
Rarely see this series mentioned on here, but do you believe Cassie is shagging Cat now? These covers we've seen in solicitations have been a bit nuts, are they intentionally misleading us? Or is Tini Howard truly just living the dream and making her ship canon without giving a fuck?

Isn't cat retarded?

She has Aspergers or is autistic or something. And in addition has the mind of a child from being in a coma since she was a kid. Would Cassie really take advantage of someone like that?

I think it's just the bait that they always do with the covers. I don't have it with me, but the variant for the first issue of the Image run was Cassie bathing with Cat, and they didn't even meet up for something like 6 issues.

Found it. NSFWing it even though there technically is no nudity

Wow, thanks, I don't think I've seen this cover. It's funny Cat has her magnifying glass out for no reason.

But yeah I think they must be baiting. The solicits mention Cassie has a new girlfriend and that an 'old friend' shows up but they keep it vague.

I stopped reading at the beginning of Vol. 2. Been meaning to pick it back up, but despite having no life I also inexplicably never have time.

Despair, loneliness and hornyness have been known to overshadow good judgment, especially when it comes to cute mentally deficient blonds.


but they are nude

Holy shit


>Would Cassie really take advantage of someone like that?
Given the tender and nuturing nature of female sexuality, especially in the case if Lesbians, I see no harm.

You singlehandedly destroyed my desire to start this comic. Such a basic mistake must be punished

Last I checked, her parents were dead, she burned bridges with her adoptive parents, Vlad was dead, all or almost all of her friends were dead, her male lover turned evil and died, and her female lover dumped her and ran off with the kid. At this point fear of becoming a slasher or something is probably the only thing that's stopping her from killing herself.

So I guess I wouldn't be surprised if she engaged in unsettling sex with the womanchild sperg out of a desperate attempt to momentarily feel good.

That isn't the interior artist, Tim Seeley drew that, he always does the covers.

I don't see what's wrong with the hands anyway. They must have insanely long upper arms though.

Fuck yes, I'm midway through the second Omnibus, about to read the Suicide Girls crossover. Glad to see Seeley still writes Cassie from time to time, this comic is a gem.
But from what I can tell about the series thus far, Cassie's relationship won't last long, and given what the OP cover tells us, it's gonna fuck her over pretty soon.

Cassie's like Ash in the sense that everyone she loves dies, is dead, is a Slasher, or all of the above.

Post more Hack.



>Seeley writes Revival, another series about Revenant type beings
>no crossover
Come on, now.