I hate this fucking board so much

I hate this fucking board so much.

Cool story, bro

I drew this in a OC thread.

And got back, without having to ask, this.
Courtesy of Narksfw@tumblr.
Good things still happen here.

What is his endgame?


Literally me.

Same, just overly sensistive tumblrites who can't stand people having different opinions, take discussions completely offtopic with some random remark about how they hate/blame trump, shut down any discussion of animation or writing with "just let people like what they like" or "you're a contrarian" or even fucking worst they flood threads with shipping which is actually fucking worse than waifuposters.

But there is nowhere else to talk about cartoons and comics, so...

>just overly sensistive tumblrites who can't stand people having different opinions

Not you though, you're almost certainly always right.
Don't listen to them user. You're just saying what everyone else is thinking.

You're so brave. I wish I could be more like you.

ya seethin

Board with myself and you're literally me

I just want a place to talk about comics. I really wish we'd make everything live action fuck off.



Then make comic threads

If we sent cartoonfags to Sup Forums where they belong, we wouldn't have this issue. The comic-reader side of Sup Forums is fucking great, but it's so buried and polluted by Sup Forums shit. And I don't mean movies. Movies are not the problem. Cartoons are the problem, but no one will ever fucking admit this because enough people have devised the delusion that comics and cartoons are somehow more closely linked than cinema and cartoons. It's utterly insane and yet seems to be the majority opinion.

You want this board to improve for everyone? Split it the fuck up. I don't care how slow the comic board would be.

Slow and high quality >>>>>> endless stream of tumblr cartoonist drama

The board will never improve until this happens, and it's never gonna fucking happen because of those same cartoonfags.

i wish more people understood this
toonfags are the true cancer here

>implying Sup Forums could survive with just comics

Still better than Sup Forums.

Here's this meme again. Where the fuck does it come from? Have you not been to any slow boards? They "survive" just fine without autists like you, and they're the comfiest boards on the whole site. You never hear about them because they don't shit up the place like you and your toonfag friends.

Go make another thread about licking steven universe's feet. With any luck it will archive a great storytime thread, right?

Sup Forums is alright, it's that Sup Forums and Sup Forums are allowed to post on Sup Forums that's the problem

t. Autist

I think you can do a little better than that. I'd be proud of you if you tried one more time.

Your request is unlikely to happen not because of any denial, but because of sheer decline.

Sup Forums will tolerate some Sup Forums, /toku/ and Sup Forums but if a bulk of some or all were moved there by mandate they'd never stop demanding it undone until they got their way, much like how Sup Forums got its space back.

Meanwhile Sup Forums is too passive until things get horrendous, like with /mlp/ which itself is both an example of the breaking point and the problem because it only got that bad because of said passivity, to really have much clout. Sup Forums can get passive aggressive, but not to much effect. It's why Sup Forums can easily push the worst onto Sup Forums but not vice versa.
Don't get me wrong though, being really angry all the time doesn't do much on Sup Forums anyway. Sup Forums for example ended up Sup Forums2.0. in the end anyway no matter how much vitriol it had the point remains though that Sup Forums's persistent need to seem above it is only ironically making sure the board is buried beneath the trash other boards don't tolerate. Nothing is gained by trying to ignore or challenge another Black Kangz Panther thread instead of just reporting, but someone will do it, and from their reaction and (You)s they'll facilitate another and another. When BP releases I guarantee you Sup Forums will be worse for it than Sup Forums.

I think the only real fix is a sense of internal management more than externalized focus. The boards that know themselves and don't just try to put on appearances have changed the least, not for the best but no worse. If you look at Sup Forums now from 5 or 10 years ago it's an alien landscape.


Like you're getting another you from me autist

/mlp/ is just a symptom of /toon/ though. They're really no different. Honestly /mlp/ should just be turned into /toon/. It's been long enough. Comicfags have suffered under this regime for a little too long. It was tolerable before the 2016 election, but it's just too unusable now. There NEEDS to be a split of some kind, and it needs to happen soon. But it never will. Not even a chance that moo2 does anything useful.

You were given a second chance and you threw it away. Think about how many other times in your life you've done that very thing. Over and over. That's who you are and that's who you'll always be. But go ahead and keep meming. I'm sure it will fill that gaping hole in your life.

>capeshit fags actually believe this

Who the fuck said anything about capeshit you autist? What the hell is the malfunction with your kind? I'm becoming more and more convinced that the government really is feeding the general population chemicals that rot people's neocortex.

Nice projection autist

>overly sensistive tumblrites who can't stand people having different opinions
...so you?

good, don't come back

You could just use the hide function like I do with all of the Star Wars and Star Vs threads.

It's not an issue of seeing threads I don't like. It's an issue of attracting the wrong kind of people. Toonfags ruin every single comic thread they touch to the point that shelf threads are the only bearable parts of the board. They all need to be shipped to /mlp/ with the rest of their kind.

Now that's just silly. Cartoons are the main reason I come here, occasionally for comics, but it's always meshed well in my opinion. Splitting things up would just slow traffic down on both sides.

As someone who frequently browses Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums, Sup Forums is actually the most reasonable and has the least amount of shitposting by far. I know it's a low standard but it's worth pointing out. Also it's REALLY obvious when Sup Forums crossposters visit Sup Forums, threads and memes are almost word-for-word the same, they don't even try to disguise it.

So? How is that a bad thing? Slow boards are always the most civil and productive. When the troll is deprived of a (You) market, only productive discussion can thrive.