JSA Storytime: Man-Thing

Good evening owls,

regular-sized tonight

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Priest's first JL issue hasn't come out and Sup Forums already doesn't like him anymore

Oh man, Song Cry of a Living Dead Man?

just FOR YOU, user

frand who got a review copy loved it

Hey folks

Priest on his JL run
I can't say I like the sound of his approach, it's not nearly as interesting a take as he seems to think it is.
But honestly he's built up enough good will with me for me to give it a shot, because I love his writing. So I'll wait and see what he has to say.

>Priest: What I am doing is taking the approach Geoff Johns helped me develop for Deathstroke - refocus it in a more reality-based (and thus better translatable to TV and film) approach.
Yeesh... at least he's honest about it. I wonder who else Johns is saying that to


Hello, Storyteller.

Two things. One, the preview of the Superfriends arc features Lois and her messy desk, because Lois is fuckin' great.

Second, the info on Priest's Justice League sounds pretty fucking awful. Because what better of a storyline for the Justice League than ripping off Civil War? Yes, let's bitch about the heroes who help people, and just kind of ignore that it's the VILLAINS who cause the problems in the first fucking place. Also, the focus is on Batman, because of course it is.

I'm surprised Sup Forums was surprised by that line.

Before the first arc was over, I thought it was even structured how a TV show would be like.

>refocus it in a more reality-based (and thus better translatable to TV and film) approach

Absolutely disgusting

To be fair this was one of the first points he made in Deathstroke Rebirth interviews, its nothing new and it definitely worked for DS.

poll: can you do Man-Thing without the narration?

I still say he should be writing GA or SS. Would result in a lot less MUH as well

you fell for the priest meme

Nah SSfags wouldn't be happy until they're transported back to the 80s, reading Ostranders run for the first time again

I mean, I can't blame comic writers for taking influence from TV since that's kind of the stylistic direction comics have been going in for a very long time and some TV writers seem to have mastered the art of serialized storytelling.

But when you're blatantly saying "I'm writing this to be adapted to TV" instead of just taking influence from the storytelling style, it feels like yet again movies and TV are being touted as the be-all end-all medium and comics are just fodder for them.

Again cuz I love his writing I'll gladly follow him down this direction, even if it isn't usually what I want out of comics. I'm glad he's at least ambitious and not just doing retread crap.

I don't think so, because part of the appeal is the classic horror throwback writing style.

hey i've been praising it from the jump! still enjoying it.

priest Squad would be interesting thou

Not easily, only writer I can think who has the chops for it is Puckett, and in that case you need a really damn god artist.
Man-Thing's lucky in that regard, for one reason or another, Horror comics tend towards high quality art.

where is my Mark Russell Vril Dox, if I can force the world to my will

Do we need to just mail him a complete run of LEGION or what?

How I Spent My Day: archive.org/details/Liquid_Television

sure, it's in shitty VHS transfer quality, but it's intact!

Sandman is my favorite Batbook.

Again, notice how in TV and films, you can sit down, watch it, and get a real story. You can't do that with comics anymore. Decompression killed this medium.

horror comics are so dependent upon atmosphere that anything with purely utilitarian art just sinks like a rock

Ah, I guess the Man-Thong swam in some cold water.


I actually think that's one of King's strengths, and definitely something Priest does fantastic as well.

Each issue of Grayson, Vision, and Deathstroke felt like one complete episode about a specific thing that happened. Sometimes they ended on cliffhangers, sure, but you still got what feels like a chapter of a book rather than just part of a graphic novel that got cut into 22 page chunks.

How many of you who are reading Deathstroke were actually shocked and turned off by Priests JL interview today? And what did you expect?

So production on the Gambit movie has been pushed to March 2018.

It's happening!

Priest's JL sounds like nothing I want to read, but I'm not going to bitch about it.

Now, how do they integrate it into the MCU?

would still read Man-Thong

Scarlet Witch's other brother


I wasn't shocked by it at all because it sounds totally in line with Priest's beliefs and tastes in comics, I was just a little disappointed with the specific things he said because the modernist, cynical view of superheroes is something I got way over a decade ago and has been done to death, usually very poorly.

Again I love Priest's writing so I have hopes that he'll do it in a more clever and smart way than what's been done before.

Set it in the 60's obviously

Holy hell I leave for a week and the picture captcha is now completely unusable. I guess that will stop me from phone-posting, but I wonder if it will generally cut down on shitposting.

>all that shit Priest said about Wonder Woman
That was premium cringe. It was almost exactly like a casual on Sup Forums talking shit for attention. One hopes 15 years is enough time for him to remove his head from is ass, but I ain't holding my breath.

>Ben Percy working on a wolverine audio play
>only writing and not doing voice work

damn shame

What'd he say?

well how are you owls

I am tired and achy

Gerber comics, almost more than anything we've read from the 70s, keep being fucking relevant to the Now

Percy's voice is so sexy, fuck

It's like 5 images long

oh my god, Percy's voice is downright operatic

I'm good, but I'm sick and tired of pre-ordering from Amazon taking up to 3 days even with same day delivery.

Been waiting for that Fall of Deadworld HC.

Oh, and new New Mutants poster looks like the Frighteners poster. Neat.

love the "total slit down the middle" costume style

I don't think so. At least, not a Man-Thing story.

Stories with Man-Thing in them? Yeah, look at Parkerbolts.
Stories ABOUT Man-Thing? No. He has no voice, and really not even an inner monologue. Without narration, he's got far, far less depth and will likely devolve into being a pretty standard monster.

1) Get Clover
2) Use legacy captcha

He did do a couple pretty good WW fill-ins during WML's run.

Priest is such a classic 70's/80's fan, he's gotta have characters with complex moral dilemmas in order to be interesting to him. Which works extremely well with someone like Black Panther, not so much with Wonder Woman.

It's cold up here in Texas for a change
Spent the day reading 70's All-Star Comics. Nice relaxing time.


> the last time I was interested in Wonder Woman was the I Ching era

I get what he's saying. It's a character he knows he couldn't take too far from the version Warner bros would want on film.

yeah, cold front hit us today too

my commute tomorrow may suuuuck

I'm alright. Though I've been revising Watch_Dogs... It never fails to piss me off just how much of a total piece of shit Aiden Pearce is.

And this fucker has the gall to bitch about being typecast as "the black writer". Oh I wonder why that happened, dumbass!

>hating on WML's run without even reading it
Yeah, take your shit taste, and and go fuck yourself.



What are your thoughts on WW vol 2. #88 and #89?


>he's gotta have characters with complex moral dilemmas in order to be interesting to him. Which works extremely well with someone like Black Panther, not so much with Wonder Woman.
I call bullshit. Diana rather frequently faces a particular moral dilemma that causes tons of people to sperg out like fucking morons.
>If she loves everyone, why does she kill? It's such a contradiction!
There's your dilemma. People won't shut the hell up about it.




I feel sometimes like I'm the only person who remembers The Head.

Yeah I just read the caps and him shitting on WML, "babysitting the book for a guy who couldn't read a calendar"... come on dude. Now I feel like taking back the nice things I said about his three issues.


Dunno, I don't remember those issues.

WML's one of the runs that isn't really collected, right? I mean, I've read it, but it was as a storytiime.

Liquid Television is one of those very of it's time things that holds up astoundingly well, highly recommended

WML is uncollected except for via the lens of Deodato, IIRC

I don't think WML has any comics still in print, except his work scripting The Maxx for Sam Keith.

wonder if WML has the same kinda contract stuff that held up reprinting so much Ostrander

let's read another, should be on late tomorrow, if I'm not dead tired

Yeah, the Deodato half is collected

Yep. It's on Comixology, but DC themselves have never put together an omnibus or anything. I think I've heard that it has something to do with editorial having beef with him, though that's probably just heresay.

Lime I said, it's utterly cringeworthy. Granted this was 15 years ago, but I'll be unsurprised if he still thinks that way.


I like a lot of Priest's writing but I disagree with a significant bulk of his taste/analysis

this Timur is an acquired taste but I know he sounds different in house

Yeah, I've got no idea what DC has planned for their trades these days. They seem to like their pattern of "release omnibus, then release deluxe trades made up of the content in it."
There wasn't that much that interested me in that summer 2018 leak, but I'll probably preorder the second BoM book even though it's likely to be cancelled


What's especially stupid is that he praises O'Neill's run for being bold, daring, and trying something different... while also shitting on WML's run for having Diana working at a fast food joint. Like, you fuckin' wot, mate?


Man-Thing faces are the best




He is the woobiest B Movie Swamp Monster.

he really is


>well how are you owls


So, hey. I thought of this back when Doomsday Clock first came out- Was the Harry Potter slam in LoEG maybe Alan Moore shitting on Warner Brothers' tentpole movie franchise because they screwed him over?

fucking finally, waifu academy

No, he was just a really big Timothy Hunter fan
Source: I made this up, sorry

Might be.
He went very hard on Warner Bros. in his "Brief History of the Brothers Warner" segment of Cinema Purgatorio.
Which was fantastic.

I also think he was using Harry Potter to really shred into the whole burgeoning millenial thing.

Think it was more a shot at modern literature and "kids these days, stay off my lawn!"

Probably. Sounds like something the crotchety old bastard would do. Likely also a dig at the kids these days and their newfangled fantasy works. See, back in Moore's day, fantasy was about ripping off Tolkien and weird bullshit for the sake of weird bullshit, and that's how his generation liked it, dammit!


Oh man Harry Potter making me think of LOEG doing all the fucking YA sci-fi dystopias at once. Hunger Games, etc, etc i don't know what the kids are reading.

started V2 and issue 1 (Mars War) might be my fav of the series so far.


All valid points.
I still think Harry was pretty hilarious besides all that.

>Roland, huh? Well, it's not Jesus but I guess it's better than nothing.

>i don't know what the kids are reading
50 Shades of Grey



it's because moore's a really good writer imo.

50 shades is probably less dirty than some of the stuff in loeg already

>LoEG, but with 2000s-2010s YA lit
Hm. Could be interesting I suppose. It'd never fucking happen due to copyright though.

I can't believe Speedball's cat is in this game

never 4get 50 shades is Twilight fanfic

I think Century was more of a bad concept than it had bad execution, definitely. I like every individual bit, but as a whole it's got no weight. Just the team sitting around on their laurels for 50 years at a time.

>fantasy was about ripping off Tolkien

Nah he was a Moorcock reader
