He's back

He's back.


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The only good Sup Forums related YouTube channel is back!?!?!


>"I made a Venom movie today!"
>"That's great, Sony! Here have some Jell-o."

That killed me.

Loved this guys videos. Im sad he stopped doing to for so long because there has been a shit ton of great material for him these past couple years.

>Hey Bats, you ever wonder about where we were 10 years ago?
>Why, could you take me back there?


He's still got it.

Oh boy! I can't wait till the next video five years from now! New Hour series when?

>Martha box
God, I missed him.

kek still funny ten years later

holy shit blast from the past!

>10 years

I keked.
Is he really back? Only another theater shooting can stop him now.

Holy shit that was great. Soon as I get back from work tomorow I am watching this.

Watching the rest that is.

>10 years
Jesus Christ

>10 years

I liked the callbacks. Even though 10 years have passed, Marvel is still on top doing everything they set out to do and DC still has no idea what they're doing.

> 10 years

Might wanna invest in a new Batman figure.

wow I didnt expect this when I poured my morning whiskey.

>Blue Beetle and Booster Gold movie
Dont you fucken lie to me now

Do you ever think he sees this and gets sad?

Where does time go.

It feels so good to see this again.

I want more, but we're lucky to get more than 2 videos a year now.

ah just kidding. Glad to see him back.

This guy is why I liked the Iron Man/Spider-Man relationship in Homecoming; because it reminded me of Spider-Man/Batman in these shorts.

>10 years ago
>Marvel on top

Nope. I mean they are now by far but not then

They weren't on top, but their future seemed brighter.

>10 years

I want to go back too, Batman. youtube.com/watch?v=7rue2ho60hk&feature=youtu.be&t=125