Do they really think one mediocre preschool cartoon is going to make children grow up with more empathy...

Do they really think one mediocre preschool cartoon is going to make children grow up with more empathy? I watched a few preschool cartoons when I was a kid but I don't think I learned any life lessons from them.

>Kindness today is more relevant than ever. The kindness movement is born at a time in our history when kindness is a fundamental character trait for our kids to grow up with. As content creators we have been spreading kindness for the last twenty years with Juana la Iguana, the children’s character that we created through our award winning television series. We have many testimonials from parents and from the children stating that Juana was fundamental in their upbringing, among other things, to grasp the importance of being a kind person.

Well you're on a board full of people who literally look up to guys like Superman and Batman as Christ figures and were taught morality entirely by them

So yes

no but i want to fuck that lizard

Lizardbeth, you've become a loli!


No. But they grow up being scalies.

So uh, about that lizard?

In this case, I'm more for a hug, then a fug..

>Juana was fundamental in their upbringing, among other things, to grasp the importance of being a kind person.

>among other things,

No. They outward state they think it takes more than just that, they’re just justifying the existence of their product by claiming it helps.

Left or Right


I know, we had something like that happen here to, but it was about being vegan. huge study, ton of cash put in to it. Turns up... vegans are healthier, happier, have better sex life, etc. The thing is I live in country where it is cold most of the year, and veggies other then potatos cost a ton of money. So yeah vegans are happier, healthier, optimists etc. because they also happen to be the people that are wealthy. Its inversing the cause and effect.

On the other hand, our communist children TV did teach me good stuff. how to make fire, how to recognise type of clouds, what different colors of the sky mean in different seson, how to make animal traps and toy guns from wood. So it is not like it can't teach people anything. Plus the songs even after 32 years are branded in to my head.


>Do they really think one mediocre preschool cartoon is going to make children grow up with more empathy?

I like to think it's worked before.

That man... That man was something else.
He was the truest nigga.

Empathy's okay but often overdone. I need more shows pushing critical thinking/analysis.


This latter part is something that especially makes me sad.

Our children's materials *should* be teaching life-skills like that. Instead they exclusively focus on things like "conflict aversion strategies", which may be important to our fucked up behavioral sink society, but don't teach people basic security knowledge.


Is this really supposed to teach expressions when they have the same dead look that's less effort than low-end flash cartoons?

specially for boys I think what is important is not to teach them that being active or agresive is the worse thing in the world. But teach them how to chanel it. Give them sports, for those that like sports, give some other type of competitions for those that don't like sports. the whole be nice, always at everytime to everyone is an ok strategy, when you live in a closed in community with high walls and securtity guards with guns. Because in the real world if you act like that you get eaten alive. It generally stinks of being super gay, and I don't mean in the anti homosexual meaning of the word, homosexual man can be just as hard core as heteros. I mean the gay as in happy as if you were retarded kind of acting. Am not saying everyone has to be a survival pro, but when your male cousin from France says he is not going to lift a raw chicken wing that fell on the floor and when his mother makes him do it, he feints. You know that there is something wrong with that guy, if you can even call him a guy anymore.

Technically, that was for an educational app. The animated series is in development.

>Do they really think one mediocre preschool cartoon is going to make children grow up with more empathy?

This is quite a good question, albeit in my case that I'm going to tell, it's a live action one from Yugoslavia. And an interesting question occurred in recent years. So bear with me here:

People in Serbia complained one time that there's no decent children's original programming available on air, like in the old YUGO days.
Thus a famous children's personality from the 70's till the 90's Branko (Kockica (Square)) Milicevic (kinda nuts of a person) responded:
> I don't think that children are losing anything today by not having TV shows like the one I made. The ones who were little when they watched "Kockica" (Literal trans. - Square) have grown up now. And I must say, there are quite a lot of bastards out there.

Thus comes the general question, if children had happy lives, unlike the children in the later years (Yugoslav wars in the 90's, etc., for the uniformed) - why did most of them with happy childhoods end up as assholes in present times?


is this a scalie thread?


The threads about pic related made me appreciate when actual, solid effort is put into a childrens' property. So I guess it taught me something.
Also, I dunno, I guess Mr. Rogers was good at inspiring a kinder lifestyle.

On it.

>"The ones who were little when they watched Kockica have grown up now. And I must say, there are quite a lot of bastards out there."

Jesus what a savage. Then again anyone who lived through the Yugoslav Wars is justified about being bitter.

This show isn't going to turn into the next Bunnicula, Yuri. It's too furry for that.

that's a cute lizard


I think I want to know why she's wearing shoes and hip-high stockings but nothing else

Is she supposed to be a doll ala raggedy ann or what?


Give it time, Lizzie took a couple days.

She has sensitive feet!

Kobolds are cute. CUTE!

Well with Juanita in particular, they’re not even referencing a study, just personal testimonials.

stop with your fetish right rite now


I grew to be a bitter asshole and i love blues clues and sesame street as a kid. You see after twenty years of faggots and bullying retards, you start to realize everyone doesnt matter, some people arent worthy of forgivness, and all men arent created equal. That makes you resent humanity, to the point ive almost killed some people because of how angry i can get. And now with feminsim and SJW cucks attacking people for not having enough “empathy” more people will start to hate the act of caring for strangers. I hate myself for not having the guts to jump off a fucking building at this point in my life.

that show has some really cute porn



>Kindness today is more relevant than ever.

what a crock. today in history is no different than the past. if anything people are much more sensitive and we're much more peaceful. quit watching the news.

kids shouldn't watch happy tree friends.

>striped leggings
>those bedroom eyes

>OP raises a valid question
>almost everyone else in this thread just wants to fuck the lizard
go back to /trash/.

the creators knew what they were doing.



looks like juana is being real kind to that guy.

i love you lon

Replying to a cursed post!

when I was a kid I watched cartoons that were about folk lore and fairy tales from Europe and Asia and really helped me become a cultured person.

Today's kids? I'm frankly worried when no joke kids are watching YouTube "toy" channels with people dressed up as Disney characters and singing simplistic nursery rhyme songs.

welp that was fast

yea it only took 8 hours

This was high production value and thought out children's entertainment.

I'm not trying to be a nostalgia fag but old 1990's kids shows like Mr. Rogers and Reading Rainbow were truly great for child development. They treated kids like kid, not retards.

I really didn't care for sesame street, always preferred Jim Henson's Muppet Show and that was aimed more for adults.

There are handful of okay shows these days, but the majority is garbage...I really think Barney and teletubies was the beginning of the end

Not all old stuff is good though, FUCK Howdy Doody Time.

"Empathy" is a poor substitute for love.

There is a stronger correlation between good so-called "non-cognitive" aptitudes and lifelong success than anything else.

Yes, teaching your child to not be an ass is hugely important.

Make your child watch Rick & Morty

But more seriously. Sounds pretty idealistic, when you consume a story, you're practicing empathy, so it makes sense a cartoon could teach empathy. How would a story make you practice critical thinking? I'm sure most stories praising the virtues of critical thinking have a main character who is always right. How is the audience critically thinking if there's one character they can recognise is always right?

they're not mutually exclusive you RETARD

Yes, but they have to both exist. It's not enough to be able to feel someone else's pain. You have to wish for their flourishing as well. You have to give to them without asking anything in return.

Sup Forums says watch Hamtaro for kindness, also OP's quote was stolen.

What TV shows you grow up with doesn't matter in the face of what you grow up with. A kid can watch 10 straight years of Mr. Rogers and that shit can all be undone by just one year of that kids parents going through a really shitty divorce or a year of being bullied at school.

if anything pure children shows will give kids autism

Thank you for teaching me how to tie my shoes

Well, if it weren't for the pervs, the thread wouldn't have lived this long....

>Kindness today is more relevant than ever
It's always been important. It just sometimes doesn't apply to those other nations/races/castes/gender

>vegans are healthier

Especially with that new Sesame Street autistic girl muppet.

Of course it's bullshit, those studies are guaranteed to be payed for companies looking to get people to buy more "vegan" products or get easily impressed idiots to buy more of a certain produce. You can find just as many studies that say people who eat meat are healthier, happier, richer, etc. Always look who funds the studies before blindly believing what they say.

>showing someone with autism gives autism
Are you trying to be stupid?

And yet everyone here is a massive asshole who all hate each other

look at that lizard and tell me you wouldn't fuck it user

Speaking of children's shows, do you guys have any siblings, or did you yourselves, actually respond to the television when it asked you questions? Like when Dora asks You to point something out to her? Because neither my little brother nor any of his friends ever respond. When I'm around and I ask them, they almost always give me the right answer, but never play along with the TV. Is this unusual, or normal?

The fake interaction shows are the main reason people need too much attention.

Most people are assholes. A good childhood isn't a vaccination.

Critical thinking is a skill developed later in childhood. At least children's shows should show characters with varying opinions & support behind why they think that way.



I jumped straight into this thread because I recognised OPs pic referenced in the last PlayKids thread. It's honestly such a gentle, sensible, adorable show.
I'm not the first to say this, but PlayKids really gives me _hope_ - that things aren't going to total shit, and kids aren't necessarily being fed SpidermanXElsa garbage.

And then they find the porn