You have just punched DW

>I didn't mean to break your stupid plane Brother Sup Forums! I'm telling mom you hit me! You're gonna be in big trouble when they find out!

Don't make me do it again.

Get Buster to get the rope

o yeah,well if im going to get in troubles it better be for a good reason
unzip penis

haha my parents don't care about my actions either wayyyy

Well if I'm already getting in trouble I might as well molest you.

I feel like there has to be a dumb criminal that actually uses that justification at least once in history. "Well, cops are coming. Let's turn petty theft into manslaughter"

Furfags OUT.

Well I'm already getting grounded, might as well go to prison for statutory rape

You can just sit there and watch.

If you gotta go. Go for the gold.

>statutory rape
So you're saying she'll enjoy it?

Three can keep a secret...

oh really?
*unzips aardvark dick*

Which dick does an aardvark have again? I know they wouldn't recreate it accurate on the show since kids wouldn't recognize anything but a human dick, but I'm curious.

I miss when I was young enough to get away with molesting my little sister, too

I ain't googlin that shit nigger. Also they wouldn't show a dick, period.

if he's uncircumcised, maybe like an anteater

No reason to not give her a little something-something for her trouble. Besides, since she hasn't called for help yet, there's a chance you can maybe convince her to let it slide this time. She DOES want to have fun again, right?

dafuqs wrong with you guys

So, so much. A combination autism, at least one undiagnosed personality disorder, probable depression, and an entire lifetime without an intimate relationship with the opposite sex. That's just me, but I wouldn't be surprised if other anons suffer the same fate.

I'm just horny right now.



I'll happily be the Buster to your Arthur, user.

Me loves bondage and putting brats in their place. I'm also pretty good with knots.

You kill two stones with one bird then.

Minus8 fucking sucks. Why do people give a shit about that self hating gook?

>start to hatefuck her until she begs me to stop while crying
>"okay, I forgive you. Don't cry, you know I love you, it's just that the plane was not supposed to crash with no survivors, I really cared for that plane and you had no consideration for me, that hurted me DW, why can't you be nice to me for once? I can be nice to you, because I don't like being mean to you. You know that, right? would you like me to be nice to you?"
>then I proceed to gently fuck her and make her my fucktoy

Needs a Shrek reference.

The layers upon layers of bad memes is the Shrek reference.

>I'm telling mom you hit me
Who says you'll live that long, cunt?

>start to hatefuck her until she begs me to stop while crying "Donkey"
>"okay, I forgive you. Don't cry, you know I love you, it's just that the "Dragon" was not supposed to crash with no survivors, I really cared for that "Dragon" and you had no consideration for me, that hurted me "Shrek", why can't you be nice to me for once? I can be nice to you, because I don't like being mean to you. You know that, right? would you like me to be nice to you?"
>then I proceed to gently fuck her and make her my onion


Well the spoiler text really fucked up that time

Same here.

Then tell her she has to eat all these eggs

>Which dick does an aardvark have again? I know they wouldn't recreate it accurate on the show since kids wouldn't recognize anything but a human dick, but I'm curious
>Implying the reason they won't show Arthur's dick is because kids WOULDN'T know what it was

Ahhh Sup Forums, I love you losers

Never heard the phrase 'in for a penny in for a pound'?

Sounds like someone wants to get bopped again.

Arthur did nothing wrong

If you're gonna tell on me instead of taking this as a lesson, I might as well go all out and beat you fucking senseless.

Dude a bunch of people do this on a countless basis. A dude with an expired license does a high speed highway chase with staties, gets cornered, still tries to run and then gets shot and murdered because they thought he was an escaped convict who Ironically did the same thing. He was getting taken to court for GTA in a statie police car, statie steps out to help a broke down vehicle, the convict steals the statie car and drives off and escapes.

This is way more common than you think.


Don't bop her with the lollipop...have her suck on it.

I'll bop my baloney to her.

Little birch - I got beat by my brother all the time when I was younger and I didn't need to go to my parents about it. Then again, my brother's younger than me.

