
Not really.

Other urls found in this thread:


>I believe there's a hero in all of us, there's a little bit of Adolf in us all
whoa Aunt May where did that come from?

It unironically is, people dispute this?


1 was better

thank you.

I like 1 just a little more because of Dafoe but pretty much

What went so wrong?


first one is better

It really, really isn't.
Fuck Mopey Macquire.

Is Tony Stark supposed to be Uncle Ben? lmao what were they thinking

the fact that it has nothing to do with Spider-Man other than the name.

Dafoe is cool but the armor is horrible and the vfx awkwards, the final battle is ok at best, to me is better 2

Why did you post a picture of The Incredibles user?


Jesus Christ

Yep. Though the second I read the post the post I knew the first response was going to be from some DC-loving contrarian.

>doc oc throws a fucking car through the window of a cafe without even knowing peter is spiderman

yeah, no. movie was garbage. that's not even a minor oversight, that's a major flaw and it ruins the rest of the film

90% of that movie is the mom yelling and arguing. Why do autists have such a hard on for this crap?

>didn't watch it

No, I'm pretty sure he did because that accurately describes at least half the film.

t.mouse shill

What if he wanted to lure Spider-Man out by killing his supposedly best bud?

Is what think that should be Fantastic Four

Toy Story was better than the Incredibles. Eat a dick

IMO Homecoming > SM2 > SM1 > ASM1 > a flaming dog turd > SM3 >>>>> finding out you're HIV positive >>>> ASM2

>Homecoming better than SM2 and SM1

THIS! FUCKING THIS! I use to be one of the people complaining about Raimi back when it was a thing, but after seeing the shit Homecoming was I went back to watch the trilogy and my God was I wrong. Raimi fundamentally understood Peter Parker's character and genuinely cared about the material he was adapting. The faggots at the MCU didn't.

I did unfortunately watch it and it has to be the most unpleasant pixar movie ever. Im seriously surprised no one did a "the incredibles in 5 minutes" thing on youtube where they clip all the scenes with elastigirl screeching and arguing with the family.
the fanbase is also one of the worst as evidenced by you.

H-Have you never seen a Raimi movie before? That like complaining that Ash should have remained a deadite through Evil Dead 2. It's part of his style, the dude loves camp and reminding people that they are in fact watching a movie. It's why he puts in intentional skips in pacing, namely the fight scene with Peter and Norman.

Not that poster but SM2 is littered with problems despite being a good movie, user. Remember that amazing fight on the train with Doc Ock? Well, that moment is ruined by the random guy seeing 30 year old Maguire and going "He's just a kid!"

top kek

>I use to be one of the people complaining about Raimi back when it was a thing,
Faggot detected, opinions disregarded.
Maybe you should form your own fucking opinions, you popularity craving shiteater.

Put Homecoming at the bottom of the list. At least the other movies fucking tried to make a Spider-Man movie.

Capaldi would make a great Jameson

Except have you actually seen 30-year old Tobey McGuire from Spider-Man 2? He could pass for 17 easily.

Forgot pic.

not a superhero movie.

If I was craving popularity then I wouldn't exactly be calling Homecoming shit, would I? Hell, wouldn't have been calling Spider-Man 2 shit when I was either. Also, I was a nitpicking faggot who was in the fifth grade then.

The statement still stands

Does Toby have some sort of disease that makes him look young. Pic related.

>peter jumps out of the way
>he doesn't put 2 and 2 together

I figured his brain was just going haywire, but nope. it's simpy a plothole.

>It's part of his style

then he's got a bad style. also, evil dead is shit.

looks average. lay off the heroin.

>evil dead is shit

He probs thought he missed or something, idk, he was fucking crazy enough to redo his experiment, he cared more about the tritium than Parker’s weird reflexes

Good genes, I guess. If he did have that kind of disease, I wish I Kirsten Dunst had it too. I used to think she was so cute.

>lay off the heroin
Maybe you should if you think your average 42 year old looks that young.

>also, evil dead is shit.
Ah, gotcha. Well played sir, it was a fine bait.

Everyone did user

The dude could probably pass as a college kid with the right amount of makeup. Get your eyes checked.

It's really cool to hate on the MCU right now. Civil War definitely got praise and I think it's generally regarded by most Anons as being better than Millar's shitty comic but other movies get shit on here.

Meanwhile I see a lot of love for DCEU films. Are DCfags just more loyal or are Marvelfags better at being critical about their films?


It's good but let's not pretend that its' status wasn't elevated thanks to a Sup Forums meme. Before that, the only thing people talked about was the train fight. You'd have to be out of your mind to seriously say it's better than something like Iron Man. If you do, you're being had by the "different time" meme.

B but is based in the ultimate shit that made Bendis, no the real Spider-man

go to sleep, sam. no one cares about your shitty movies anymore.

Moshi moshi, Peter-saaaan~! (´・ω・`)

Considering how you're the only person I've come across who didn't like Evil Dead it seems like you're the one no one cares for.

>but DC

No, both sides of the movie universe threads are extremely divisive with people who either didn’t watch the movies or shills

Dude, people here liked the comfy ass Peter living a normal life scenes too, like doing jobs, homework, or just trying to pay bills. Also the fire scene wasn’t too shabby

I'd say by this point that the original Iron Man, Winter Soldier, Civil War, The Dark Knight, Batman '89, and Homecoming are better but yeah, it has others beat.

The two Avengers films helmed by Whedon have not aged well at all and a lot of the MCU is littered with IM2s, Thor 2s, etc. that don't really hold a candle to SM2.


W-what am I looking at here?

batman begins is honestly better than those other two. never saw the appeal of the joker.

>civil war
You could make a decent argument for the other movies but those 2 movies are pretty uninteresting, save for the airport fight scene.

>The real Spider-man 3 was never made
Kill me :(

Confirmed for high IQ.

No, but it's certainly the Spider-Man film of all time

Avengers 1 is GOAT now delete this shit thread

i prefer the avengers

Based Raimi

Kirsten Dunst.

I actually prefer the first one

raimi spider-man loses for being a meme

>Joss Whedon's SuperQuips

what's so special about the suit

Tim Burton's first Batman is the greatest super hero movie of all time.

absolutely agree
everyone in the theater was laughing their asses off
does comedy really lower the quality?
i thought it helped accentuate the combat scenes a whole lot, rather than if it was just grunting

it was a different time

I mean yeah, it was amusing, and the quips were pretty good, but that's really all there was to it. It was a funny movie, but in terms of a good action film with a cohesive narrative and solid pacing, I have to say the Raimi Spider-Man films have it beat.

>This is the greatest superhero film of all time.

not even close.

i still say the avengers maanged to be the most entertaining one
and the characters, i just thought they all had a good dynamic and were a lot better than toby spidey
and though i love the train scene, i feel like the battle in new york just looked way cooler

You don't have a hard on for Mrs Incredible? What's wrong with you?

I think 2 follows through on the themes of responsibility and sacrifice more wholeheartedly. I love Dafoe but Doc Ock is more interesting thematically and visually. The action scenes are absolutely incredible, still the best in any cape film. The plot flows more naturally compared to the 1st movie where the origin story feels very separate from the villain plot, and the villain's goals make more sense in 2(what is Norman even trying to achieve by joining forces with Peter? He's already killed the board of directors and secured his position as Oscorp, what other goals does he have?) It gives Mary Jane more agency which is good. I still love 1 but 2 is such an improvement in my mind.

Lots of good superhero films out there but very few are actually *about* heroism. SM2 is at its core about making the choice to do the right thing in spite of the personal costs, which is fundamentally relatable. Exactly what Lee/Ditko intended.

Homecoming is about wanting to play with the grownups? I guess that's relatable?

The back and forth between them was definitely the highlight of the movie. My main problem was that the narrative was too focused on bringing them together when that should have just been the first act. If more time had been spent focusing on Loki and playing him up as the villain, it would have felt more like a movie to me. As it is, they spent so much time on bringing the team together that the film didn't really end up with an actual villain as much as someone they were fighting in one huge, special-effects-heavy fight scene.

That's a problem I notice with a lot of the more recent Marvel movies, really. Action scenes work best when they're spaced throughout the movie to support the narrative, but Avengers and Civil War tried to construct a narrative around a single fuckhuge action scene, and they ended up feeling disjointed because of it. Even Iron Man 2 did the 3-act narrative properly, and the final battle in that movie was anticlimactic as hell.

Why was she only hot in the first one?

The train scene is one of the most visually exciting action scenes ever. I like Avengers but Joss Whedon is essentially a tv director with a huge budget. Raimi is one of the most kinetic directors working and it shows. New York battle is just Avengers fighting a bunch of grey cgi aliens. There is nothing visually appealing about the fight at all, no interesting choreography or staging or progression. And again, I like Avengers its a fun movie, but that train sequence is a masterclass in how to stage and shoot an effective action sequence.

Macguire was great, fuck you

Agree. Doc Ock is my favorite Spiderman villain and muh talking tentacles ruined it for me.
2 is still a great movie though
Three different franchises within a span of 15 years

Why does Iron man have to be in every single marvel movie? He's gonna in 10 different movie as of 2019.