Every fucking movie you get the same autists complaining and saying “it wasn’t serious enough!” and “there were...

>Every fucking movie you get the same autists complaining and saying “it wasn’t serious enough!” and “there were too many jokes!”

Nigga it’s been almost 10 years now.

Other urls found in this thread:


>”Why can’t muh funny picture meme books be adapted as ultra serious adult dramas!?”

Because Netflix and the DCEU proved that’s a fucking retarded idea.

How quickly we forget the existence of pre-2008 superhero movies.

MCufags don't care about anything other than MCU

How was Batman and Robin a serious adult drama?

Like it was proven r-rated can't be profitable enough
Don't be silly with your anecdotal shit
I want both, diverse movies with different tones and stories

Blade 2 was better than Blade, and it took itself much less seriously.

You mean shitty films that weren’t faithful to the source material?

Crying Spider Man who has organic webs and X-Men who wear black leather is totally what I want.

>Nigga it’s been almost 10 years now of successful to extremely successful movies with a only Thor falling flat until recently where he finally picked up


Deadpool made a shit ton of money. Logan tried it too but couldn’t match it.

>implying that Blade 1 didn't take itself seriously
>implying that Del Toro could ever hope to match the silliness of Blade 1

This is a thing I’ve noticed a lot with “nerd” fandoms. They always want their shit to be adapted as “dark” and “serious”. They want their silly property to be taken seriously by normies but miss the point that the reason why said property got popular in the first place was because of its silliness.

I have internal autistic rages whenever someone suggests a new Star Wars movie “be dark like Empire”. Way to miss the fucking point of why that movie was so great you damn edgelord.

>Marvel's been remaking the same family-friendly action comedy with a different coat of paint for 10 years now.
Yes, and?

>MCufags don't care about anything other than MCU

MCU fag here. I think Batman Begins is one of the best Capeflicks ever made.

>you get the same autists complaining and saying “it wasn’t serious enough!” and “there were too many jokes!”
Oh, that's just Zak. Ignore him.

>“it wasn’t serious enough!” and “there were too many jokes!”
You sure that that's a complaint about the MCU?

Because less grim Thor is doing better than Dark World did and, over in DCLand ... whelp:

id like to forget that time

Comics like Spider-Man, Fantastic Four and Thor paved the way for what you could do in superhero comics that was beyond just heroes quipping and beating up villains, and they did it in the 1960's

No one is saying to make dark gritty movies, it'd just be nice if they didn't turn every single series into an action comedy with a by the numbers plot

Thor should be a LotR style epic fantasy. Daredevil should be a gritty crime drama. Dr. Strange should be trippy and cerebral. GotG should be a space opera. But instead of giving each character special attention to make the best possible film with that character, they put everyone into the same mold and serve you a bland and forgettable but easily digestable mush every six months and ask you to start getting excited for the next one.

It's almost like some people prefer their action movies in a serious tone not silly comedy.
Also Logan was better than pretty much all MCU/DCEU movies.

Its just butt hurt Synderfags

Not really. They were about the same level of seriousness. Possibly was more serious.

Blade 1 started on a rave that turned out to be filled with vampires dancing in blood rain.
Blade 2 started on Blade having to rescue his vampire changed mentor, with the likely event he would have to kill one of the few people he ever considered family.

I just want moments that should be taken serious to be serious.

Think about Civil War is there a single Joke once Tony sees the video of Bucky killing his parents? They give that fight the time it needs with no jokes to show that this is a serious moment and something important just happened.

I don't need every movie to feel like a Nolan Batman movie and i don't want every movie to feel like an MCU quipfest.

Still did good though so I'm sure they're content

>Think about Civil War is there a single Joke once Tony sees the video of Bucky killing his parents?

War Machine's physical therapy

And it still sucks

*sum41 intensifies*

They need to stop. The massive box office profits arent worth it. They should instead man grimdark movies that intellectuals such as myself enjoy.

Don’t tell Sup Forums that. They’ll prob up Dark World for being “le serious!”

>Thor should be a LotR style epic fantasy.

Fuck off Alan Taylor

i was sarcastic in case you didnt notice, not sure what YOUR point is
logan made over 600m with 100m budget thats ROI rarely achieved with big budget, deadpool was a freaky anomaly that is unparalleled, you cant expect others to match the numbers it generated

back on track:
im sure a more serious approach to capeshit can be made to work
i want silly things and serious things, and the two mixed together as well
r rated silliness, pg-13 seriousness as well, why not
TDK is still great despite the fact that people here will try to convince you they never liked it
in a few years they will be saying that deadpool wasnt fun

that being said marvel will stay homogenic and thats fine as long as there are other studios to produce other output, but there is a great beast loose in the world of men
with disney swallowing more and more ip i can only hope they will create a second division for movies that wont be so obsessed with brand perception

>They’ll prob up Dark World for being “le serious!”
That's not how you spell KINO!

>as long as there are other studios to produce other output
Yeah good luck, WB folded after one movie and now that Snyder's gone thanks to their meddling WB can start shitting out carbon copies of The Avengers. Sony gave up as well with Spider-Man. And Fox is gonna be gone in a moment. At this rate, every year will see the same damn movie released five or six times, and it will probably remain profitable for at least a decade.

>marvel will stay homogenic
They tend to stick to a formula; but the Netflix Marvel isn't much like the Movie Marvel and neither of them are on the same wavelength as Agents of SHIELD.

And then you get all the "Marvel" stuff that's not by Marvel's in house production like Legion, The Gifted, and Runaways.

I think it's actually too srs bzns, but
>Nigga it’s been almost 10 years now.
how is that an argument at all?

> At this rate, every year will see the same damn movie released five or six times

Most blockbusters had very similar plots before the MCU was even a thing. Getting mad that movies follow formulas is like getting mad that the sky is blue, you're just noticing it now?

And this is a related aside, but people need to shut the fuck up about MacGuffins. I get it, you read that word once and now you think you're a film critic because you understand a concept, but MacGuffins have been around since the dawn of fucking storytelling. It's not an inherently bad thing no matter how many ebin points you get from shitting on them in TV Tropes.

>Dude MacGuffins lmao
>I know a word, and the Internet told me that word is bad storytelling, why put any thought into it?

>Donner's Superman: extremely lighthearted
>Burton's Batman: full of fantasy feels and dark comedy
>Raimi's Spiderman: full of comedy

The only ultra serious cape movies that actually worked were Blade because of its genre (still comedic at times), 2 Xmen movies and Ang Lee's Hulk (which actually a lot of people hate, I'm the minority here). Actually i just realized i was forgetting about Nolan's trilogy. I'm not saying these titles should be compared to the MCU quality wise but as far as tone goes it's an extreme exaggeration to say all the best capes were ultra serious before the MCU

>superheroes are serious business
Look, neckbeard. I get it. It blew your mind when Flash turned out to be the lightning that struck him in the first place, it's nice. But comic books are not serious business. Comic books are silly little things for kids, have mediocre art and both the stories and the dialogues are nothing special.

Just grow up. Comic books and videogames should not be taken seriously.

Movies aren't the same just because they share a basic narrative structure.

Daredevil S1 & the first 4 episodes of S2 are among the greatest comic adaptions of all time.

ye we need single aesthetic for everything, this will be so interesting
are you sure the only problem with thor 2 was seriousness?
are you sure the only problem at DC was seriousness?
i dont think theres only one recipe for a good movie
i liked thor 3 but i dont want more movies to be molded after gotg

But we don't see many of these properties as silly in anyway.
Captain America hasn't been silly in tone since 911.

>Way to miss the fucking point of why that movie was so great
Competently made in every respect including tone.

>Because less grim Thor is doing better than Dark World
What in the fuck is with this god damn revisionism of history.
It was universally agreed the humor (besides loki) in the 1st 2 Thor movies sucked & they needed to me more serious epics.

The problem with these arguments is that they're flawed from the damn start. It's absurd that people call movies like TWS and CW "dumb comedies", it's idiotic to claim GotG or Dr Strange don't have serious moments, and so on. Yeah, bid deal, Antman made a joke about orange slices, explain how that nullifies 2 hours of film that mostly revolve about death, conspiracies and conflict. Quill built a Pac-man, explain how that ruins Yondu's death


>Quill built a Pac-Man
I don't get the hate for this scene. It was funny, in-character and made sense following the story.

>Antman made a joke about orange slices, explain how that nullifies 2 hours of film that mostly revolve about death, conspiracies and conflict

It turns the entire airport fight into a weightless joke. There's no consequences because the funny comedy man is making jokes at the end, don't worry, nothing REALLY bad actually happened.

>inb4 that's the point, it wasn't a real fight until Rhoedy got hurt

They why even bother showing the fight? Why not have Rhodey's back broken ten seconds after they start? The entire fight is meaningless.

I know right, the shitposting was so retarded when the movie was just coming out


Because actual criticism has been thrown out in favor of autistic nitpicking. So retards like use an individual moment and use that to describe an entire movie.

Do people STILL watch marvel movies?

It's like the same plot over and over again.

An action piece in the middle of an action movie shouldn't happen unless someone dies from it? What reasoning is that, if the fight was so weightless are you saying Rhodey's injury was actually a good twist you didn't see coming? The fight officially half the Avengers into criminals, is that not a consequence?

desu, i don't want it to be super serious, but if it wants to play like a comedy make sure its funny.
I know humor is objective, but still.
Gotg 1 humor felt way less forced than the sequel,and maybe because of this it was much funnier.

I'll take "I see losers" over "Drax poop lol" or baby groot anyday.

The humor was the most well liked parts of the Thor films, what are you talking about? Dark World was a slog until Loki got out of prison and started wisecracking. Nobody fucking asked for a more serious Thor film after Dark World.

Loki's humor was liked.
The earth humor with Kat Dennings was insufferable & utterly despised by everyone.
It wasn't slog-ish because it was serious, it was because Malektih was painfully generic as fuck.

It just reeked of DAE PACMAN I GOT THAT REFERENCE #80s NERDS LMAO leddit-tier "humor".
I thought the movie was OK, but the pacman scene was kinda eyeroll-inducing.

>I've never actually read Silver Age Marvel: the post

Get better standards, faggot

I did. And plenty of people we're interested in a serious Thor movie when the first Ragnarok trailer came out.

I mean really, it's a movie titled Ragnarok and who's main villain is the goddess of death. Who'd be looking this wanting to go "needs more funny".

>but the pacman scene was kinda eyeroll-inducing.

It made sense. Ego said that with way more practice that Peter could make some complicated things. Obviously, since he had very little, he could only do basic shit. So he made a pacman to fight Ego whereas Ego made a giant man. They stayed true to what was established and threw in a le-80s reference.

Yet people loved the funny tone

Face it
The MCU is feared towards non-autists
And they know what works and they have no reason to deviate from what works

post 2008 superheroes are superior in all sense, in by that i mean Marvel and Marvel alone, the other companies are pure shit.

1998 Nick Fury beats any Nick Fury/SHIELD appearances later.

fuck that shit, i rather watch Baywatch nights again

Good it is. I know this is unpopular but I think it's the most watchable of the nolan flicks.

>Ang Lee's Hulk (which actually a lot of people hate, I'm the minority here)

>Spiderman with no spidey sense and Manderin is an actor.

MCU faggots are funny when they forget their own retarded shit.

That's not unpopular here from what I've seen, occasional "TDK is le masterpiece" fags nonwithstanding. Want some truly unpopular opinion? Ducard is the only enjoyable Nolan villain.
>b-but his plan wouldn't solve anything
It's almost as if fanatics (and let's be honest with ourselves, the League is nothing but a glorified, albeit powerful, cult) are not very rational people.

>ultra serious
>batarang thing
>dat fist pump
>vampires wearing sunblock
>"some motherfuckers always trying to ice skate uphill"


Fuck off, MCU made a step in the right dirction but returned to their quipping bullshit

I'm just glad those people weren't around in the 90s, can you imagine how much they would have bitched about action movie one liners?

Ang Lee's Hulk is easily in my top 10 Superhero films. Such an underrated look at the psychological development of a monster, done with heavy inspiration from Peter David's run, while updating the image of the character, since he was seen in the 1970's show..

Great editing, acting, and an unconventional plot structure, it's a very solid film that deconstructs superheroes before DC tried to do it with their movies.


>I did. And plenty of people we're interested in a serious Thor movie when the first Ragnarok trailer came out.

You mean the trailer that ended with Thor telling everyone Hulk is a friend from work? The trailer for a movie made by a guy who repeadtly stated the movie was going to be a "cosmic road trip"?

He had spider-sense in Civil War at least

Not them, but what I like about it is Hulk properly smashing puny army in the desert and jumping miles. It had to be done at some point, and it was done well enough.

>Great editing
Hated the "comic book panel" meta thing. It made no sense.

>It just reeked of DAE PACMAN I GOT THAT REFERENCE #80s NERDS LMAO leddit-tier "humor".
I mean it was directly referencing a line Peter said earlier in the movie

>And plenty of people we're interested in a serious Thor movie when the first Ragnarok trailer came out.
There is nobody who thought Ragnarok was going to be a serious Thor movie when that first trailer came out. I think you don't understand why that trailer got so popular

I thought he was fantastic as well. Those scenes him and Bruce shared were what the Kino memesters should be Kino-ing.


>it’s been almost 10 years now.

is all you care about for a movie is that the characters are like from your comic books? Is that all it takes? The movie can be 85% green screen with bad jokes and no good characters but by god if Spidey has his webshooters I'll be happy

I hate when ppl who think accuracy is the most important thing.
First we need a good movie, then we worry about muh accuracy. No one gives a fuck about webshooters if everything else about ur movie sucks

Accuracy is a good meter of whether they're serious about the adaptation or if they're just cashing in on the name.

Ur not wrong at all. But for example let's look at one of the best comic book movies imo, Spiderman 2. It's not totally comic accurate but it's a great movie because of its strong cast, acting, visuals, action and muh themes. My point is, I'd prefer a good movie over a comic accurate one. Know what I mean?

I admire what Kevin Feige has achieved and love the cohesiveness of the universe.

But the Disney/Fox deal is likely going to turn the MCU into a bloated mess, and end any chance of less well known Marvel characters a chance.

You did pick a good example for me. It has great moments, Ock dies but isn't cheap.
But the whole sappy romance thing was a big "muh vision" thing by Raimi, and I felt it was overdone in the series. And the movie could have been done with webshooters, though I guess it would make the powerless part a bit more difficult to show.

I may also be on the minority here that doesn't mind quips and comedy in superhero movies, but would have loved a comedy of errors where Ock is about to get married to Aunt May, for instance. The general public probably knows Spider-Man better for the light-hearted parts than the whole relationship drama and the constant tragedy that goes on in pretty much every movie.

I like Peter's life being a piece of shit, because when he triumphs in the end it's so much more satisfying. The ending for that movie is too good. It's definitely not only the comedy that draws me into spidey, if it were I would like homecoming way more.

The problem is that it feels like he never really comes out on top, no matter what. Pete needs a break, at least.

I didn't even bother with homecoming... or Amazing 2 for that matter[/poiler]

As someone who loves the MCU, I actually agree with this. I find that the constant jokes and quipping really do take away from the emotional gravity of certain scenes and the sense of urgency some action scenes should have, so I do wish the movies would take themselves a little more seriously. But I'd still take that ovet the dour seriousness of MoS and BvS any day.

Can't we just agree TDK and BB are both good?

You missed the point so hard it achieved escape velocity

>the Disney/Fox deal
Is that an actual thing? Seen some rumor yesterday, but didn't see Sup Forums talking about it all over the place, so I just dismissed it.

>Nigga it’s been almost 10 years now.

Yeah, you'd think they'd stop being so self-conscious and stop winking at the audience. We get it, the people behind the MCU think the material is childish and stupid. We don't need to be beaten over the head with the message every film.

You don't need constant sarcasm and Joss Whedon-esque dialogue for something to be lighthearted and fanciful.

Did the original Star Wars trilogy need a ton of quips? Did classic Disney movies? Of course not, because they were genuinely fun and imaginative.

Hell, I'd argue that endless sarcasm and bitter snark work against a lighthearted tone. They ruin immersion and make a movie feel insincere.

>Mystery Men
>Metor Man

Forget what?

>Nigga it’s been almost 10 years now.
And each movie has been identical. Way to highlight the problem everyone's complaining about.

If Empire came out today people would see Han's "I know" line and accuse it of being a cheap quip that ruined a dramatic moment

I understand your sentiment, but just saying

This isn't a marvel problem. This is a hollywood problem.

Million dollar making movies are all by the numbers mush that has been done thousands of times. The ones that aren't are based on properties that have been proven to be multi million dollar and have name power.

As far as marvel is concerned, Netflix was your best hope and that failed quickly with how small a budget + creative bankruptcy they ran into.

This this this. There is nothing I hate more than serious shit. I just want to turn my brain off and have FUN. I LOVE quips and I flippin' LOVE Baby Groot! Based Marvel gives me everything I want in a movie without asking me to pay attention, and that is good. I just want some laughs and an explosion or two

Deadpool (the movie) never was fun user unles you're 12 years old

Sure... people can drink all that shit they want. Miller Lite will sell more in one night from one of the large big city liquor stores than that shit will sell nationwide in a week.

And you know what? THAT'S FUCKING FINE. If someone likes some snooty over priced beer, good on them, mate. They can bathe in that shit for all we care. But most people just like regular beer, so that's what they're going to drink and not pay $20 bucks for a six pack because some beer elitist puts unicorn piss in "Dark Lens Filter Beer."

The problem is that the beer snobs are expecting everyone to like the unicorn piss and that they should buy it and drink it like elitists do. And they won't. And that should be fucking fine, too.

Spend $600 million making and advertising it, and they'll get a lot of people to give it a shot. Maybe even enough to make a tidy profit.

But the next batch, they'll get less to give it a second shot. Much smaller profit.

Third time, they'll be lucky to break even. The banks will shut them down because they'll be wasting money making expensive beer that only the "elites" with their "refined tastes" will like, and if they're spending more money than Miller is and not selling, they will go out of business.

Meanwhile, Miller keeps cranking out case after case, probably spending a lot less than them and getting a much better return. When you ask the average Joe in the liquor store "What's your favorite beer?" 99 out of 100 will say "Miller Lite, bro. It's pretty consistently good." And you'll have one faggot who screams at the top of his lungs "It's gotta be 'Dark Lens Filter Beer!' Don't you know they use unicorn piss and other rare ingredients to make it? How anyone can like that regular stuff is beyond me. OMG, they're such a bunch of plebs who don't understand anything about the brewing process!"

If they want to serve a niche, that's perfectly fine... but don't spend money like the big boys if you can't appeal to a wide market.