Gunnerkrigg Court

>This would be an in joke.

Other urls found in this thread:

Okay, now I'm super confused.

>double the autism

Oh jeez...

kek, looks like annie no longer takes her father and his autism seriously

Do the people in these threads even read this comic?

I guess I'm just wondering why Annie is no longer autistically upset at her father.

Why does he look younger in every panel?

Annie is completely accustomed to her father's autism.

Representing Annie coming to see him in a new light after hearing the story, and knowing he's pals with her best friend? Seeing the dork underneath the hardened old man?

she realized he's just an autist who can't handle being around her, which probably blunted her anger and made her change her attitude around him

I have a hunch this chapter will physically pain me with how awkward it's going to get

err, I'm kind of wondering what will happen once tony is alone with annie and her new carefree attitude.

will he get a boner because she reminds him of surma

Try reading the last chapter

Yes I read the fucking last chapter.

But... that's it? We're gonna take YET ANOTHER opportunity for conflict, tension, and drama, and just sort of smooth it over? How many times has Tom done this, now?

I think the girl's innocent scheme will melt Tony's icy heart and the chapter will end with them all going for pizza together :)

there's clearly going to be tension and awkwardness, its just that instead of annie being all wimpy, she's going to try and be cool beans around tony, and tony's going to keep dropping spaghetti

Because this isn't fucking Eastenders. Drama for drama's sake is boring.

Well I hope so. Gunnerkrigg Court has a way of taking opportunities for interesting storytelling and defanging them. I like the comic but that's a weakness it has.

We've had annie being upset about her father since literally the beginning the comic.

Yeah, which is why I was hoping for more of a payoff for that than her basically shrugging her shoulders and saying she isn't mad any more.

But I think I'm jumping the gun here. It's only the beginning of the chapter. Let's wait and see.

like what? the renard trolling?

Are they ...
Are they ...
Are they holding hands?

Okay, Tony is officially the best.

And guess what, all of those opportunities for "tension", as you put it, are all cliche and overdone. Tom knows how to keep a story interesting, and when to subvert expectations. He's been doing it for over a decade


Tony spontaneously looking younger and more handsome.

is this a cum joke

In a way?

Sometimes cliches are cliches for a reason. And besides, cliched is better than boring, which this comic sometimes is.


This is going to be a great chapter

>"sticky situation"
welp, they fucked.
and since annie is there now, kat won't get the d.
unless incest

This is obviously Annie trying to connect with Anthony, leading to the question of hers at the end of the last chapter

She's trying to get him to open up

Mor like ... she's trying to open up ... for him.

Is it just me or is Tom's art getting more lax as time goes on?
Just look at Tony and Annie here, they're like early 70's lego faces.

Drink does that.

I'm not really expecting to see the comic reached it's ending.

Kat was stabbed in the back by Annie after she got aids from Anthony and she's dreaming of a perfect day one last time before dying

Oh wow, Annie is trying REALLY hard. This is going to be so sweet when she gets devastated beyond all measure.

Am I the only person in this thread who realizes Annie is forcing herself to wear a huge smile to try and get closer to her father? And that it's actually still eating her up inside? I can't be the only one without autism.

Just fuck already!!

>I'm not crazy! It's everyone else that's crazy!

Damn, I sure hope so.

Most people without autism were chased away.

Definitely! Nothing can go wrong here!

Look at Tony's reaction, dude. He entered the room all enthusiastic and smiling and the moment he noticed Annie he went full autism mode. Does that look like all the conflict is smoothed over?

>full autism mode
>Not full "Oh fuck, it's that slut daughter of mine who everyone hates and wants nothing to do with; I wish she'd just kill herself already" mode

Streaming vanilla Katurday stuff:

>I thought this was funny while typing it

No you aren'y

the way you shade is still fucking nasty

I'm sorry, I can't do any better. I'm trying.

as opposed to your cunning 6 hour late bump?

he should've just zimmyposted

daily reminder it used to look like THIS


Want to hear a funny joke?

Porn that's in-character.

Good joke.

If you wouldn't be so autistic, you would understand that Annie is worried that her father treats her differently compared to, well, everyone fucking else.
So she tries to get along and help him and Kat in their work to know him better. It's a normal thing many people would try to do.
My prediction is that someone will say something that will be too much and hell will break lose and Annie will hate her father even more.

Not really for me, I happen to notice at some point this comic being posted frequently on this board. I read the new pages whenever I see a new post but haven't bothered to actually read the comic by going back to the beginning.

Tony is mad that he can't bang Kat today.

Want to hear something even funnier?
porn not drawn by imaa



I don't see anger as much as her and him both out autisticing each other

>annie asks about the project
>tony gives short answers
>reveals it's to get his hand to grow back
>annie innocently asks about losing his hand
>even though she kinda knows the truth
>tony autisticly being an autist over it, feeling guilt cause it hurt her but being a jerk over it
>kat just in the background awkward, kinda angry remembering "oh yeah her dad put her in the hospital
>annie asks another question, maybe about his time innawoods that has too many details
>accidentally revealing she oversaw/heard his conversation with ms donlan
>overautism from tony
>she leaves
>now kat is pissed at him and he doesn't feel like he can trust don as much alone
>she was just trying to get to know him and talk with him
>he's just too autistic

Now that's what I call a sticky situation.

It's Katurday.

I just noticed that he's simply a male version of early comic Annie.


Why do you always draw her with those nasty ribs? She looks emaciated.

Poor Kat. Born without an anus.


Very cute, nice job.

Kat's a twig obviously.

Sounds like you need to go on a diet. Showing that small amount of ribs is normal and healthy, especially for a teen.

ive seen this guys stuff before

who is this

I think the girl's innocent scheme will cool Tony's hot heart and the chapter will end with them all going for ice cream together

I like Annie's shirt.

Look at annie smiling!
How cute, she's pretending to be people.

Annie is good people! She is doing her best to connect with her father.