Justice League #34 Storytime

Christopher Priest and Pete Woods make their creative debut!

"The People vs. Justice League" Part One!

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Norrin you really don't take a rest. I just read the final page of Batman and already you've started this.

We don't deserve you.


I T ' S T I M E

Thanks Norrin

Let's get this shitshow started

does anyone remember the last time Priest wrote the Justice League?

thanks op


>JL movie Banner

Boy did they bet on the wrong horse


I feel like Baz would not be nearly devout enough to pray regularly on Earth, much less in space


I don't get this trend of big black text panels


I already don't like that he's doing his Deathstroke gimmick

How come you only do DC storytimes despite having a marvel faggy name

Oh god, i hope this isn't an islamist apologist shill comic. I'm so tired of it.

I can't express how happy the return of the team headshots make me.




Well he's got one character completely wrong so far.

will we get a good JL run after 13(!) years?
also, fuck the WB exec who had the bright idea of putting the movie logo on the cover


Also, that's a fucking good page.

>smug Diana


He's done it for a long time through all of his carreer.


Maybe he just wanted to be the first guy to do it on a planet other than Earth.

This feels a little out of character for baz he's not supposed to be a good muslim, but whatever I guess


I feel like Priest did not familiarize himself with Baz and Jessica very well

The movie logo itself is alright




would Jessica would say that?


I don't know why this particular pose made me laugh

>Batman calling all the shots
>Cyborg calling him boss

I can't wait to see how badly he fucks up


I forgot to add this to my pull list or grab it at my LCS. Thanks for posting Norrin, as Rebirth is now officially over you're just the best thing coming out of Sup Forums right now!

Batman, Aquaman and Wonder Woman undercover? This is... rare. It wasn't bad but... I can't remember another time when they went for an operation like that.


I see Priest decided not to bother learning about Jessica as well as Baz and made her a generic ese spouting mexican like Baz a generic faithful muslim.


this. go away norrin.


While the characterization of the lanterns falls a bit flat the plot is pretty good and the Batman fucking up is actually done pretty well on a good scale.

Hes setting it up prety heavily too

>what an Aquaman ass



>Actual islamic terrorists holding nuns hostage

Good thing Priest is black or comics "journalists" would tear him apart for this

when do we want Hitch back

I liked this, thanks OP!

It was a nice issue to tell the truth.

Never. He should focus on creator-owned.

Batman: Green Lanterns: Superman: Thanks for reading.
Support the official release at your local comic shop!

Never. Don't even think it. Fucking Bendis and Erica Henderson would be better than Hitch.

Already miles better than hitch.

> All this Boss shit from Cyborg

May as well be calling him Massa Wayne

Thanks DC now I can't find Mister Miracle that easy.

And this is why the league needed MM

He had fucking telepathy and was strong enough so he could act as an extra member if necessary.

When I heard it was a Batman fucks up and creates consequences plot, I assumed it would be like all the other times where Batman suddenly acts like a retard and then big explosions and tons of deaths and catastrophe.
But this was done on a very nice scale closer to the character. He gets a piece of random trivia wrong and just assigns team members not to their strengths. And the fuck up is the FBI did what FBI does and botched a situation with like one death. Pretty reasonable and good to see Priest held back on the whole Batman is fallible stuff.

well it's only the first issue. That NEXT TIME seemed pretty ominous

God, will you people give that shit a rest? The character was created as a Muslim. you don't have to get upset every time the comic reminds you of that fact.

True, and we saw Batman at the beginning being tired and I have to say that that is fairly logical for a normal human to be.

virgin detected

Taking his time and gradually getting there is good. Writers often go the character messes up plot rushed with one mistake and then suddenly they are horrible and incompetent at their core now.

Batman shouldn't even be calling the shots on who goes where. Cyborg should be. He's hooked into every computer everywhere and can assess situations and which member would be best for each also Cyborg doesn't need rest

Cyborg sholdn't have replaced Manhunter, he should have replaced Batman because he frankly makes him obsolete

his character since literally his first appearance has been that he isn't a very good Muslim. To the degree where him praying at all seems out of character.

It's a good issue, but Priest really missed the mark on Baz and Jess

>The Silencer
so the Punisher?

Batman will never be an Obsolete mule He is TOO BROKEN for that Also His Barbatos Hax DELETES whatever Non usefulness he has on the Team

Don't blame yourself, Bruce, nun of us are perfect.

And that's also a good show from Priest, he had Cyborg defer to Batman who made the mistake. It isn't completely on on person.
Overall good plotting with some characters falling flat.

>his character since literally his first appearance has been that he isn't a very good Muslim.

And god knows that people never work on their perceived flaws. I feel like that's just offense-seeking. There is nothing wrong with a "bad Muslim" praying. In fact,it seems like a damned good reason to do so.

Cyborg is a young jock, he's a poor strategist and tactician.

Sleepy Bruce is best Bruce.

when I say "bad Muslim," I mean that his faith has never been remotely important to him. It's not a flaw to him that he's a bad Muslim, he's just not dedicated to his faith at all.

How the fuck is bad muslim a flaw? Are you incompetent at English and just react to seeing the word bad as meaning the person is a super not happy negative person?

>Simon and Jessica are completely new to me so I’m still forming opinions about them. In the old days, a writer could take six issue to have a honeymoon with a new character and develop their voice. In our extremely competitive sales environment, that’s just not possible; I have to nail it in issue one.

thanks for the storytime..

Who are you quoting? And what are you implying? Are you saying it is ok for him to write characters poorly?

Priest said that in an interview about this book.

but he'll probably see this thread and course-correct

That's a quote from priest on writing JL. I guess he didn't read Humphries's run

Ok so what did Batman even mess up? He told the FBI guys to fuck off, but they didn't and ended up getting the nun killed. He had a brainfart about the Earthquake thing, but the team took care of it, because they are the fucking Justice League.

>Who are you quoting? And what are you implying? Are you saying it is ok for him to write characters poorly?

Priest from an interview
not saying it's ok, just wanted to share his words on this

Plenty of non-dedicated Christians still pray. What's the big deal?

>How the fuck is bad muslim a flaw?

Do you seriously not understand why being a bad Muslim might be considered a PERCEIVED (keyword, go back and re-read what I said. Perceived) flaw for a MUSLIM? If you're going to call someone else incompetent you should at least show some baseline competency yourself.

>Superman whole How's it going there Tiger. Having a bad day? act

Yeah, that's what he messed up.

that's the thing, it's never been presented as a perceived flaw for him. And he's never been shown to be even remotely faithful.

Why yes user, theoretically anything can be perceived as anything at all by any potential person. But we aren't talking about those people, we are talking about Simon Baz.
But go back blindly defending this writing of a character you know nothing about for whatever reason you have, by all means.

>How exactly does one face Mecca when one is in SPACE?
I think it would have been funny to have him discus this with his ring ( but that's just me ).

I don't understand this cover, can someone explain it to me? Sword in pointed down, away from both heroes, both are shouting "No!", so I haven't a clue as to what the danger is.

It's been Priest's shtick for aaaaaaaaaaages

>Starlord is now a brown muslim
>fucking Marble and their Diversity Hir ... wait

Considering what practicing muslim means to most people it's not really a flaw. Western muslims are just plain more tolerant than assholes who come over and can't deal with the culture shock.

they're both diving for the sword to prevent it from stabbing someone else

>I don't get this trend of big black text panels
Title Cards have been a thing since before movies had sound ( "Meanwhile back at the ranch ... " )

fucking kek he brought his love of driving buses into the JL