What's Sup Forums's opinion about G.I. Joe the movie 1987?

What's Sup Forums's opinion about G.I. Joe the movie 1987?

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It's pretty nice until Pythona shows up.

Not as good as The Transformers 1986 movie, better than the My Little Pony 1986 movie, but not as good as the My Little Pony 2017 movie.

Also, better than the Jem live action 2015 movie, better than all the live action G.I Joe movies, possibly not as good as the My Little Pony 1984 tv movie (been a while since I seen that but I recall it being decent) and not better than the live action 2007 Transformers movie or the 2011 second sequel, but better than the other 3.

>not better than the live action 2007 Transformers

Everyone says that NOW that Bay hate is practically a meme, but when it first came out people not only liked it, but critics gave it good reviews as well.

Just goes to show how fickle critics and the public themselves are, though Transformers 2 was when the hate started to pour in (and rightfully so, in that particular case, as it was pretty bad)

I hated it day one.



>That one robot that got to grab Lady Jaye's ass.





fucking love that scene

Do you think Duke should've died? Sure as hell looked like a death scene.

no established character should die in carton series

also would kids want to play with "dead" toy?

Yes, last minute change makes it all seem rather silly.

Everything is shit after the opening sequence.

>Not as good as The Transformers 1986 movie
Few things are but GI Joe ARAH was better than the G1 Transformers cartoon.


Cobra-La is a weird place.


Really weird movie with some great stuff.

>Burgess Meredith killing it as Golobulus
>Cobra Commander's trial
>Dat opening
>Great soundtrack

Kids are still playing with Optimus Prime and Superman.

Crashing through the sky; comes a fearful cry of Cobra!



I can imagine them trying to necksnapper or rip the face off of the other toy figures.



>What's Sup Forums's opinion about G.I. Joe the movie 1987?

Fairly divided. There are those of us who unironically loved it, and can still enjoy it today for the animation, the voice-acting, and the action, and there are those who vocally hate it.

The haters tend to fall into two main groups: Firstly, the Cobra Commander fans who were already outraged by him being replaced as leader by Serpentor, and then hated everything the movie did with him.

Then there are the people who've never even seen another episode of the Sunbow GI Joe cartoon at any point, and actually believe that a plot about an underground city of snakemen was just too far-fetched for the GI Joe cartoon that had already featured ghosts, Egyptian gods, and monster under Destro's castle.

Had a bitchin intro. Love singing that shit.


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This, I command.


Amen brother. Something I'm sure we can all agree on.


This intro would later take a shit we now know as Michael Bay.

I like the "used to be a car salesman that was also a maniacal asshole that somehow built an evil empire" origin better.

The animation's good, but it doesn't have the tight focus of the '86 Transformers movie. Honestly, the only scenes I think still hold up are these two


And to be honest, I mostly like the second scene for Sgt Slaughter's voice acting.



I have that song on my playlist. I don't care of it's ripped from the movie. It's too damn good.

My problem with the movie is that after building up Serpentor for a whole season he was stuck as Golobulus' sidekick

With that said Cobra La's main guys were pretty badass

Yes, Serpentor getting shot at and screaming for help really didn't fit his character, and probably happened to try and help sell Nemesis Enforcer toys.

He does get a lot of great scenes and memorable lines, but he got demoted. While Serpentor might have the excuse that Cobra-La engineered his creation and he may not be able to resist them, the rest of Cobra going along with a plan that would wipe out humanity is something that really needed more explanation or justification.

The 3 main Cobra-La characters are all great villains, though. Golobulus spends most of the movie calm and in control, then when he gets angry he's a terrifying thing you do not want to fight.

Thread theme: youtu.be/6B4Pcc9FMWw

That music was also in Transformers seasons 3-4, but may be better known for NOT THE SPORES!

I was always fond of the battle music for it and Transformers.


Good choice, user.

Those cartoons had some great music.

Just watch the intro and rock the fuck out patriot style. Avoid the shitshow that is the main story entirely