What are some good arthurian style comic books?

What are some good arthurian style comic books?

Preferably no feminist stuff plz

Prince Valiant

you must be fun at parties

>tfw you can't find any volume past 9/4 online
It hurts.

Because he likes Camelot?

Look, man. The last two reads were heavily stinged in feminist critique. I just want Arthurian adventures, not "SMASH DA PATRIARCHY WE'RE THE QUEEN NOW".

because he is compelled to weasel in whining about women

Arthurian comics are not... typically known for or associated with feminist ideology or anything related to it, and rather enforces a chivalrous honorable-man code.

So... OP is a fag that has to weasel in about bitching about women, user was correct.

get cucked by lancelot, you fucking onion-knight

>Arthurian comics are not... typically known for or associated with feminist ideology or anything related to it, and rather enforces a chivalrous honorable-man code.
>Once and Future Queen intensifies
>Yvain intensifies

How is not wanting political stuff in my King Arthur "whining/bitching about women"?


It's like saying you don't want any ice cream on your medium rib-eye steak, not wrong, just show how you are a paranoid.

And the Mist of Avalon.
I'm guessin the subject of Arthur has attracted here all the cucks of the site.

Marvelshill please kill yourself. You'll make everyone happy this christmas if you do.

>Implying Marvel has any arthurian style/theme comics in the past decade
What are you, never read comic?

>And the Mist of Avalon.
Glad I took a miss on that, then.

What is it with arthurian lore and feminism? You'd think they'd be antithetical, given Arthurian times have some amount of medieval life realism infused within.

Tony pls stop posting.

>the last two reads
You're not gonna name them?

What are you, english no speak yes?

>You'd think they'd be antithetical
It's precisely because of that, the more the subject is unfit for feminism or general SJ bullshit, the more SJW try to shoehorn them in it.
It's why they don't give a shit about Bradbury but love to take and mess with Lovetcraft's stories to show how RAYCISS he was.

I did.

>male rapist is turned into a female
>falls in love with a female
>engages in baby killing
What was Mike Barr thinking?

Chevalier Ardent.

It's about a teenage knight with a very short fuse.

Heh, sounds like Prince Valiant.

It is english?


Shut up Fisher King
Everyone knows you are impotent.

It's a lot like Valiant, only that Ardent gets stark raving mad and attempts to go SSJ where Valiant would just smirk.

Couple of books have been translated during the 80s, most of it is still available in continental languages.

Aah, a standard Reddit response. Please fuck off

Well said. I really dislike the creeping infringement of feminism, too. It's hard to find a straightforward adventure story that isn't 'subversive' in some way now.

Oh God, I remember that book. Mists of Avalon was probably the only book I ever trashed.

How bad is it? My Pendragon DM has been reading it, should I be worried?

And yeah. Worst of the worst is still Rat Queens, though. And you keep seeing it on every "Best of Fantasy Comics" list now.

>And you keep seeing it on every "Best of Fantasy Comics" list now.

Well actual good or entertaining comics aren't being bought and read by US consumers, so that's what you get?

> My Pendragon DM has been reading it, should I be worried?

It's just badly out of theme. It's like trying to apply realpolitik to Fist of the North Star: The setting wasn't designed for that. To use a metaphor, it's going "Bomberman on the N64 is about the brutal consequences of a terrorist insurgency."

Except Bomberman isn't a cultural touchstone that's hundreds of years old. You can do anything you want to those legends, they're unbreakable.

>"Bomberman on the N64 is about the brutal consequences of a terrorist insurgency."

I know this is going off-rails, but now I'm suddenly reminded that the second N64 Bomberman game involved fucking deicide.

those lists are utter bullshit, just like the hugo awards which were infiltrated by retarded SJW's that get booty blasted when people dont vote for their schlocky crappy books that dont sell as well as niche books on spark-plug identification and collecting, or independently/amazon published urban fantasy romance novels.

Shining Knight part of Seven Soldiers.
Also Demon Knights from n52.

I should get around to older versions of the character.

IDK but sounds interesting.

Crecy =)