Doomsday Clock Story Time: photo edition

Doomsday Clock Story Time: photo edition

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Oh shit, is this gonna stink?

I'm ready, user. Bring it on!

It's alright, it's all set up for this one

It's probably going to be slow but it'll get done

I'm already upset and I've already seen this page in the previews. I'm not surprised that casuals are eating this shit up, but I expected more from Sup Forums.

time to shit

Then don't read it, I'm getting it for Frank's art mostly

>making fun of trump


Nice spinner

Have you missed all the threads calling people brainlets for even being interested in how this will connect to the overall rebirth story? Sup Forums seems to hate this

>Don't hurt my Cheeto

>I'm getting it for Frank's art mostly
I would post an anime face of disgust but i respect what you are doing.

Thanks man, got it for the bearings desu, they're not bad and cheap as hell

Might want to get a lamp or something to balance that shadow.

>Presenting Marvel Legacy's Rorschach!

I hope I didn't sound sarcastic there mate lol. But right on, that's cool. Thanks for teh s/t

I get the feeling ozy is going to be of the jokers.

oh boy cant wait for the butthurt

This is a quick job, the digital version will be available in a few hours anyway

I unironically hope Rorshach becomes a DC universe mainstay and gets his own monthly book

Wait and find out...

Second page, fourth panel - now I have Rain Man's voice in my head when reading Rorschach.


What is the significance of his hand? Is this Veidt, showing where he caught the bullet, or something?

Mime and Marionette, the Watchmen versions of the Charlton characters Punch and Jewlee

its black

It's because the new Rorschach is Black

Boo hoo, I hate black people!

is it? it's not super obvious from this, but it may just be the image quality.

If that's so, but Johns decided to make him bernie, the little boy who reads the black freighter who somehow survived. because johns can't help but pull every string.

It's not revealed here, it will be down the line though

>It's alright, it's all set up for this one
decompression was a fucking mistake

this does not need 12 issues

Over under on Mime being a version of Tommy Elliot?

It's because Watchmen was 12 issues too

Less than the odds that someone gets their hands cut off

Is the watch men earth gonna blow up? I seen debris near Dr.M monthes ago.

Have you read any of this, the first page takes place on watchmen's earth, their version of 1992 that is

>New Bubastis

I'm personally thrilled. If it was Walter giving this dialogue I'd be beyond pissed, but doing it with your OC is passable. Would have been better if Dan picked up the role though.

A page accomplishes what Snyder could do in two movies

I feel bad for anyone reading this story for the first time with these shitty scans

I really hope this gets undone. Or at least martha lives

as if this deserves better?

I've got nothing better to do at this late hour and saves people waiting to see if they should bother pirating it

That's all folks!

Why? High quality images won't make a high quality story.

This was Vyndxtvyz's doing, right? The evil imp from the 5th dimension in Morrison's run? Or did they change it after that?

The quality of the story matches the scans

was that it?

Wait, what? I don't remember Clark's parents dying in a car crash being canon

I liked it. I liked the new characters. Johns nails Ozy I think. Still acclimating to new Rorschach. Something about his dialogue tics is annoying

it's been canon since morrison's shitty run at the start of new 52

OKay, so. OP, you seem to have some sort of inside info? Do you know more about the story? Or just making educated guesses?

>Nov 21st
>Ghost now, Osterman killed me. Negro stole my face, possible homosexual. I miss beans.

I can't wait for ozy and lex to meet

since 2011 user

perfect post for a get


Thanks OP

At least there'll be some amusing reaction faces.

Also, let's play a game: all of the end quotes in Watchmen were thematically (or, in the case of one issue, literally) fitting to the issue as a whole, and it was always nice seeing what the title of each chapter meant in the context of the quote as resonating with the chapter.

The game is... how does this quote fit this chapter?

This is garbage.


I played the gary frank face drinking game and had to down a glass for this

Well I prefer Pa Kent having a heart attack, Jesus

This is an easy one. The original quoted Shelley's Ozymandias, whereas this one quotes Smith's version of poem of the same name, written in sort of a competition with Shelley.

everyone with taste does. an edgy imp killed his parents because clark stops him in the future, it was literally a shittier reverse flash plan.

Johns the nostalgia fag probably does too so no worries user

>Shelley wrote the poem in competition with his friend Horace Smith, who published his sonnet a month after Shelley's in the same magazine.[8] It takes the same subject, tells the same story, and makes a similar moral point, but one related more directly to modernity, ending by imagining a hunter of the future looking in wonder on the ruins of an annihilated London. It was originally published under the same title as Shelley's verse; but in later collections Smith retitled it "On A Stupendous Leg of Granite, Discovered Standing by Itself in the Deserts of Egypt, with the Inscription Inserted Below"


I'm kinda upset that imp wasn't mentioned in Superman reborn or any comics since the Morrison story. He should be a central character to this plotline

Essentially, Johns here is sort of referencing that his idea isn't exactly original, while probably prodding at Moore a smidge.

It's not as cute as he thinks it is.

It never is with Johns.

Says comblr

No one cares about that fat troll. Stop quoting it.

I'm talking about a new Rorschach at all

>Snyder is a good director
>Johns is a good writer
The delusion of DCfags. Sad!

Geoff "it's Moore's fault that I write shitty edgy stories" Johns

The annihilated place refers to whatever bastion of creativity was left once market research picked up the pen.


just for the sake of reference, here's the original's idea of decompression

much more efficient, desu

I want to wait for scans, but those aren't coming till tomorrow. So fuck. Thanks anyway for posting

It took me years to figure out what the hell was going on in this scene.

Dude, is that shadow your fucking dick?

>4x3 panels instead of 3x3

1992is important to dc. Anyway they're suggesting Clarks parents died by Dr.M.

Another thing of note is we won't be seeing the rest of the watchmen.

>God's will
>PCRorschach says Manhattan is God
user, it was Manhattan's doing all along

See, now we're going to need someone to voice over a parody summary of each issue from Ghostcharch's perspective.
It's the only logical way to get through this.

What the fuck is going on in this page

that's because there was never a team called the watch COMEON

Searching for a hidden door. It's been years since I've read it but it seems pretty clear.

He's noticed that the back wall of the inside of the dresser is much closer than it ought to be, compared to measuring the depth of the dresser from the outside with his arm, and then the wire hanger, so he realizes the dresser is probably covering something up.


arent those the characters from that one shitty batman arc

Can you do the ones from this thread?

I'm going to humor this and go the full nine yards with context.

Rorschach is investigating Edward Blake's apartment after a suspiciously violent break and enter that ended in his extremely bizarre murder from being flung through his reinforced glass window.

While going through his affects, he finds a closet which he notices has less internal space than the dimensions seem to be made for. To make sure he isn't imagining things he takes a wire coat hanger and uses it as a improvised measure. He then checks inside and finds a switch that reveals the first face of the closet is a false one, and behind is a secret compartment.
There are other moments in the comic that show Rorschach is a lot more aware and capable of intuitive thinking than people assume.

I remember when I first saw it I actually took a minute to think just how much Moore had to consider a plausible means for Rorschach to get the information he did. Most writers can't be bothered with that sort of setup, the investigator or genius character will just magically get information needed to progress the plot from author osmosis.


are you mistaking them for Knight and Squire? or is there another shitty arc with jester figures?

The ones up above are based on these guys.

Unrelated, but I was reminded of this pasta about writing smart characters

the i am suicide arc

>December 15th
>Followed Adrian to new Earth, still shit like the last one. Found a costume crime fighter, goes by "Batman". Man is seriously disturbed, possible homosexual, won't stop reading my journal.
>December 16th
>Batman appears to be some sort of detective. Threw out my old bean coupon. I hate being a ghost. Will try to make contact.
>December 17th
>Efforts to make contact with bat themed homosexual have failed. Getting frustrated. Keeps touching my stuff.
>December 18th
>Batman meets other heroes, some nonsense about "magic". Meet other ghost, calls himself Deadman, seems redundant. British drunk calls me name, he's afraid of me.