Why do they fucking force this shit on Spider-Man so hard? His Legacy run so far is FILLED with forced sjw shit...

Why do they fucking force this shit on Spider-Man so hard? His Legacy run so far is FILLED with forced sjw shit. It's awful.

Other urls found in this thread:


What's sjw about this?


Because Slott hates us all and wants Spider-Man to be HIS thing, not the fans thing, his thing that nobody can touch because in his eyes his Spidey is the only good Spidey.

>It can't be all about men, sweetie
really? It feels forced and not funny.

Nah, you're just acting like a triggered snowflake.

Boy. They might as well just cut out the middle man and say "All men are awful, and that's not an exaggeration." This isn't witty or anything. It's just tiresome.

>That's not sandman!
>Why does it have to be a MAN?!

That's just annoying and not funny. Sorry. That's my opinion.

But you can change both Siri's and Alexa's voice to a male one.

that's not forced, that's just bants
this is forced

How is having dual voice settings on a little robot "a step back". There *IS* a reason Siri and Alexa have female voices, but it has nothing to do with yass slay queen and everything to do with FOCUS groups. Female voices (and even more specifically, female voices with a british or midwestern accent) test better across all demographics.

>really? It feels forced and not funny
So... Like the majority of Slotts run?

ok, this page was funny.

Whats funny about it? It's just a splash page

>gets pegged by his boyfriend mark
It’s ok user we all know you are a faggit you don’t have to keep making gay statements


>Let's send Peter's status quo back about 11 years

...How do you lose a billion dollars? Did the gov't push his shit in?


it's just dialogue banter

It's in character for Mockingbird, dude.

This is like getting upset at how Black Canary was always being pissy about chauvinists in JLI. It's literally being played for a joke and you're still getting upset.

haha max benis :-DDD :---DDDD

Oh God, this physically hurts me. I wish I could take a gun and kill the writer, but I don't know where he lives.

I want my electronic devices to have a female voice, because they're subservient to me.

It's a bad attempt at a social satire. Taking away what could be a good quip, dialogue, or character development.

Isn't this a villain that Nova dispatched easily? Before cosmic I mean. He called her a second rate Sandman.

Live action needs to banned from Sup Forums. It just opens the door for retards like the OP to bitch about politics.

I haven’t read the pages but I bet OP’s life it isn’t as big a deal he makes it out to be. They’re fucking picture books, get over it.

So this... is the power... of soy...

But considering the characters involved that exchange is totally natural. Spidey is a motormouth and mockingbird is up her own ass with overly aggressive feminism, the exchange makes perfect sense.

Without context this looks extremely unnecessary, and I don't figure it's much better in context.

But really, all I really I want to say is
>reading spider-man
>after OMD and Superior
get the fuck out of Sup Forums

I feel like this is taken out of context and there is an ironic payoff at the end.

He says
>that's not sand man
She hears
>sand villain has to be a man

>what else is new?

To be fair, it's entirely possible for a being like Sandman to shapeshift into a women.


It's more like she's saying there's other sand villains besides the one Spider-man knows.

Out of Context?
In my Sup Forums?
Its more likely than you think.

>inb4 mods accidentally send everyone to get redpilled

What does Sandman's sand vagina feel like? Asking for a friend

>Taking away what could be a good quip, dialogue, or character development.
Slott is incapable of any of those so nothing is really lost.

>no SJW undertones
I fucking call'd it he is altrighter.

What a bunch of cry baby bullshit! OH NO MY SPIDER-MAN COMICS SAID MEN AREN'T ONLY AND ALWAYS THE BEST! I am being oppressed by my inability to ignore serious inequality problems in the world!

That's you, that's what your doing, when you bristle at innocuous references to the ubiquity of hegemonic masculinity. Fucking grow up. Men aren't the worst, you are, do better.

There's no possible way this isn't meant to be parody. Not even talking about the ridiculous robot voice sexism, just the "Wowie, I can't believe you're a super spy, security specialist AND the best at literally every field of science we work with here"

Not even guys like Reed Richards get treated like this.

I can't hate Bemis. His wife is a total qt

Save us, Sideways!

Ugh. Lookin' right at the reader while she says it, too.

Not to mention on top of all of that, she’s a 10/10 blonde.

Welp. That's shit. Does anyone call her out on that? Does anyone call the writer out on this?

>write hamfisted bullshit with your fists of ham

wew lad

>opening image and subject is about a comic
>doesn't like live action

Are you retarded? Or just a bad case of the dumbs? Because, even as a shit post, this is stupid.

They specifically put the emphasis on the MAN part of Sandman. She's mad about gender assumptions.

wew lad nothing. It ain't brave and bold writing. It's a silly and kinda fun power fantasy for children. And nothing to do with being a man, but if you can't take the mere mention of gender issues, the problem is with you, not your funny books

It says you, not men. She's making a crack that there are more villains out there than spidey's.

Not to fear! The status quo defenders are ever ready to cry their impotent rage into the all-new all-different world they never made! You will know them by their call "BUT WHAT ABOUT MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!?!?!"

Get used to it sweetie. It's our turn.

Please be bait, holy fuck.

I don't even know what to believe are edits anymore.

>Why does the villain have to be sand MAN?
>...Didn't your book get canned because of that shit?

Real talk, when is Slott fucking off? I'd actually take Chip Zdarsky over that fat cunt.

Amazing Spider-man is too big to fail. So either he leaves of his own will or health wise.

Nah son, that's me dragging your ass into the light. Kick and screaming apparently.


Now to be fair, you could just honestly be complaining about Slott's delivery, and if so fair enough, but c'mon! It's Amazing Spider-Man, it's allowed to be corny

I know right!? How could the world be biased towards a straight white male perspective if sometimes I'm sad?

I know this is bait, but anyone who honestly believes white women in the first world face literally any kind of gendered oppression is a joke.

Whatever helps you sleep at night, babe.

Eugh I think hate this because it's been written without an actual purpose. It's just one of those "haha take that" to a problem that doesn't make exist.

In the real world this would be a tongue and cheek joke from an actual woman

They may face less than other groups, and there may be many that are able to avoid most negative consequences, but I see pretty clear and constant systemic bias against women.

Obviously I can't make you see it if you already decided it doesn't exist, but maybe at least consider the possibility moving forward?

everytime someone says sweetie I hear this youtube.com/watch?v=lb35owhcVjA
and urge for violence rises

>worlds biggest loser
He got that right. call me when they go back to mayday parker and her cop dad. better than the shit they have put out in the last 5+ years.

How long till he is busted for sexual harassment and sexual favor trading?

>How could the world be biased towards a straight white male perspective if sometimes I'm sad?

This. And actually one time I got a sad BECAUSE of a woman :( Checkmate feminists

Notice how it's just Mockingbird saying this stuff. Slott is being true to her characterization in her recent series (the one with the ask me about my feminist agenda t-shirt).

Easily the shittiest thing ever, including shit.

>MFW "feminists" are complaining about alexa and other female voices because we are oppressing digital women and they can't fight back when you ask siri to suck your dick
>settings keep switching back to default
>how is that a problem?
I would like to see her use the internet on a computer without a cmos battery for a month.

>How long till he is busted for sexual harassment and sexual favor trading?

Sooner than you think
The most vocal SJW and male feminists are the biggest sexual predators, the wave of accusers are lining up in the comics industry will be sudden soon and huge
Very few men in the industry will be unscathed and no amount of virtue signaling will save them.
screen cap this post

Man and woman are different, so of course society will have different bias toward them.

nope. like with iris west on the tv, no one ever gets called out for anything. even if they did, I miss the times when characters had personal flaws instead of political wrongness

Has this ever even fucking happened on this shit board

>I fucking hate you

quality professionalism right there.

here is the next page. I don't see an ironic payoff, I see a tired "women are loco, safer not to engage"

Did Bendis do this?

Why the fuck do you still give them money?

Huh, not bad.

well I see constant systemic bias for women but many still ask for more

while true, he should be working to sweep it away and return her to normal or at last add new sides to her. all powergirl type business women that have it all seem factory made

Like maybe 3 times in the last year that I know of.

Marvel writers have fundamental lack of understanding of how money works.

When you're a billionaire it doesn't fucking matter if the whole business goes down in flames, you're never going to end up destitute and back at square one, there are too many layers of financial meme magic between you and the actual corporation.

Imagine if this guy is as good as New Super-Man..... this will kill dan slott


That's not a very WOKE perspective Marvel!


Get with the times, it's 2017!

>I guess that makes TWO ladies with sand in their vagina around here.

Discount tony is making cyberman so he is too busy to cuck parker

>literal sweetie-talk

Correct! and trying to optimize the system so these biases don't distort and corrupt its efficient functioning is a noble and worthy goal.

And so I think of complaints such as those that brought about this thread as cry baby bullshit, on par w/ girls have cooties, and why isn't there a white history month?

It shows an inability to parse levels of abstraction, false dichotomies, and it frustrates me to see so many otherwise bright kids spinning their wheels on this 3rd grade horse shit.

When will the couch jokes die? It was not funny back in the 90s

Right because Susie likes Billy instead of you?
Or some other homespun anecdotal horse hockey? Get over it.

Ok, I get it, this is just sending you further into your cave, fair enough.

But one day you will hit a rock bottom of sorts and you will wonder where you went wrong, and it will be here, where you can't see through a paradigm other than your own demographic.

Good luck & best wishes!

Butthurt about everything, aren't you?

wait, who's the guy with the bowtie?

yes. repetition turns annoyance into rage

Calm down snowflake.

>Since when does the default sand-villain have to be SandMAN (man in BOLD)

Is this a shitty troll or a real tumblrite?