wolf suits, so fucking randumb amirite?
Please tell me that the pilot is the black sheep of the show. I cannot wrap my mind around how people can enjoy this.

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I know, I hate fun too.

You have shit taste.

How is it fun though? We just see people getting killed in ridiculous ways over and over again. It's neither clever nor intriguing. Nothing has any consequences since you don't give a fuck about the characters. I had hopes for the jail warden because I like his character design but he's just a twelve-year old's edgy fantasy.

Superjail! is fantastic simply because it is fast-paced, abrasive, bizarre, graphic and is reliant on visuals. If you're watching this for some kind of dramatic plotline or character arc you've missed the whole point entirely. Maybe you should stick to anything else?

The murder-fests are extremely detailed and imaginative though.

>How is it fun though? We just see people getting killed in ridiculous ways over and over again. It's neither clever nor intriguing.
Stop pretending to a female on the internet. You're not fooling anyone.

just wait user, it get's better
the warden takes over the world in the future with these awesome looking soldiers

I already stated that the animations are my favorite part of the show, that's why I watched it in the first place. But the violence and randomness feels so incredibly forced it's off-putting. Wow, a guy gets his dick cut off by a bird. And now there's vegetables who can talk, they get killed too. I just hate this kind of stoner """humor""".
That scene was admittedly well-animated
I don't mind gore, but not in such a distasteful way. Also, the violence has absolutely zero impact on the viewer when literally every scene someone is getting incapacitated.

>now people in bunny suits get killed by people in wolf suits, so fucking randumb amirite?
I feel like you miss lots of jokes in life.


You're trying to "get" Superjail when there's nothing to "get".
It is what it is. If you don't like it, don't watch it.

I'm sorry not every show can be your "DEEPEST LORE TOP 10 HIDDEN SECRETS YOU MAY HAVE MISSED?!" source, and that there's not enough waifus for you to ship.

It's the only show that does this kind of humor right. Violence in in Family Guy is usually long and boring. The visual gags in SJ is fast and fun.

To be fair there's a lot of hidden lore and things to find in the big violent set pieces

>immediately assumes I'm a lore/waifufag
Fuck off man.

>he doesn't waifu alice

top pleb

Reminds me of

What a BEAUTIFUL name!
Still one of the saddest "arcs" on the show.

It what happens when an insane god rules his realm

>tfw they took out the intro in the last season

I hate Rick and Morty

Don't watch it then, obviously it's not whatever the fuck you were expecting and it doesn't change formula.

it relies completely on good animation and gore. which is fine, but don't expect anything else.

nothing else about it is good. I didn't laugh once. I didn't care about the the plot. I wasn't drawn in to the series's universe. The dialogue wasn't witty or charming. the character designs were unappealing.

I don't know if I've ever seen a show drop in quality as much as this did from the first to second season. Just stupid.


and the world gone crazy and ain't safe on the street

Every single death scene looks like a Tom Bunk drawing come to life and I love it

I give up. Where's Waldo?

One of my favorite moments has to be Jailbot chasing that scorpion around through the lower levels and all the weird shit that they pass by quickly.

>The Virgin Lurch
>The Chad Saunter

This show is great! Watching it at 3 in the morning (preferably high) is some good shit.

Any show that needs drugs to be fully enjoyed is not good.

It's not necessary. It helps, but I enjoy Superjail quite a bit while sober.

>last season
Superjail! hasn't been confirmed cancelled yet... right?

It's like dropping acid while 3 tvs are playing itchy and scratchy cartoons, willy wonka and trix commercials are in the room, what's not to get?

It's not necessary but it enhances

I love how you can screencap pretty much every scene in this show

>Any dance that needs specific music to dance to is not good

It’s been confirmed cancelled years ago by Titmouse

If you want fun trough boring plots and forced drama with mediocre animation then watch Steven Universe user

It's okay user, I like Rick & Morty too.

that's a stupid fucking argument
drugs change how you perceive things

it's a pretty show and it's only like 12 minutes long per episode I was able to watch all of it in an afternoon and i really like wardens voiceno homo

I think his voice is slick too, no worries

>Watching Superjail for the plot
At least it's easy to find where you went wrong.

This show was animated in Flash. Think about that for a sec.

I watched this at my friend's request on a drunk night and I was not ready for it all. Definitely going to keep watching it.

Every aspect of the show is in service of the extended Rube Goldbergian sequences of human suffering and mayhem, which is pretty cool.

Watch Rick and Morty Fag it matches your IQ

jonny jonny stop telling the lies

I literally thought the same thing you thought OP, that it was a show with EDGY RANDOM HUMOR XD but than I started watching more episodes and suddenly the series hit me like a brick on how fun and engaging it was with its fast paced cliche pacing. Soon every character starts becoming your favorite and you actually get that feel the warden has of how super jail is family.Really Superjail is mindless fun like shows such as Spongebob with a twist on its gruesome humor

>he watches superjail for plot

I just liked the Warden. The show is beautifully animated, and it's especially apparent with him. I loved to watch him move and shapeshift. Also his voice is great.

The show is some of the most visually impressive shit out there for a cartoon and even while it's really heavy on visuals, the characters are pretty endearing and fun to follow. You have the Warden and his crew, the twins, Stingray, and the usual gang of prisoners who all have pretty charming personalities. And they all just get into the most batshit scenarios and it's great.

You guys spot the cameos in Squidbillies?