Anyone got the Mega link for Ducktales episodes?

Anyone got the Mega link for Ducktales episodes?

Have an ebin meme in exchange.

Why would you want to watch a shit reboot?

You mean like the one Sup Forums made for Star Wars Rebels? I'd like that too, bump.

Yeah, there's a MEGA folder with rips of all the Ducktales episodes but I dunno where it is. It would usually get linked in every Ducktales thread but there isn't one up right now, that I can see.

No, no, no. DUCKTALES.

You talkin' shit about Reboot, user?

You replied, you fool!

Anyone got the original image of that duck girl?

Bumping for interest.

welp now i got a boner and an inchin to draw duck dick.


Maybe he means the reboot of Reboot coming up.

Rock on.

Donald best boy

>mfw spaghettis gets sciarrones glorious art in playboy
Meanwhile, 'murrifats have to settle with groenings shitty smears.

>Fuck A Duck general
Works for me.

He really is.

>ask for mega link
>get lewd ducks instead

I mean


that works

I'm pretty sure one of those sons is actually a daughter.

Care to share the translated comics, user?

Look up Superduck Gearloose-DCP. They canned the official translations after #13 so #14-32 are scanlations and called Pikappa.

Some user made a mega with a lot of the Paperinik stuff as well. Unless he fixed it, it's missing some issues but I can't remember what volume they're missing from.

Alrighty, thanks for the lead.

We need more of Mrs Beakley.